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Posts posted by Phinion

  1. I would say do your research on what server you are going to before you decide to trasnfer, Make a few toons and see if you wil lose your names, same with guild and so forth. Since they have told us basically what is going to hapen, I would wait and see exactly how it will work. Naturally, you can stay on a dead server and hope for the best. Your choice man. The name or the game?
  2. LOL his concerns were more specific than that. Is it not ok to ask? Its not our fault bioware refuses to discuss anything lol.


    Which is why I am asking. I want to play the game and want info. Since they fix a bug in this game and cause 5 more (sarcasm) to appear I would not hold back that they have not thought about this one and really do not want to wait for over a week for a trasnfer to happen.


    I have toons on Fatman already, might want to bring over others if I know they would get there in a timely manner.

  3. So everyone is excited that 1.3 (apparently) will be on PTS servers tomorrow. This means that the update should be only a couple weeks away. They have stated that they want the transfers to be perfect and not have any problems... so I have a couple questioins.

    BW... Have you thought about how you are going to handle the thousands of transfer requests you will more than likely see on the first day? Will the characters be transfered in a couple days to a week from request date like other games?

    You do know that you will be flooded with requests and people do not want to wait 3 weeks for a transfer or hear the word "soon" in their CS reply? At least I hope you know that.

  4. In fact we just yesterday got the incredibly awesome Exotech Command Stim yesterday with ML on. :p



    Or Lost Island-HM for Rakata chest.


    Forgot about that one. Haven't done a flashpoint in awhile since I have not seen anything of value drop out of them. All the "end-game" gear seems to only drop from raids.

  5. LOL


    hit or miss but not as buggy???


    my guild lost around 10 members who got SO fed up with the SOA bugs they rage quite and NEVER CAME BACK.


    my guild is now gone and moved on from SWTOR like BW has from EV.....


    but yeah, keep making excuses while people keep leaving the game....


    Do EC story mode and kill Toth and Zorn for the Rakata breastplate.

  6. BW should just merge servers. Guild stays intact. Some will lose their guild names, but really at this point does it matter?


    For some people it does matter. Not to me, I would be happy to just be able to play all aspects of the game. BW has a "Will come in stages" attitude towards everything they do. By the time they reach merges the game will have fewer players than it does now.

  7. Your misunderstanding I never said I wasn't geared at all just not to their liking which in other words means not Full Rakata or Full Columni.Were all just BS ourselves by saying those Corellia dalies work you can do those but you'll spend a month plus trying to get one reward for 200 Comms.


    Buy all the orange gear, augmentable if possible, then do the dailies on ilum, Corellia and Belsavis. Buy the armour modification, mod and enhancement. With the augments and all the top orange gear stuff you will have a shot of doing HM's and such. Wouldn't even bother getting the ear, implant and relic from the daily vendor since relics are dropping in KP all the time. Save up for the columi implant and ear from the vendor.

  8. Yup, the good old days. Unfortunately BW listened to people on the forums complain that they had over an hour que to play the game and decided to add more servers. I have no problem with that concept. These people purchased the game and should not have to wait more than a few minutes in a que to play. What I have a problem with is after they added new servers they had no backup plan as to what to do after the first couple months when population started dropping. They said (wish I could find the interview) they knew 25% of the population was going to unsub in the first couple months.


    So if they knew why was there no plan in place? BW... you could not see this coming and being a potential problem? Always plan for the worst and hope it never happens... but if it does you can immediately take action and resolve the issue. Learn from your mistakes BW... and hope that there are still players out there to make content for.

  9. First of all read:




    After EA was voted the worst company in America, they responded by pointing the finger at others and then by saying it was a group that was focused on hatred of the gay community




    Now they declare this 'LGBT pride month' oddly coinciding with the expected release of the patch that finally brings some long anticipated features to this game. I hardly believe this is coincidence.


    Is this picking a fight with groups against gay rights? Or is this preparation to say that anyone who disapproves of the coming patch is a homophobe? Why are they using people and their personal decisions to further their company's success (or failure)? Why is EA so involved in politics when this is a company that's just supposed to produce fun games for people to play?


    I honestly support adding same gender relationships to this game, it's a little strange that a company which supposedly is pro gay rights has been so against it. Yet at the same time, it seems to me they are just using this as a political move to discredit people's opinions, and it would seem to cause more harm than help.


    All the problems in the game and you are worrie about this? Are you here for the game of the politics of the company?

  10. Word is we will see some new playable species before this year is out. Lets hope that is true.


    Though personally I am expecting Cathar to be one of the first implemented.


    Unlckablle through legacy though right? Legacy seems to be their thing.

  11. Sorry there really is not much in way of open world pvp. If you run into someone make it a good fight, you may not have another one for awhile.
  12. Basically, from what I can tell,

    1. Bioware launched the game and everyone wanted to play.

    2. This created huge server queues and lot of people *****ed about not being able to play.

    3. Bioware launched a ton of new servers and everyone spread out over those so they could play. In the first month of the game, the population was plenty high enough to support this huge number of servers.

    4. After the first free month was over lots of people left because they'd decided they game wasn't worth paying a sub for (normal for any new MMO).

    5. With the population spread out over all those server Bioware opened after launch, this exodus dropped the number of players on most of the servers low enough to make it harder to find other people to play with when you wanted to.

    6. While the game had a nice population overall, most servers were hurting for players, which made the game less fun to play, which meant more people left, which created a self sustaining cycle of player drop off that meant the population couldn't stabilize itself (as with most MMOs in the months following launch).

    7. Without a way to transfer their characters, tons of players were stranded on very low population servers, unable to find enough people to play with.


    Now, Bioware has announced free transfers to specific servers, which SHOULD fix the problem by consolidating the player base and finally allowing it to stabilize. If this had been a launch feature, or if there had been a plan to merge the added servers back into the others as the population dropped after month 1, this probably wouldn't have ever been an issue and we'd have a much livelier MMO on our hands.

    Even so, if you don't mind re-rolling on one of the populated servers, the game is still great (provided this kind of game appeals to you) and you can have good times again right now.

    If you don't want to re-roll then it might not be the worst idea to unsub and adopt a wait and see attitude until character transfers (and maybe 1.3) are out. If they fix the issue, then you can come on back and enjoy without having burnt yourself out on the game trolling for party members on the fleet of a dying server.[/quote


    I agree. BW has time and again not completely thought out every move they have made. If they had come up with a backup plan right at launch we, the players, would not be in this mess of low pop servers. Nothing will kill a game faster than dead servers. Some people reroll and others just quit. BW needs to start asking "if we do this what could be the result". Plan for the worst and hope it does not happen but if it does you are ready.

  13. The slow down of content is due to players wanting to turn SWTOR or any new MMO into a total WoW-clone. Don't fool yourself, this happens to all new MMOs. Adding all that crap that WoW has, takes time. Coding/programming is very complex, then those lines of code have to be tested and debugged. Takes time to do that, but your average teenage MMO player or impatient and ignorant adult will not know that or even care. They want what they want now!


    Never said I wanted a WoW clone. I want something new with replayability.The first time through on each faction was an awesome experience. But after that there is no reason to roll another toon unless you are an alt-aholic. What I was saying that at launch people hated having the hour or longer que time just to play the game. BW's answer was to add more servers. They knew people would leave the game after the first couple months. With people leaving the server pops would drop. BW had no plan in action to counter low server populations. Their answer now is server transfers. I hghly doubt BW will allow players to bring their 50's from a dead server to a high pop server. So who wants to transfer to a dead from a dead server?

  14. Question is why would anyone want to transfer to an already dead server? Many have already rerolled on Fatman, Jedi and other servers and want to bring their 50's over asap. Those people do not wish to leave a highly populated server to go to a dead one.


    The people who have not rerolled are the ones in trouble. No one will transfer to your dead server and most likely you will not be able to transfer to a high pop serer. So how are trasnfers going to help you? BW has to take the reigns here and make some official "transfer to" servers and just move everyone that wants a transfer there.


    Still think they should merge servers first though.

  15. If it's payback you're looking for, perhaps you should take it out on early access' petulant nerd ragers that all but forced Bioware to add those 70+ new servers at launch. Had BW ignored them and stuck to their plan instead of graciously giving the mob what it wanted, this wouldn't even be a topic.


    Very true. However, BW gave the players what they wanted, a chance to even play the game. The problem was and still is that they had no backup plan in place once the 25% left the game to keep the servers highly populated. They stated several times that they knew at least 25% of the population would leave the game within the first 6 months. So why did they not have a plan in place just in case the worst happens? Looking at some of the servers and the forums it looks like it has happened.

  16. Are you saying that by unsubbing I am causing the low pops on servers? Yes in a way I am. But ask yourself this, why did all those people unsub in the first place? If they enjoyed the state of the game as it is now they would have continued to sub. So what is driving them away. We all know new games will always pull people away, happens in every game. But, why are people not coming back?


    Think about it and read some of those "trolling" threads and you will find your answer.

  17. it's the number of server too high i doubt a game with 1.000.000 player will get extint even if other 400.000 leave is still 3 times the population of war-hammer that is not extinted yet


    you people have no clue they did open too many server and they paid it (i would personally fire who made that decision yeah there were queque but who care you lose more now that u would have lost with a little of que)


    people on this forum is such a drama queen


    From what I remember of launch the masses complained so much that the login que was to long. Some where well over an houor or two just to play th egame. Making people wait to play the game will result in people leaving. The people demanded more servers to drop the que times. So BW adds more servers and tweaks the system to allow more players on.


    No problem with this right? Except that BW who claims they knew 25% or so of the population will leave the game in the first 3 months did not have a backup plan in place to do something filling the void on those servers of the missing people. Character transfers should have been in game at launch or at the very least within 2 months of launch. The last part being about month 5 or 6 and merging servers. keeping the people who are still playing on populated servers at all times should have been a main goal that had a plan whether it happened or not.


    One of those plan and prepare for the worst and hope it does not happen. Never hurts to be prepared. Think they missed this step.

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