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Everything posted by Darth_Exar

  1. Good riddance, was the worst eye sore in the game in my opinion; looked like he was made out of wax and his personality is the worst ive seen in a Wookie (except for maybe Hanharr in Kotor 2, but he was just crazy....). I did kinda like D4 though, but I doubt he will ever come separate.
  2. I have to agree, I am struggling to login too. Ive taken several of my characters through KotFE and feel it has been little rewarding or progressive. Grinding alliance levels again? No thank you. Gaining all the companions through alliance alerts again? No thanks. Doing Star Fortress all over, every planet, HM? No....please no. The only reason I do a chapter is if a class's returning companion pops up (Unfortunately the ones I really want to return are likely being kept to the very end of this whole ordeal), so there is at least some form of variation to each chapter, yet it still feels the same. And when you finish the chapter and gain the companion, there is no interaction with them what so ever, other than outside of chapters, be it only the ones who are included in the actual story of each rather than alerts (well we have only seen this with Kaliyo and Jorgan, but I assume we will have similar situations with other story comps). I like to raid casually, but after doing the same FPs, dailies and Operations for the past....what is it now? 4 to 5 years since release? I just don't have the passion or motivation to do it anymore. All I do is log in for the new chapter, play for 30 minutes to an hour and that's it for the remainder of the month until the cycle repeats itself....I used to play all the time.
  3. Wow, yeah it is pretty messed up xD Thanks for sending me the link, now I need to find the Kaliyo version.
  4. So, at the end of chapter 13 we see Kaliyo and Jorgan return from the botched GEMINI mission, I was wondering, since we have the option to kill whichever disobeyed your orders, what happens when the person in question is your romance? I know killing your romanced companion is probably taboo, but I was just wondering if there is some special dialogue or if there is even an option to kill your love interest for going against your orders?
  5. The last part of this chapter and the end of the last chapter is bugging me....
  6. I remember when gaining social levels was actually quite difficult.
  7. Torian - The most whiny Mandalorian I've ever seen, never liked him as a companion nor his background. Jorgan - He always mouths off to his superiors when they do something he doesnt like, i.e not getting a promotion in the Trooper story, I get it, and to a certain extent its a good thing to speak your mind, but the way that man goes about it rubs me the wrong way, and with the recent chapters, oh yes, hes gonna die. Koth - Because its Koth. Scorpio - Absolutely love her, but I have a feeling one day its going to backfire, so if we ever have the chance and when the war is over, im turning her into scrap. Rusko - Boring and bland, we have enough military personnel for my taste in the alliance.
  8. I wouldn't mind a RP button to toggle on but I dont think we need a separate instance, I think the PVE instance is fine. If there was some way to notify on our UI to other players that our characters are 'Flagged for RP' I would be happy.
  9. I enjoyed it, except from the typical alliance personnel bickering at the end (if its not one person its another...sigh) that's kinda starting to ware on me slightly.
  10. Oh my stars could it be the start of the second apocalypse!? All joking aside though, it does need addressing at some point, in the future at least, because its the symptoms yet again of the same cycle after the fiasco of early 2012, but this time I doubt it can be saved by mergers and switching to....well....dunno what the cashing system can revert to after f2p....ultra f2p?
  11. To be fair, anything they did with him after the two games (even if they ever made a Kotor 3, which they did, but its a book) was going to destroy Revan as a character totally and utterly. Any PC that you can play is always tricky to make a cannon out of since it was your choices that made Revan (or rather the choices you were given to pick out of). My head cannon is female Revan leading a new Sith order to destroy the resurgent Sith Empire with the Republic and Jedi totally annihilated or chained (obviously that would never ever happen since the Republic always pulls through). At any rate, anything pre-50 story wise has been shambles, dont get me wrong it has some good bits but it just seemed to do a total 360 degree turn from what they had originally planned for Swtor or at least it seems that way.
  12. I cannot get over the fact that I have now seen a Jawa with a flamethrower, my life is complete. Thanks Blizz.
  13. My issue with Koth is he does not listen to opposite sides of the coin, he is totally blinded by how wonderful and amazing he perceives Zakuul and their former Emperor, yet he wont listen to an outside opinion that Valkorian was in fact a homicidal maniac bent on consuming our part of the galaxy. My other issue is the destruction of Korriban and other worlds in the initial invasion led by Thexan, which resulted in deaths of both the Empire and Republic, yet when we kill Zakuulans or destroy parts of Zakuul, Koth throws a fit.
  14. So, if I remember correctly, if you complete Doc's story arc and talks, the Jedi Knight will encounter Kaliyo while Doc tries to cure a Hutt of some certain disease. Ive just started Chapter X with my Knight, only to find that Kaliyo does not recognize the character, which I thought was a bit of a shame.....Perhaps my Jedi was just not memorable for Firebrand to remember I guess or does she say anything at a later date?
  15. If I see him again, Im going to choke the life out of him. "You killed my people!" Well what do you think your people did to mine! If he has sense he will buggar off for good. I even leveled him to 10, even tho I hated the him, as long as I can kill the sod in the end that makes all the difference.
  16. So in other words it will take at least another hour? Well, there goes a day of my 'early access'.
  17. http://giphy.com/gifs/computer-nope-gross-T8c3M3yWJcsKY
  18. I would have to say that the Dread Masters are my favored villains, while I was quite disappointed by the direction taken with Vitiate/Valk.
  19. Im only going to get two of my characters to max rep: one imperial and one republic. I really cant be asked to do it again on the remaining twenty alts..... As to the OP, I would assume it does not matter at this point, but probably best to have them in the higher numbers for now just in case.
  20. I cant tell wether I should laugh or cry at these threads
  21. If this happens, I want to romance Blizz.
  22. When I first received this Ithroian through the Alliance system I was quite pleased since I have always liked the race, and there are not many of them within Swtor itself. When I saw his name I almost flipped out slightly. I'm a big fan of the second installment of Knights of the Old Republic, preferring it over the original, and the planet Telos IV has always stuck in my mind with what the Ithorians were hoping to achieve there (dunno if they succeeded, since it doesn't appear in Swtor). SO, when I saw Choza Rabbat's name I instantly thought of the Ithroian leader on Telos named Chodo Habat.; their names are very very similar, I was wondering if it was sort of an homage to Kotor 2, or simply happy coincidence. Thoughts?
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