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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Phinion

  1. Anyone else starting to see problems with leveling through PvP coming? I already max out my valour long before I gain another level. If you have coms maxed out the only gains you will see are the little bit of experience and the small amount of credits. Now that Valour will mean almost nothing coming up with 1.2 is there a reason to continue PvP'ing anymore? With the huge valour increase I max out the valour level long before I gain another level.


    Currently level 43 and did one match which put my a third of the way through valour 43 in just one warzone.


    So BW what are you trying to do here? I do not want to PvE on this toon at all but with that massive amount of valour gained in just one warzone why would I level through PvP anymore since leveling can be done faster through PvE?

  2. You're two-thirds right.


    Not every MMO is a WoW clone.


    WoW didn't do it first.


    However, they may have the most players, but that certainly does NOT make them the "best" IMO.


    Since 1999, out of the 18 MMORPGs that I've tested and/or played, I'd rank WoW at #10... about mid-way down the pack. Better than some, worse than others.




    Out of curiousity what was the best in your opinion?

  3. Apparently not for everyone. Otherwise we wouldn't see so much QQ with people stocking up 800 champion comms and still running in greens because they think they only can use unassembled pieces.[/quote


    Can't help everyone. Some people are just stupid or do not look at the vendor prices and see they can purchase gear.

  4. I play a sniper in the lowbie bracket. Currently just hit level 40 and que solo. While I try to stay away from the packs of players I can find healers pretty well and keep them occupied. Leanring what CC to use at what times is key for a sniper. Be well aware of your surroundings and do not completely become a turret. You will have to move and if you can not kite and play on the move this is when you will die the most.
  5. A bajillion people come to play this game and Bioware makes reee-donkulous amounts of money. The internet hounds will bark and whine "fail, fail, fail" but the truth is that freemium flat out makes more money than P2P unless you're WoW. It's still much too early to make such a drastic move though, freemium conversions need to be very carefully considered and planned. You need merely look at some of the games that have made that switch to see how it can be done (Turbine) and how it most definitely shouldn't be done (Sony).


    Of course Sony as a whole is a fine example of how a great many things shouldn't be done.


    I like the Sony part :)

  6. Can be little things that bring back the balance. Like another oster said Wookie playable races would be a huge step to bringing many imps to the pub side. Ilum could use an outnumbered buff to make the zone pllayable for the pub side. Small things like that will have a major impact on the game and BW needs to realize this. Bunch of little things that add up to balance.
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