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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Phinion

  1. Sometimes what looks easy may not be that easy. If they found a problem that problem may have an impact on some of the other so called easy fixes which is why they postponed in the first place. Even though I do agree that depending on what the roblem is the smaller things could still have been implemented today.
  2. All they need to do is add a confim button. This way you go to purchase the item and a box appears asking if you are sure you want to purchase this item. If you accept the item you are stuck with it.


    This would also help assist their customer service department because they would no longer have to deal with people buying the wrong item by mistake which will give them time to help people with more pressing concerns.


    It is like this in many other games, once you buy something you are stuck with it. But give us a chance to confirm the purchase in some way.

  3. What you are doing is imposing rules from classes from other games that do not apply to star wars. No, we are not mages. There are no mages in the star wars universe.


    I am not looking for a huge buff. Maybe 10-20% damage which isnt much considering our current pitiful melee damage.


    10-20%... that is what you want. In your initial post YOU said you were hitting a 5-6k mob for 50-100 damage. Well at the percent you want increased you will now be hitting for about 55-120 damage. That is all you want. Sounds like a pitiful amount to even be talking anymore about this topic.


    I do agree though that I would like to see some sort of ranged saber attack in the game. Just think it would be cool.


    now in TOR, there is no reason to go to the Imperial Republic fleet, no reason to go back to Dormund Kass or Corascant. People hang out in their own instanced ship.



    I'm going off my own personal experiences. The imperial and republic fleets are usually empty. If that was the only GTN node then it would be different, but then again nobody uses the GTN anyway because it's just so much of a pain to use.


    There isn't anyone there. For an entire server and it's supposed to be a high point of traffic there isn't that much people on a server. Servers just feel small, and feeling small for me takes away immersion. I don't feel as into the game if I don't see a bustle of people running around that wouldn't be too far from NYC. I want main cities to feel full. I want to feel like the server has people. I want to see where everyone hangs out. I want to see those high end raiders hanging out in raid gear and such. I want to see those pvpers with their valor 50 titles and high end speeders and such just relaxing between matches.



    It doesn't seem like a usual MMO, I don't get that feeling of a central gathering point.


    Funny... all I ever see on the republic fleet are people. Many people. USING THE GTN, getting groups for raids and flashpoints. On the very RARE chance doing the fleet datacron. You must play on th elowest population server and at the lowest peak time to play to not ever see anyone on the fleet.

  5. I wont knock them off.

    Ill let you's know how it goes.


    If they knock me off I'm gonna take the red=dead mentality forever >:D


    Some of them are on PVP servers some are not. But the balloon ride can take almost an hour if you get there right after the balloon is out of reach for you to jump on it. Which is why I think many people are just dealing with it by calling a small truce till everyone has the datacrons. I did mine alone so this is just what others have told me in vent. Couldn't blame you though if you get attacked and go with the traditional PVP mentality though.

  6. From what I have been hearing across many friends in real life that are playing many different servers, there seems to be a slight... and I emphasize slight... truce going on for the balloon. They do not want to wait anymore than you do. Do you what you want but I have even heard of jedi's pulling Agents up to get the second datacron. Kind of unheard of but maybe this is just a small portion of the society that is doing it.
  7. When I started playing my sith warrior and I saw you could torture her I knew that some dumb *** report was gonna say something.


    Have to agree. To many goody-goodies in this world trying to press their views onto others. If you do not like it then do not play it. Simple as that. I think everyone here has their own view on the subject and are able to come to their own conclusions about it.

  8. Sure it is fair. They are both great games in their own right.


    What makes a game successful is the feeling you get when you wake up in the morning and all you can think of doing is playing that game. However, then you open your eyes, look at the clock and realize that you are awake and have to go to work at a job that you probably do not like. All day long you can not wait till you get home so you can play the game you want till the wee hours of the morning.


    That is what makes a game a success. So if WoW ever gave you that feeling then comparing the two games is completely fair. After all, we are all playing this game to have that same feeling for this game as we did for our last one.

  9. Sinc I read the entire post I think I'll comment. I think what the OP is trying to say is that people have a hard time letting go of their old game that they love so much. The first slight vision of boredom with a new game people will complain because they can be doing something in their old game.


    Have to agree with the age part at the end. The older you get the more responsible you have to be. One response said not everyone has a report to turn in to their boss. Do not take that sentence literally. OP meant that the real world job has to come first. Same as taking care of the family or even yourself. Gaming becomes something you enjoy doing in the limited amount of spare time many of us older people have.


    Another response was about this being a persuasive paper. Well, do not know where you went to school but this is a opinionated/ analysis paper. Maybe you should go back to those writing classes you took in college. Maybe you did not attend that class since you were to busy getting the best gear in whatever game you played before this one.

  10. Have to agree with OP. Some wil love the games when they come out but many others will hate on it for one reason or another. Why is that??? Who knows. Every MMO suffers from the same complaints at one time or another. SWTOR will be no different. The WoW people will want it to be more like WoW. The EQ people will want it like EQ.


    I am a firm believer that until the holodeck is invented like in the StarTrek shows no one will be truly happy.

  11. Not going to lie, I hate being auto flagged for PVP as well and would support such a thing going away. However did you speak withthe palyers in question? Le them know that you were not interested in PVP. Did you speak to others in their guild if they persisted? Neither may have done nothing, or it could be that they all felt you were wanting to PVP. No idea.


    Would it really matter. Most of the PvP people I have met over the years would not care. If you are flagged you are dead... that is a PvP mentality and they will use every advantage they can find to win.

  12. why do you assume everyone is at work or school i assume your american...some of us work nights or cant work


    you know what they say about assumption


    In your case this is an exception to what is being said... but... I am an American and I also work nights. So YOUR assumption does not pertain to me either. So because I am an American means that I can only work a 9-5 job right???

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