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Everything posted by Dasffion

  1. I'm not sure about the other ones but Eve and UO are Sandbox games. This isn't a Sandbox game.
  2. Someone made this comment on Torhead which brings up an interesting question
  3. Ah I see, NM my last comment. I haven't seen any numbers but it could be that Force/Tech power is more potent than Power.
  4. Forcepower and Techpower are like power but Tech is only used for IA/Smugglers and Forcepower is only used for SI/JC whereas power is used for every class. Those stims will increase Forcepower, thus increasing your healing, while reducing your damage. It's a good boost for healers. Not sure why it's hard to believe.
  5. I haven't had any personal experience with Geek Squad but I haven't heard anything good about them. If you have any techie friends a lot of them enjoy doing this sort of thing and will do it for you for cost or a little above.
  6. And hard modes of every Flashpoint and 2 operations (tomorrow) and a hard mode of those and a nightmare mode of those.
  7. The first load of a character seems to be the longest. I get this on other MMOs too though.
  8. The CS forum is the Technical forum. A lot of the issues are on people hardware and software though. Not all by any means but most. I've seen it time and time again in DxDiags that people have posted.
  9. I think you were looking for the CS or General forums, this is New Player Help.
  10. Just to clarify, the 6450 will run the game but it's by no means a gaming card or belong in anything that wants to be called a gaming computer. I found this out the hard way with the 5450 which is basically the same card. I spent $100 and upgraded to the 5770 and I can run on high with around 30-40 FPS everywhere but the fleet.
  11. If you target them Dots are on the left side and a bar will appear above their portrait/health bar with what they're casting.
  12. The 6450 is a POS but if the comp is a good price you can spend another 100-150 to upgrade it and be set.
  13. Correct, it's all speed on missions. + Critical is the critical chance.
  14. Honestly they probably need a whole new computer. I don't think it'd be worth it to upgrade anything there. EDIT: You can build a decent computer to run this game for about 500-700
  15. You'll go to both, I suggest Taris first as it's slightly lower level
  16. If he knows his security questions I think you can reset it by requesting a password change. I'd start with that. If that doesn't work you will have to call but I'd try using Skype by setting your region to US and using the toll free number.
  17. Personally I'd probably go from Easiest to hardest SI, BH, SW, IA. IA and SW being the hardest because Rage management and Cover can be tricky to get used to.
  18. It could be reserved for future use in expansions or already being used by an NPC.
  19. No one is stopping you from naming your ship if you want to, it just won't appear in game, not like it comes up much anyway.
  20. Turn on hidden folders if it's not already then find the AppData/Local/SWTOR/swtor/settings/client_settings.ini and edit Height, NativeHeight, Width and NativeWidth to match the resolution on your monitor.
  21. There's nothing left other than class and world missions.
  22. Just to clarify this Physical cover offers a change to intercept the damage completely, portable cover does not. Both will reduce damage.
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