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Posts posted by Haralin

  1. Ich bereite mich vor in dem ich einfach einlogge. Mich interessieren nerfs nicht die Bohne. Dann spielen sich die Klassen halt anders. Ich versteh das Problem echt nicht. Also nehmt die nerfs wie ein Mann, Augen zu und durch


    Mal eine persönliche Meinung. Den Acc zu kündigen nur weil Klassen generft werden, und ich denke mal das jede Klasse ihr Fett wegbekommt, zeigt mal wieder welche Art von Communtiy sich hier im Forum rumtreibt. :p


    Wenn eine Klasse von Release an nur generfed wird würdest du das anders sehen, oder du spielst kein PvP, das ist die andere Variante.


    Von Release bis nach Patch hat der Schurke ca. 10 % wenn nicht mehr Schaden verloren, das ist nicht nur eine andere Spielweise, sondern ein starker Einschnitt für eine DD Klasse. Dazu kommen Dinge die nicht gefixed werden, wie der dirty fighting tree der Überarbeitung braucht.


    Aber das muss halt jeder selber wissen, wenn mein Spaß am Spiel geht, geht auch mein Geld woanders hin. So einfach ist das, wer meint er muss da durch soll es ruhig tun, ist ja nicht mein Geld ;)

  2. Ich hab denen nun genug Zeit gegeben die Klasse zu fixen, Sawbone haben sie hin bekommen, Scrapper in der Schadenskette ganz unten angesiedelt und Dirty Fighting sogar noch generfed statt endlich richtig überarbeitet.


    Ich bin nicht mehr bereit dafür Geld auszugeben um immer weiter Frust zu schieben.

  3. In a word...NO!


    How about we just start handing out PVP rewards in FP's and Ops as well then? Like Every boss has a chance to drop a champion bag.



    See how stupid that sounds?




    want to craft? run a few hardmodes, otherwise deal with it.


    So who says crafting is only for PvE?

  4. Farming 3 crystal alloy is pain in the ***, this is in avarage 5 Instance Runs on Hardmode this is so boring. So it is only fair to get lots of credits, cause not every craft is a crit so you maybe need 12-20 crystal alloy or more cause Bioware like RNG this can be 20-30 Instance Run on Hardmode for 1 CritWeapon.


    Im Armstech 400 but after the patch i will go Biochem nothing is worth the Crewskill armstech as long as i have to do PvE, why i cannot get these crystal alloys from PvP? Or Why armstech dont get consumables for weapon damage or crit damage?

  5. So i am Scoundrel at rang 59 have played all Speccs and i say




    it is good as it is, you can still beat other player and you have Utilities Stun, Root, Snare, rupt, Ae mezz and a good Ae for defending objektives, for Teamfight very good.





    it is fun to heal with a Sawbone, maybe he needs a little push, i think Kolto Cloud needs to be a bit better, and the Hot, maybe not much. You have not the amazing Burstheal, but you are mobile.



    Dirty Fighting


    Here i see the only point to buff, the damage is ok, but you have not so much possibility to get upperhand, here Bioware must do something to make this tree an option. This tree also needs an adjustment in energycosts.


    Scoundrels and Operatives are far away from underpowered but also are not overpowered, the dirty fighting tree needs a little love but the rest is ok.

  6. At higher Level it gets better, in PvE Ops/or Flaspoints i dont heal cause the other healers are better.


    in PvP i am Healer and it is a very good PvP Healer because you have many instant heals and so you are extremly mobile.


    I like the Sawbone in PvP it is fun and highest Warzonehealing was 458K and 80K Damage without AE Heal.

  7. @OP:


    I dont have anything against ArenaNet or their ideas.. but it is kinda lame of you to go to a released game and say "Hey, I think you should have done it like this" and then post a link to a game far from even released. For all we know it will be the biggest PvP flopp off all times.


    You kinda reversed how this whole thing should go.. Usually you take something Past that has worked and rework/add it.. Not something in the future that you have no idea how/if it will work :p I could make up a hell lot of cool ideas on paper myself..


    I dont want to show another game just the ideas, i have postet already another post with my ideas which looked a bit like this from GW2.




    They should not copy the system just think about it and maybe make new ideas, but in my eyes this is more PvP then BG or Illum.

  8. Indeed. I will agree that sorcerer has the most tools to deal with any situation. But we cannot focus heal like other healers.


    Watching a heals Mercenary in their glorious heavy armor mitigating loads of damage, running the Huttball through fire and lolling, it makes me feel weak as a single target healer. We are very squishy compared to other healing classes. It's a tradeoff I knew when I picked the class.


    You never played Sawbone smuggler we dont have your cc and are way more squishy than your class.

  9. My problem with stealth or whatever CDs stealth classes have that drops DOTs/damage whatever, is that the cooldowns are too short.


    A friend and I were speedering through Ilum doing PVE dailies. We see a red name so we jump on him. He gets down to 25%, stealth! He's gone.


    30 seconds later he pops out of stealth and attacks. We get him down to 25%, stealth! He's gone.


    30 seconds later he pops out of stealth and attacks. We get him down to 25%, stealth! He's gone.


    The stealth/cleanse/immunity skill needs about a 4-5 mins CD. It's a good skill to have when it's needed in a pinch, but it won't allow stealthers to be immune to world PVP.


    This is a lie! Vanish has a 2 Min Cooldown

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