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Everything posted by Chirru

  1. Was wollt ihr überhaupt? Ich habe meinen Mercedes im Wohnzimmer geparkt. Upps... mein Mercedes ist mein Wohnzimmer. On second thought... I habe keinen Mercedes...es ist ein VW ....
  2. Truely..truely... I have a better space simulation combat game on my mobile phone then SWTOR. Ok..I have not.... but almost so... May I suggest to borrow the SWG Space Combat Simulation. At least we have something to laugh about. The only reason to play space in SWTOR is to make up exp when running behind on exp. ...ah... one can also purchase some light armor. Coming to think off...never mind. The Game is (still) new. So let us wait and see.
  3. Well... reading most of the GW2" posts I come to the conclusion that it is Not the game for me. I continue playing that old timer Mega MMO and hope SWTOR continues to grow into something more then it is now. What I mean by that... SWTOR is like a well written book. However, after the last page (level 50) ..... nothing. Just fighting for the sake of fighting (PvP), or collecting some crappy items (live events) is not my thing either. I hope the next SWTOR Expansion will continue the PvE RP story... if not then the game looses my interest.
  4. hehe Ja. Als RP'ler bietet SWTOR wirklich sehr wening. Und nichts von level 50 an. Darum habe ich noch mein WoW account. Beispiel: In Wow wollte ich bloss mal ein Hunter sein. Also..hab ich gar keine quests gemacht und leveled bis 85 nur mit Jagen. Ich sage nicht das dies optimal ist....es ist nicht.... Aber man kann es machen...und mit skinning macht man noch eine menge gold. SWTOR is railroaded. Es läuft auf shienen und das wird schnell langweiling wenn the schienen zu ende sind. Mit SWTOR fühle ich mich als ob ich durch einen tunnel laufe. Anyhow Ich werde noch eine weile weiter spielen und sehen wie sich dinge entwickeln. Aber wenn nicht balt was passiert dann .... okay... das wars. Ah...I am an English speaking player..please forgive my bad usage of the German language.
  5. PvE They can do it! What I mean is: Make intelligent NPC's. Right now the Player Character can stand 5 feet from enemy NPC's and slaughter their buddies with everyone staring at the clouds. They made better combat features 20 years ago! I mean (personal opinion) If a Player Character comes near an Enemy NPC Base then I actually expect all of the base to go on alert. This then ought to be reflected in NPC behaviors. Well, I guess I ask too much. It is so much easier to NERF Player Characters. Making games intelligent is way to much effort.
  6. Even if one does it all right, post 1.2 the commando is a lousy healer now. As dps...lots of firepower....however as combat medic...hopeless. Yes I know I wrote this twice. Maybe the Devs get eventually the message into their thick heads. So a third time. Post 1.2 the Combat medic is almost useless!! Change it please!
  7. I'm saying that PLAGUES, shouldn't be put up, and taken down, like f'ing Christmas lights. If you're going to do something as horrifying and devastating like a plague, do it well. Don't do some half assed "Plague Party on Tattooine! Come get your prizes!" weak a** bull****. and when it isn't done well, don't attempt to say it was realistic. Right. the event was messed up in so many way that it was not funny at all. Fun? my fun ends at another nose. Anyhow, I am of the opinion that PvP ought to be limited strictly to PvP servers. That is realism... because PvE actually means...player versus environment... Of course you all know that. What is the point? When I roll on a PvE Server I do not wish to play against other players. Full stop!!! To force PvE players, having by choice (PvE server) declared not to play to PvP is grieving!!! To say it with Buffy. Why not PvP on PvE servers? Because it is WRONG! Just as easy as this. It is wrong! There are enough PvP server so as to say...those wishing to play PvP on a PvE server are: 1) Cowards not daring to play on PvP servers 2) People who deliberate are out grieving those PvE players ..who in average have not Idea how to play PvP and hence are easy victims. Shame on those who PvP on a PvE server. SHAME on YOU!
  8. Bounty Hunter ought to be a neutral faction and be able to travel anywhere they find work. And that is the problem. To be neutral, the written story of such a Character would include many factions and that is difficult to accomplish. It would be interesting, yes, but a huge enterprise. It would need an expansion all by itself.
  9. I neither agree, nor disagree. Some things have been done very good and others need much improvement. The Game is still young and almost Beta. Much needs to be done. One of the things that is difficult to manage (in my opinion) is the diversity of the people playing. PvP players cry for more PvP content.. Hard mode players for more Hard-mode and Nightmare content. PvE players for more PvE content. and RP players for more engaging story lines. All players cry for bugs to be fixed, for better looking equipment, and for new toys to play with. As for Casual players...they hop from game to game anyhow..always on the lookout for something they will never find.... the game especially designed for them. Who is up to such a Task? Really? Keep hanging in there and see what will happen in a year or two. After all...WoW ...ah..Rome was not build in one day either.
  10. Do not be discouraged because of a few Rednecks. Healers are there to heal themselves and the Tank. if a DD dies it is his/her own fault. Anyone stupid enough to jump into a fight with an half empty health-bar deserves to be defeated. Any group not willing to wait for the Healer to have full bars deserves to be defeated. Above all..do not kill yourself in order to keep others alive. A dead Healer heals no-one. Having said that... Healing in SWTOR...after 1.2 ...is the worst of all the Games I have played.
  11. yea..that is it. Some people just love to grieve others. I sincerely hope it happens in R.L. to them. I wonder if they still like it then? Get the PK's their own servers. Then all the Grievers can Grieve themselves. Wanted to write something more nasty..but then the post would be deleted.
  12. Quote from HenryChinaski 'I don't mind lagging behind in PvE, the content is not going anywhere and I can progress at my own rhythm. The problem is, with the current PvP system, I'll always be disadvantaged against a sizable portion of my opponents in warzones because they have better gear.' End Quote Good comment: PvE, the Content is going nowhere! Level 50 and The End of PvE. NO, Instances are not RP-PvE in my opinion.. Instances are not even a bad excuse for RP-PvE. So what is left? Mindless running of Stuff that one has been through many times. Leveling an Alt doing the same over and over? Even PvP appears to me now as senseless clubbing each other. Warzones? Yes, interesting the first 10 times...then boring as Hell. I miss the game going on. I miss new adventures (even if in the end it is much the same.) In Wow I played my tune from level 1 to 85, and it took me many month doing so. SWTOR? 1-50 in 30 days and then? the big flopp! I do not wish for more boring instances or war-zones. For me PvP is a very casual thing. I came to SWTOR with the understanding that it is a PvE Role Playing game. Now I see that almost every new patch is geared toward PvP. Character and Combat Stats are changed because of PvP, not because of PvE. Where is the PvE Content beyond level 50? There has to something more? The Story goes on, does it? Or is this the end. If there are only more FP's and War zones, then I will loose interest in the Game rather quickly.
  13. I agree. Next to come are also Christmas trees, Easter Bunnies and Halloween costumes. If the player community allows the developers to continue this way SWTOR will end up like WoW ..a game for 6-10 years old. Come on...having fun is okay...but sensible fun. Events that fit in with the lore and spirit of Starwars. To have anyone spread the plague intentionally to earn a few credits ( or armor that is soon enough outdated, or a essentially horribly silly pet Rakghul) in my opinion childish. If the player community does not take objection to this..then it will continue. The 10 year old will rule the game and serious players will wander off. Personally, I do not wish for another SW-WoW. Keep SWTOR up to KOTOR level.
  14. It is and will ever be a badly designed Kindergarten event. If we allow such to continue SWTOR will turn out like WoW. Then we will get Christmas Trees and Easter bunnies, and Halloween costumes.. For RP players, I insist, the game must be fun, but it also must keep up a standard higher then preschool. Events..even daily ones ought to reflect lore. Since everyone above level 22 most likely has already achieved immunity on Tarus, to be reinfected is unlikely. Especially for Jedi characters. People...demand quality. If you don't we all will end up with a junky game played by little kids before they rush off to school.
  15. Richtig..stimme voll zu. Das die mehrheit im forum für dieses verückte und unlogische ereigniss stimmt ist unwichtig, weil die spieler mehrheit sich nicht im forum äussert. Das event ist unlogisch und verdirbt den spass für RP Spieler. Mein Character wurde auf Taris immune zu der Seuche und wurde trotzdem angesteckt. das ergibt keinen sinn. Logisch wäre es die seuche mit allen mitteln einschränken zu wollen..und nicht noch eine belohnung geben für andere anzustecken. Das ganze war mal wieder ein klassisches beispiel von: So viele wie minderjährige möglich anlocken und zum teufel mit Starwars und RP-player. So lange die kasse klingelt geht alles. Selbst wenn es logisch und moralish falsch ist. lacht nicht..andere anzustecken um eine belohnung einzustecken is moralisch falsch. Wäre das RL würden alle die so viel spass haben Tot sein. I wünschte mir wirklich das the penalty..die strafe für sterben in SWTOR was richtiges kosten würde. Wie wäre es mit 50000 credits wenn euer Character stirbt? Dann würden alle die jetzt so viel spass haben ganz schell ihre meinung ändern...und die PvP Crowd würde ganz plötzlich schrumpfen. Mit diesem Event ist SWTOR auf dem kindergarten level gesunken.
  16. Macht euch nichts drauss. Das ganze event ist ein kindergarten event..gespielt bei kleine frustrierte kinder die im wirklichen leben nichts erreichen. Darum haben sie spass andere leute zu ärgern. Solche ereignisse, wie die Raghoul Seuche, und die freude anderen eins auszuwischen, ist preschool stuff. Es nimmt jeden anspruch auf ernsthaftigkeit von SWTOR. Punkt: Kein Jedi würde jemals einen anderen mit einer tötlichen seuche anstecken und noch spass dabei haben. Punkt: Alle charaktäre sind gestorben..dead as dead can be. Punkt: alle die das spiel spielen sind nun tot, und die spieler dahinter warscheinlich auch. By the way, Ich über bloss mein Deutsch, und habe spass dabei..lol. Have a nice day all you dead people.
  17. The most childish event I have ever come across (been playing games for 30 years). You get infected and die. To spread the misery you infect as many others as possible, so they die also. The result? SWTOR, the game played with dead players Characters. What a freakish scenario! The event fails any and every test of logic..and that even in the fantasy game world. Oh..sorry...forgot. the PvP crowd play with dead Characters anyhow. Well, I would call the game a death orgy. We all play with dead characters and those who somehow....through skill or pure luck.. avoid being dead are killed off by the Developers. After all, it can not be that anyone is not dead. SWTOR, the game of the Dead. It is time to rename the game. I suggest, 999 way of how to die.
  18. Ja, die welt ist in einem traurigen zustand...lasst uns wenigstens ein bischen spass hier haben. Normalerweise würde ich jetzt was anderes machen , lol
  19. They are stoned..you know..must be that..I mean..it can not be incompetence.....
  20. Chirru

    My Story

    There is a thread running why the general storyline does not feel like my story. No! this is not another 'SWTOR bashing attempt', but suggestions how maybe to improve things. Sorry for mentioning the other game, but there hunters have actually the choice of more then 5 pets (companions) Suggestion No 1: Story line companions to stay, but additional Companions for hire. I mean, as a Jedi sage I might wish to hire a Bounty Hunter. In the other game hunters can name their pets..so it is possible to do so. I realize that the SWTOR story demands fixed names. Okay..but why not allow to give the Companions Nick-names? That is...in the story accounts the companions real game names are used..but else their nick-names are displayed. Suggestion 2: allow for Companion Nick-names to be given and displayed. As already with Corso, so (in my opinion) it should be possible so customize all companions...even the Crocodile Fess...even if it is just another skin color..or red feet instead of green ones...or different horns and such. Suggestion No 3: all companions should be able to be Customized. The title display. This (in my opinion) at the present is rubbish. Indeed, I do not see many titles displayed. I think this is so because the titles are ...less then flattering... to outright ridiculous. Suggestion No 4: allow right from the start the free creation and choice of a large range of really descriptive titles. The emphasis there is 'Descriptive'. Some Examples would be a range of Military Ranks. Civil Ranks. Occupations. I guess that the Community can come up with some real neat ones if the Developers can not. I realize that because of the Story some things must be fixed. however, this (in my opinion) does not mean that all things must be fixed. There is much opportunity to loosen up and customize parts of the game. This would(for me) enhance the game experience greatly.
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