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Posts posted by Haralin

  1. das ist auch meine vermutung. kann das ein driod vlt. bitte bestätigen? wäre nett. bevor sich mein buchhalter via interkom bei mir meldet, mit :mon_trap:





    Definitiv nicht, da ich noch nie bei 99k war und dennoch nur 0 Credits zahlen musste beim dritten umskillen oder so.


    Nach meinen erfahrungen ist es 7 Tage nach dem letzten mal umskillen

  2. Then stop playing 12hours per day.. Im still not Rank 60 Not my fault you all rush the game and flame there is no content after 2month rofl


    You only needed one day to reach Valor 70 as empire player, and BW never Rollback this day, so making a new Gear for Valor 70 is a free gift for most empire player.

  3. Blame a mirror class for your lack of skill all you want, but the fact is, there is animation canceling in the game right now, and it doesn't matter how long your animation is. You ARE able to interrupt it with another move. Therefore it doesn't matter how long your animation is, because global cooldown is 1.5 seconds for both. They may look like they stab faster, but you can press your global at the same time they do, and your animation will interrupt for the next move.


    Learn your class.


    But the Root Animation still binds you on place, and this is a huge advantage for the op.

  4. The problem is not just with the Scoundrel, our counterpart the Operative on the Empire side is just as gimped.


    I Play them both on test and on my main server and I have to say if anything the Scoundrel is slightly better at healing, and the Operative might be slightly better at first strike dps.


    Both classes share the exact same problems though, and if we present it like that Bioware may look at it sooner rather then later because not just one but two classes are so gimped.


    They have the same skills how can anyone be better as the other?

  5. Sorry guys im scoundrel with 536 expertise and i love my scoundrel even after patch, cause all mmo are Teamplay and in a group i have good things besides Damge to do stun / Mezz / root. With 15% runspeed infight you can get everyone.


    So only thing the scoundrel needs is a buff in PvE damage an maybe a very little increase in out of stealth damage but very very little, they can make the dot a bit better so no additional burst.


    Another thing they have to do ist Kolto Cloud be more effective and they must fix the dirty fighting tree for scroundrels there must be an option to get upperhand in dirty fighting specc.


    The scrapper tree is ok like it is!


    One thing must be done interupt should have the same cooldown like other melee classes reduce it from 12 sec to 8.

  6. Im Scroundrel and must say in PvP no Buff is needed i am only at 528 expertise and still can kill other classes some quick some not. But in PvE there must be a Buff but i dont know how to do this.
  7. Stoped reading after that


    Imperial Agent Operative, and Smuggler Scoundrel.


    -Lowered the armor penetration of Acid Blade/Flechette round to 25%, and the ability now respects the Global cooldown. We also increased the damage of the DoT element by 20%. Altered the talent description to match.


    -lowered the critical strike rating granted by Underdog/Meticuously Kept blades to 5% and increasing by 5% each point. Altered the talent description to represent this.



    pure ********

  8. Still don't get it?


    Critically crafted orange weapons with an augment slot and a full set of mods transferred from the best raid gear.


    For one Weapon you need 3 Materials of hard flashpoint it will take years to get it so and if it is so you make one argumented weapon and switch to biochem lol

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