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Everything posted by Jatne

  1. I love all the anecdotal evidence, with exact numbers like "40% less effective" not 30% or 50%. You guys should be magicians! p.s. I did not know there were this many 2full BM" geared players left in the game.
  2. You know... hate to break it to you but Operativse are HoTs and baby nuke heals. Not meant to keep people up vs. direct damage. Umadbro?
  3. Let me impart some wisdom upon the ailing masses. Orignally, Warzone commendations came from... you guessed it! Warzones! And Mercenary commendations came from (LOL) world PvP. In several places you could even farm chests of 30 Merc comms! Therefore, to establish a balance, a ratio of 30:10 or 3:1 was put in place. Fastforward a couple of patches, they announce the changes and Merc comms are removed. What is the problem?
  4. I agree to a large extent. I have had a 12k HP Jedi Guardian with 78 Expertise tell me that Operative is OP because they CC locked him to death... Bads will be bads. Adapt or fall by the wayside.
  5. Decent PvP? BM geared players in groups of 4 facerolling kids? Not what I call decent. Healers needed to be toned down, DPS was fine how it was. Just my two penneth.
  6. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and tell the PvP community you nolonger wish to be a part of it. As you obviously were such an integral part of the community, you shall surely be missed! I am very glad that after taking the time to read the PvP forums, you decided that as there were no other threads expressing a slight lack of appreciation at nolonger being rewarded for failure, you made a thread to tackle the issue. Once again, thank you!
  7. In this patch, the bad players whine and the good ones adapt.
  8. As opposed to what? Stack heals and tanks so nobody dies?
  9. Pretty weak argument. It is hard to Force Pull when you are dead. It is also not very useful to Force Pull into the pit, after you've knocked all the catwalk gangas down. In conclusion, you should learn to Huttball. Maybe consider making friends and don't solo Q EVER!
  10. It is now possible for two DPS to train down and kill almost any healer, TWO yes TWO DPS to kill a SINGLE healer! Let us imagine, just for a minute, that the healer had a tank. Let us imagine that the tank, had Guard (-50% damage). Now imagine, this tank also had Taunts. These taunts reduce damage done to the healer by a further 30%. Imagine yourself as a healer, with -50% damage at ALL times. Imagine yourself as having -80% damage for 6 seconds of every 60. Now imagine this game was not single player. Imagine that players had to work TOGETHER. Imagine a game where players cross heal, used CC to peel and used obstacles to line of sight! I give you MMO PvP...
  11. Why you mad bros?! This game is leading up to rated 8 man Warzones... get a guild, get a team, get ready to PvP as part of a group. This is the future or SW:TOR PvP. It has been said, they want an eSport atmosphere. Solo Q is a thing of the past, or you take your chances.
  12. Jatne

    No skill involved

    You obviously don't understand what he is saying, in Chess every player has equal pieces. The skill in Chess is entirely the strategy or thought process behind cause and effect. In this game, some people have all Knights, Bishops and Castles vs. all Pawns. Or in plain English, the skill cap is so low that anyone can master the system in a very short space of time. This results in the only measurable variables being gear and numbers. e.g. PvP in this game is dogsh... Remain part of the ignorant masses.
  13. That is not what it means LOL obviously.
  14. I started with SWG Pre-CU, also played: Vanguard, Lineage 2, Age of Conan, World of Warcraft, CoH/V to name but a few. I came to TOR with high expectations having followed the game since 2008, they were not met. This game offers nothing truly innovative whatsoever. The very fact they predict this game will be big in eSports shows how stale the genre is. If you like WoW, you will enjoy TOR. As others have said, it's basically WoW in space with voiceovers. ($300m spent where exactly?! LOL) The game launched with balance issues (they knew OP/Smug would need tweaks) the WarZones are very small and restrictive. They removed companion characters from Ilum on the pretext they hope to have 200+ a side battles and didn't think the servers could handle them... which is the most epic lolz. There is no world PvP worth mentioning, leveling or otherwise. BIGGEST LET DOWN: They failed to see the PvP imbalance coming a million miles away. Making one faction look like sh*t and the other hardcore. Even the 'pub voiceovers are pretty weak in comparrison. The single saving grace of this game is the Star Wars name, that is the only reason they can serve stale content and some people will lap it up. Perhaps after playing a few MMOs, my expectations are too high. I want something new, something interesting that grabs my attention. Sadly, the MMO industry has realised (largely thanks to WoW) that it is easier to grab and hold the bottom 10% IQ level of players than the top 10% - hence the repetitive, grind-based trash that is pumped out by companies these days.
  15. This thread needs more Lina Inverse. Sadly, I think he quit along with most of the talented PvP community.
  16. In 1 vs. 1 Infiltration/Deception is fine. In objective based, zerg PvP (they want TOR to enter eSports LAWL!) there is nothing an Inf/Dec Shadow can do, that another class doesn't do better. A couple of builds ago in beta, back when changing stance still cost 50 FP, Infil had a Shadowstep and Force Pull. Whilst this was a tad OP, it was a LOT of fun to play the class. Your ability to peel/shield/burst was exceptional. With choices having meaning. Now most Shadows I see lurk in tank stance, farming medals and/or the bs 300k damage medal from AoE dots. It's clear from the changes, the nerf to hybrid specs and the only 3D utility being in the Tank tree... that BW wants Shadows to play Tank if they are to be viable in PvP.
  17. Newsflash: It's THEIR story. You pay to play part of it. 8 Archtype stories if that one doesn't take your fancy, one down 7 to go. Failing that, you can always raise $300mil yourself and make a better game.
  18. The issue is that in the (IMHO) terribly designed Warzones, especially the 3D one (HuttballZ) Ranged can literally faceroll to victory. Tracver missile in 1 vs. 1 is fine, however this game is supposed to be group based and it is definitely objective based. As a result, in group play... it needs to be nerfed. Along with ranged DPS classes having off resolve roots on AoE knockbacks...
  19. CC is essnential in this game, without it there will be NO reason to play anything other than Tank/Healer for ALL the objective based maps. As it is the only way to train down a geared/guarded healer is with CC. Rift took your approach and ended up totally destroying PvP and invalidatiing DPS as a role. They need to remove roots from classes that have no business having off resolve roots (Sniper/Gunslinger and Sorcerer/Sage) and make sure that Resolve works... even adding something as simple as popping your PvP CC breaker gives you 5 sec CC immunity or adding a high grade PvP trinket would make CC a lot less effective and quell this new wave of QQing.
  20. The whole structure of Voidstar is garbage. It just encourages mindless zerging. In beta, there wasn't even a respawn timer. Imagine how much fun that was
  21. Jatne

    CC Solution idea

    without the amount of cc there already is - everyone will play tanks and/or healers - see rifts garbage pvp system - after 10 seconds everyone is cc immune.
  22. Let's just apply logic for a second. A game with 5-6 years of development time, released in the state it's in now. THE major PvP patch is releasing after only one month of testing. I like TOR and will continue to play, casually or otherwise. Mostly because it's Star Wars and because I was (many years ago) a huge fan of the KoTOR games. That doesn't change the fact that for a $300million development budget, we've got WoW with voiceovers.
  23. They should make content that is actually fun to play. The same stale warzones and weak valor grind garbage that has been in every MMO since EQ/WoW is getting stale. The constant need to participate in boring, repetitive warzones in order to have gear to participate in more boriing, repetitive warzones is not incentive enough to play the game. As is shown by the drop in subscriptions. As subjective as it is, I look at my friends list of mostly ex-beta players/PvPers and maybe 1-2/15 log on nowadays. Stacking Powertechs/Sorcerers and hybrid specced Mercenaries for rated WZs will not be enough of a reason for many to log on either. I love BioWare and I love Star Wars. I am just waiting for this game to feel like either.
  24. Jatne

    Competitive PvP

    Of course, this game was made by people who couldn't sit back and objectively look at their creation - in order to see the glaring issues that would cause the massive faction imbalance that we are currently dealing with. I love this game, but, it's pure trash outside of the PvE leveling experience.
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