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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Phinion

  1. So if for example you are guarding mid in battle for Alderaan, like I frequently do, and no-one attacks there for half the match (which frequently happens) then you are booted for not contributing, even though you have held a base between 2 people half the match?


    Get ready because that is what is going to happen.

  2. I partially agree with OP. Once caught the first time give them a 7 day ban. The second time caught hacking the toon is deleted. Also any items credits, etc... that toon recieved within the last 2 weeks and mailed to another toon on same account is deleted. The third time caught the account is banned completely. This gives people a chance to play the game properly and have a second chance.


    For those that think they will have their buddy setup a bank account for their hacking friend... all transactions are monitored and you are an associate of a known hacker who has been sending tons of stuff to you. Send them an in-game mail telling them they would face a ban also for being an accessory to hacking.


    Someone mentioned the real world... can't get more realistic than that. They have a chance to play the game. You can be an accessory to murder or a bank robbery so there ya go. Problem is solved.

  3. now maybe people will stop qqing about these issues.


    The biggest problem is not that BW does not listen, it is the fact they do not respond fast enough leaving players to wonder. Sometimes we wait several weeks for an answer to questions. I like the Q&A thing they did and they should be doing that every week to keep players informed of upcoming changes they are looking into.

  4. I think that cross server PVP would be a good addition. Course with the Imp side you will still be waiting for ques though maybe not as long. Long as it is for Warzones only that would be a great way to maybe...possibly...hopefully... speed up the que times....
  5. Ilum has potential... BUT this will depend on what BW does to correct the issues that occur out there. If a dev reads this then I would say there are plenty of posts from players telling you what you could do to try and correct the issues and make Ilum a fun zone to go to.


    All we can do is post our consturctive fedback and hope (and pray) BW listens.

  6. You would think Ilum would be an easy fix.


    1. Give a buff to the out-numbered side to attract more people to go there.

    2.ALL kills count for the entire group as long as you are within a certain distance from the one


    3.More boxes that spawn faster

    4.Those boxes need to be in more than just the center of the map.

    5.Kills count no matter how many times you have killed them.


    Can not tell you how many people I have killed back to back and recieve no credit and no valour either. Bring us a couple of these things BW. People are getting irritated.


    Remeber BW we as subscribers choose to be here. We have re-subbed for additional time past the first 30 days and want this game to succeed. Now show us that you want us to stay and do something... at this point ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!

  7. Having it on allows me to see who is carrying their weight and who isn't. I hate people who link them over and over again because they're doing better than everyone else. And I hate people who are jerks about it. But jerks will be jerks whether they have DPS meters or not. And frankly people who don't pull their weight and can't take constructive criticism about how to improve their group play shouldn't be doing groups.


    Thats because if they do not pull "their" weight as you say they should you just boot them from the group so they can never improve.

  8. Bioware can't fix it.


    Back in vanilla Warcraft, the Alliance heavily outnumbered that of the Horde. Then BC dropped and the Horde had a "pretty" race so people moved over.


    Since all races in this game are glorified humans i don't think Bioware can go that route.




    Maybe add perks to the legacy system ?


    According to the devs in their video they released they are adding legacy in soon. Since the video is very vague on when we can only hope.

  9. Voice overs and thats it. The only negative thing about those VO's though, is its just explaining a "kill 10 of those" or "go fetch this".


    Which is done in every mmo, go kill 10 boars and recieve xp and maybe an item. At least it is not a wall of text. Plus, you can spacebar through it if you do not want to se it.

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