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    South Shields, England
  1. Just re rolled to a shadow tank from a lvl50 marauder and now I'm reading all these things about them being nerfed. Is it worth going to 50? Edit: I did not delete my marauder and nor do I intend to.
  2. So, I finally got to level 50 a couple hours ago and see that I have only 50 credits due to me buying all my skills. I still do not have enough for the speeder piloting 3 Does anyone have any tips on getting credits? People in my guild say pvp and dailies but each daily only gives me around 8k and pvp gives me 5k at the most.
  3. Fully re done this post, because I do not want to continue to argue with anyone anymore. I must have a lot of people with artiface on my server and some pretty kind people who I play with, sorry that your severs purple mod prices are not as low as the one I play on. My first post didn't explain everything and I apologise. - Wori
  4. Would hate to be on your server, I have never bought a purple mod over 15k. I have people in my guild who have max artiface, who can craft you anything (not every purple, but the ones they have the ability to make) for free if they have the time. Sure I wouldn't have to mention that. I'm sure you can get a guildie to craft you some purples, if you can't your in a pretty bad guild. From what your saying, your server must be horrible to play on. Also I don't upgrade every single mod every 2 levels, I didn't say that in my post. Please think before you post, some people make them selves look really, really stupid on forums, it's pretty sad.
  5. Not poor at all. I can spend more if I wish but I dont intend on going all out on gear. The reason I buy every 2 levels is because for some reason, the gear on my servers gts is all odd numbers. There is no 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 gear, sometimes not even 50. If there was, I would go and upgrade every chance I get. With all my gear being oranges or purples and having all my gear with purple mods, it makes you look like a complete idiot for saying I'm poor, good one...
  6. 1) Respec to Annihilation, you will destroy anything you attack if you play with decent players. If you are up against a level 50 or a group and you think you will die, just force cam out, heal up and your fine. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRMfhzZhGM.1 - My current build. 2) Soloing things is fine. With good gear and a good geared companion you can solo heroic 2+ quests without much trouble. 3) Again, if you have good gear and a good geared companion you can take down champions that are your level. If your using a dps companion and you keep dying just get out quinn. I'm fine with using Jaesa atm. 4. I usually have med packs that heal me 4k and I have 11k hp, I only use them when I'm about to die. 5) Go Anni I am level 45 and still havn't got the best gear and I do perfectly fine. If you really need to, go on the gts and just make your gear the best you can. I usually spend about 80k credits every 2 levels on gear. If you have the credits it's well worth it. This is just how I am playing Marauder, so the experience for you may be completely different.
  7. Newby question: What does the phrase Taunt mean. I have been in some flashpoints where someone says to stop taunting. Feedback is appreciated.
  8. Artifice, Archaeology and Treasure Hunting.
  9. I'm level 32 and I just decided to pick up crew skills since in the early levels I was not interested at all. I have currently 2 of my skills over 100... Should I try and get my crew skills to 400 asap or just do it overtime as something for my companions to do.
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