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Everything posted by Darth_Exar

  1. These relic drops are a bit uncommon, I've only seen it drop from the final boss on Korriban like once in about 20 runs.....seems a bit steep for a Tac flash point when I see quite a few KDY kits drop commonly.....
  2. The Collector's edition CD has about 20 songs on it if I remember, but only a couple out of those I really enjoyed and actually remembered hearing. This game probably has well over 50 different songs from various Star Wars games and music including its own original stuff, also a large amount of ambient music is from Star Wars Knights of the old republic 2, and even incorporates these themes with Swtor's own soundtracks, like Korriban's tombs for example. Unfortunately most of this, including Kotor 2's soundtrack is not available to download but can be watched on Youtube.
  3. Hey, I was playing through Kotor II (With the restored content mod) and was wondering does it still exist? It belonged to the Republic and has a Jedi Enclave yet is on the outer rim territories and almost got destroyed by Nihilus, after going under restoration. Did the Empire take over when they returned to known space? Did it ever recover from Darth Nihilus's assault? Did Czerka take it over or did the Ithorians restore it....There are just so many unanswered questions about this planet. On a side note will we ever see Telos in Swtor?
  4. Doing something like Dread Palace with the weekly being at the end boss will put a lot of people off, because usually PUG groups are 16 manned and the amount of times I've seen it fall apart at the end when we had a perfect run with no wipes before that is astounding. Something like Dread Fortress I can understand implementing something like that because its one final boss afterwards, but generally I don't think its a good idea, you still get quite a few comms even if you don't do a full run.
  5. What about Lucian Draay's armour ? looks pretty cool and it goes well since you released Zayne Carrick's amour http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070330150815/jedipedia/de/images/0/09/Lucien_Draay.jpg
  6. Do you have an idea of how much expertise I will get roughly with 148 gear, two Partisan relics and a pair of Partisan boots?
  7. Lol its going to look a bit odd running around in 148 mods when Im rank 57 haha, anyway thanks for the feed back
  8. So my pve 180 gear is too high? Does it effect bolster or whatever its called?
  9. Hey, Back in the day when the level cap was 50, I took part in a large amount of Warzones and still have my armouring mods from my old Battlemaster and War Hero sets (Note that I idiotically destroyed the mods and enhancements so I didnt have to pay money to get them out of the shells...luckily I still get the set bonuses), I got to rank 57 in valor but haven't played a single warzone since then. Now Ive got a couple of crafted old Battlemaster gear in my inventory that I really want to wear, but it requires valor rank 60.....So obviously I have to take part in WZs to get the required amount. My current gear is mostly 180 pve gear and I was wondering would it be better to take part in PvP in my PvE gear or my old level 50 PvP gear?
  10. I too also got that vibe from her, she does seem very disconnected lol
  11. Now I know this is a bit of a far reach but after playing through Forged Alliances on the Imp side, all the time while I was playing on my Sniper and I was just thinking.....If the attack on Tython and Korriban were "planned" by someone on the outside and they have "ulterior motives", to me it just screamed conspiracy theory. So here are some ideas. Theory 1: Return of the Star Cabal We know at the end of the Imperial Agent story you basically dismantle the Star Cabal, however the Minister of Intelligence states that there are some remaining survivors that fled during their destruction. They could have made copies of the data within the Cabal and now be starting the cycle all over again manipulating both sides. We meet a new Sith who we have never heard of as the Minister of Military Offence who just happens to know the in's and out's of basically everything and happens to know there is a particular artifact located on Tython without Imperial Intelligence and based on a "trusted source" who he doesn't like to disclose.... Also we have both factions humiliating each causing low moral rates. Again its still a far stretch but a possibility. Theory 2: Return of the Emperor This seems to be the favored theory. Both Darth Arkous and the Jedi who was slain in the dark council chamber obliviously know there is something larger at work here, every time I hear that Jedi saying "I've served my purpose so soon" or whatever he says it just sounds to me like hes totally brainwashed (that is personal opinion of course). Also with Arkous, his "lackey" and the Jedi on Korriban trying to find secret artifacts locked away from the Sith and may be an indication of the Emperor attempting to find a new body through a forbidden......world consuming ritual *cough*. Again this trusted source Arkous refers to makes an appearance. What I find odd though is the tie in with Lana, she states that she is somehow linked with this "ulterior motive" i.e the Emperor's return yet The Emperor's Wrath and Darth Nox (or his other titles) feel no disturbance at all, yet they served him. As we know from the Jedi Knight story the Emperor is attempting to consume the galaxy, killing everything in it.....So it just made me laugh when I saw the title "Forged Alliances"....I wonder what will come next. Theory 3: Im just going nuts and its just a simple flashpoint storyline. The sub title pretty much sums it up. So what are your theories ?
  12. Why are people getting in such a pickle about bringing these armours back? If you think they are ugly then just dont craft or buy them IF they return, your eyes are not going to explode from seeing them again and I sure as hell think they are better design choices than some of our current and past armours. You want to look special # elitist? News flash this is an MMO, those armours were very common when they were around so everyone looked the same, bringing them back will not cause a fashion crisis. I currently have the old Columi and Battlemaster gear on three of my characters and more than welcome them being implemented back into the game. EDIT: May be they can do something like a special offer on the CM for a day or something just selling the shells?
  13. It was fine the first couple of times, but now I just feel we have an overdose of it. Certain armours I can handle missing bits of vital cloth but releasing something like the old Battlemaster Weaponmaster's vest without the chest area? That's just mean. Also re-skinning stuff with LED flashing lights doesn't make it interesting, I feel it makes it look tacky and lazy in design thought, even the Kell Dragon armour is ridiculous. In fact I would say all the re-skins are lazy.
  14. I have everything on max settings and still a large majority of armours still have shabby textures, even if they did upgrade it, and like the OP said the mask is one of them.
  15. I so want it too, especially the assassin variant, in fact all the empire columi stuff would be fantastic to have back
  16. Whatever Treek says.....Because its after every kill practically....Now I love small cute things like Blizz.....Her however I just want to shove out the airlock because she doesnt shut up.
  17. To start off this is not a complaint, i'm merely perplexed at why there is such a difference.So recently I've been playing on my NA server characters (The Ebon Hawk) that I made when the population blip happened and everyone fled to one single server. And Im really confused at the massive gap there seems to be with RP on this server and RP on the NA servers. For example on the NA servers: The Fleet - There are usually quite a few guilds and even random people RPing on the fleet 24/7, in a matter of all varieties. Usually at the bars and in the sitting areas. Now I have never, ever seen anyone from this server even attempting to RP on the Fleet. Its almost like we are embarrassed to do so. RP is everywhere - I mean literally everywhere, places like Voss and even Balmorra I have seen quite a few folks doing stuff like military ops. Again I have never seen RP out "in the wild" while doing quests on characters unless I venture into a cantina. Starter Planets - These places are crammed with RP, on here we do have a few guilds RPing I agree but the numbers don't compare. Friendly faces - I seem to be able to walk up to most people in RP and join in without any issues. I cannot count how many times I've got rather unsavory comments when I try to RP with others here. Not just guilds - As stated before a lot of random people RP together, from different guilds or folks without guilds. There seems to be a requirement to be a guild member to RP on the Progenitor. Guild advertising - There are tones and tones of RP ads in general chat on the fleet and the first couple of planets. So why is there such a massive gap between people RPing here and over there. Why does it seem so rare and desolate to find RP on this server unless i'm in some bar with people who don't really want to involve me. Why is it when I try to apply to a guild its like trying to apply for a job. I understand that there are quite large gaps in population between servers but it shouldn't discourage people! RP is why I remain in Swtor, and it saddens me that people seem so stiff about it on this server.
  18. I gave it a try, wasn't greatly impressed. It has all the elements for RPG but is lacking in very basic stuff for an MMO, I think they should have another 6 months of development time to be totally honest. I don't see the subscription lasting for very long either.....But I guess we will find out in a couple of months how well it does.....Not that i don't want it to succeed but i can see it going stale very quickly.
  19. I was really excited about GSF when I got early access to it, and I enjoyed it the moment I started playing. However I took a break from it a while ago and decided to take it back up again recently. But I cant stand it anymore. The queue times are ridiculous, at least 15mins + (The Progenitor ) and there are never enough players to fill a full ops. No one is coordinating with each other, I try to backup folks (usually playing as a gunship or scout) but never get backup myself. Its as if no one is interested in it now, and I just loose every match basically. I want to enjoy it but I just cant anymore. I feel that the rewards are lacking as well. I hope more people will be interested in it as it is released to the whole community of Swtor...But right now I just feel as if I should not bother.
  20. Unfortunately if you remove the hood on a Jawa it opens up a Black Hole.
  21. Sooooo....Its a cross between a Wookie, an Ewok and a Cathar ? I dont even want to image.
  22. I find the BH PT really fun to play, especially in Tank spec (Only class I can actually perform the tank role well) since you rocket towards your enemy and punch it in the face, also Flamethrowers and other combustible stuff,what more can you ask for (Keep in mind that this is more of a close range class than an rdps despite what some people say *cough*)! Sith Assassin I enjoyed leveling till I hit 50, then it no longer appealed to me, I find its Dps spec lacking and Tank role weak, such a shame all melee classes cant wield a double-saber . Jedi Sent I enjoyed for a while too but I already had a Mara so I just lost interest after I finished leveling him. I enjoy my Sorc once in a while, just started to use him in healing for ops, but shooting lightning at anything that moves is quite fun. So I would suggest creating a BH PT. On a side note I would also recommend a Gunslinger, naturally they are the Snipers counter part, but I find it more motivating to play due to the more "Dirty fighting" style. Just my own suggestions and opinions however.
  23. Best looking male : Vector or Doc Best looking female : Raina Temple (the accent is a big plus, surprised not to see her name here much) and Jaesa Best looking alien companion : Vette Worse looking companion : Skadge Best looking customisation : Khem Customisation that made the biggest improvement : Felix Iresso or Xalek Worse customisation : Jaesa (I just dont think they suit her) Scariest Companion: SCORPIO Cutest Companion: Blizz, Mako or Talos Most Dangerous companion: Doctor Lokin Most likely to be bisexual or go full on gay male: Quinn Most likely to be bisexual or go full on gay female: Kaliyo or Jaesa Most excited about acquiring companion: HK Least desired companion to tag along: Skadge Companion most warmed up to after getting: SCORPIO Coolest Companion : HK Most boring Companion: That Gand fellow...Yuun
  24. I understand. That is why I wish to be informed with some knowledge before I start trying them out.
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