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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Phinion

  1. Why is this an unreasonable expectation?


    Blizzard set the bar with WoW, so if other companies aren't meeting the bar, why should people stoop down to poorly thought out games and unfinished products which ask for $15 a month?


    It doesn't matter that the game just came out, they are trying to pull subscribers from WoW therefore they need to offer similar quality from the get go. If they aren't able to provide that then they should have stuck to single player games.


    So you are saying that the amount of content that WoW has is to be expected at launch of every MMO that is to be released??? Should BW have thought more on the functions of some things like the AH... YES !!! But, a MMO is a living thing that is always changing and adapting itslef. Not every game is going to be loved by everyone but some games have done things better than others have. Some people prefered to play Call of Duty while others liked the Medal of Honor series. Same type of game yet different. Same is true in this situation with SWTOR and other MMO's. Not everyone will like this game.

  2. How do you what your dps is without one?


    BecauseI have this amazing ability to watch the little yellow numbers (my damage) float up on the screen and can figure it out from there. Not my fault they do not have damage meters, I have no problem with them if that is what you want. Long as they have an option to turn the thing off so it is not in my way on the screen.

  3. It was your choice to make a mad dash for the first to level 50 title. Now that you are there you are complaining that others want to play the game the way they want to instead of running to level 50 with you? Sit and wait or roll another toon... or come back in about 1-2 months and you will find many others at level 50. You made your choice and that choice has consequences, let others play their own way.
  4. THere are more colors then blue, green, yellow, red? I am not being a jerk I am being serious. I have never seen any other colors. I would almost sell my first born for a purple ALMOST.


    Are these rare drops underworld schematics? I am being honest I just didn't know.


    There are many different colors. Some are harder to find than others though. My Sage is currently using an orange crystal right now which is somewhat nice since many people do not have one. But it was a drop from a heroic I believe on Nar Shadaa from a double-bladed saber. Good luck in your search though.

  5. I ersonally do not want them. I do not want my screen to look like a sunday morning cartoon in the newspaper. BUT, I would have no problem with the feature if there is an enable feature to go along with it. This way the people who want the feature can have it and those that do not want the feature can turn it off.
  6. Or he is being a social and helpful player by being an asset in mulitple situations.


    I love tanking in PvE and PvP, but some talents don't make sense for both situations. By your logic I need 2 of the same class for 2 different builds of the same class/spec?


    Then he needs to pay the price for changing his choices on where he put the original points when he leveled.

  7. My life as a gamer may be coming to an end, which would be horrible, but I am not finding the satisfaction in it that I once had. I use to love being addicted to gaming, waking up after a 3 hour nap, eyes blood shot, and keep going for another 12-20 hours. Loved it! Miss it!

    I was hope'n SO BAD that swtor would revive the hardcore gamer within me, but it hasn't, and it's too bad ;;

    I was thinking maybe once I hit 50 the end game would do it, but from what I hear/read, leveling/the story is the best part... I'm sad...

    guess I will try/wait for the next game for my seek for addiction, which thru my research best chances may be Blade and Soul...


    anyone want my Darth Malgus statue? =(


    Life can be tricky sometimes. You lose interest in something for awhile and later in life comeback to it. Everyone goes through this.

  8. Then by your logic you should not be able to respec at all ever! and you should only play one part of the game ...


    That might work if this was a pvp only game or a pve only game , However shocking as this may be to players like you ... and the other guy saying all he ever wants to do is heal thats good for you! I want to be the best I can be in pvp which is one tree or the best I can be in a flashpoint which is another tree for damage or another for healing.


    everyone has different play styles and I am willing to bet that the mass would be in favor for duel spec or lower cost of respec.


    Sounds like you need to roll another toon then... According to YOUR logic you need to be the best at everything all the time. Greedy much???

  9. Yeah I am glad all the pure dps people have commented usless comments with what ifs and everything is fine ... but us " multi spec " or " tri spec " classes are the ones that suffer.


    You made a choice to play that way. I play as a healer full time in all aspects of the game and have no need to re-spec. I have tried it and personally do not like the DPS on my Sage. I just prefer to heal. that is my choice. If you want to play that way looks like you will have to find ways to make alot of money so you can fill whatever role you want at the time you want to.

  10. I know the server "The Harbinger" is one of the 'Unofficial' Official Oceanic servers. The only reason why I know is because I rolled there and was very impolitely told to leave because I wasn't Aussie.


    Good luck. Have fun.


    Yup, The Harbinger server is full of very rude people. The Aussies have told many people to find another server because this one is their server. Not all Aussie players are rude of course but the several I have seen in chat have been. There is no "Offficial" Oceanic server because the game has yet to be launched in their country. These rude people need to remember that BW could have blocked their access and make them wait for their own official launch date, but they did not.


    So everyone needs to just relax and enjoy the game and if you do not like the game then go play something else.

  11. Give up. You will not change anyone's mind or get the to listen to reason. People are stubborn and believe what they want and that is that. Some may say they are ignorant about the situation but yet others support their cause. Let it go and the world will be better for it. So to EVERYONE... enjoy the game or get out.
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