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Everything posted by Dasffion

  1. The only time you'll get more than XP from a bonus mission is if it's staged. I rarely have to go out of my way to complete non staged bonus missions though so...::shrug::
  2. Deleted since the OP got their answer.
  3. I think your CPU might be your choke point. Have you looked at your FPS in game? What color are the numbers?
  4. Not having a big enough PSU to power your GPU and computer at the same time can cause your computer to shut down, not start, or cause your GPU to fail (BSOD)
  5. Just the bonus series. General All Bonus Series missions and their required missions can now be abandoned. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=141695
  6. Make sure that you have a power supply that can handle your card and that it will fit in your tower before purchasing.
  7. You have half the minimum required video memory. Please don't think I'm trying to be rude but it doesn't matter what other games you can play on. The minimum required specs state that you need 256 MB of graphics memory. You have 128. You MIGHT be able to get away with this if you turn everything as low as it can go and update your graphics drivers to the latest version (don't use windows to do this) but I wouldn't count on getting good performance. Also you should put your DxDiag into spoiler tags
  8. Scroll down when you make a post or start a thread.
  9. /stuck doesn't always kill you, or hasn't for me the last few times I've had to use it.
  10. Heroics can be done every day so you could start there. If you're high enough level you could also farm the heroic areas since higher level and harder mobs have a greater chance of dropping a comm.
  11. If they're both orange they'll be exactly the same if you pull the mods out of yours and put it in the new one. If one is orange and the other is not it depends on which slots can be modified.
  12. Aside from my pushback all my AoE on my Sorcerer are centered on where I place my Reticle.
  13. What happens if someone is both 1000 DS and 1000 LS? The system is fine. EDIT: I just woke up so sorry if this isn't completely coherent. There has to be some consequences to your actions. You can choose 700 darkside options and still be Light I because you have 1000 Lightside points. That still means that you've done a whole lot of "dark" things and have to do a lot more "light" things to make up for it.
  14. Even breathers, or at least the only one I've gotten, will remove the hood.
  15. You can't have a visible hood and a visible mask on at the same time.
  16. There's a bug where you can't add some people. I was able to add some people while they were offline and others I couldn't.
  17. Yep, that's a little more detailed than what I said but I was responding to someone who said that Bounty Hunters have a constant dissipation rate.
  18. If right clicking doesn't work (and that's really strange) you can always do /i name
  19. BH's do not dissipate at a constant rate. The higher the heat the slower they dissipate.
  20. The fact that you have a mission to kill Zash isn't much of a spoiler, that's a way of Sith Life. There are other things about that mission that are spoilers. Anyway, yes it's intended. People have done it at level 30. It's just not easy and requires a lot of strategy unless you're over leveled or over geared.
  21. To be fair I haven't had a website queue in at least a week (those things were awful though). The population caps on the servers to were to help even out the population loads across the servers.
  22. I can understand not wanting to ask a friend on that particular part, especially if they haven't done SI story line yet. It's a pretty big spoiler.
  23. It's not easy but it's possible. I don't want to faceroll through this game. I'm currently stuck right now on a MUCH harder version of Zash, well it's not Zash exactly but it's the same spells. Anyone who's done Voss knows what I'm talking about. There's no need to come into the new player form ranting about it though. If you're having that much trouble do what I'm going to do and go back to the previous planet and redo some Heroics and/or do some PvP and Space Missions to get your level up.
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