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Everything posted by gofortheko

  1. No on assassins, cause of that like 17 seconds of munity to CC in all.
  2. Free Character transfers from Harbinger since its an unstable piece of ****.
  3. As you guys clearly cant get the server stable.
  4. Nope, ive been knocked back repeatedly even with my immunity up.
  5. Honestly I want to know, whats the point of having movement imparing immunity if you can be knocked back?
  6. Deception has much better killing power than Hatred, hatred is for those who want those phat numberz
  7. They need to remove those stun immunity, and put in shorter cooldowns on their defensive cooldowns instead.
  8. My point is that solo ranked is usually the only ranked matches that pop, and I dont want to slog it out in regs to buy my ranked gear.
  9. DPS in regs isnt a good indicator of skill. In regs you have far too many people unskilled and ungeared so numbers get inflated. Also depends what kind of dps you are, melee dps have it a bit tougher due to all the CC in the game, while sorcs can get amazing numbers due to dot spread. The biggest mistake I see dps characters do, is not using defensive cooldowns. I see Maras jump into a group, not pop saber ward and subsequently get stunned and burned down.
  10. Obviously you dont play the class, youre not going to switch out to ion under any kind of pressure, its a 1.5 cast time, and is easily interrupt-able and has a lot of pushback. Stupid suggestion. Also if you open the round in Ion, youre gimping your dps, and the others are going to just burn another target while you try to switch back to high energy. This thread is about ranked, no one cares about Regs, anyone can be successful in regs. In ranked where people know whats up and use focus, and have equal gear, the VG/PT is just too easy to bring down.
  11. First off, I'm not crying, second off if I wanted opinions of regstars Id dumb down my post significantly. When you face a group of assassins or shadows in RANKED, there is **** you can do because all your attacks will miss (because shadows and sins can be immune to stuns, dodge everything, for 12 seconds, then ignore all tech attacks for up to 5 seconds) and they focus you with just as much burst (lol infiltration hits just as hard and as spikey as VGs WITH more control) but can do whatever they want because they dont have to worry about stuns. Also commandos, if you cant get off your abilities in ranked thats on you. You can vortex shot, insta cast grav, then use full auto (whatever the new one is called) hit demo round then HIB (all those are instant except full auto but you can get that on the run, then use tech override to get the rotation again starting with grav) not to mention you get the EXACT same defensive cooldowns as we do. The only exception is you have to spec into the 30% damage reduction while we do not. We also get a weak defense buff with our taunt, but you get several heals, one is instant cast, the other will be insta cast after a few offensive abilities, not to mention you have electro Iwinet against any melee class. So quit trying to say you have worse DCD than VGs. You dont. Also in Gunnery you can be almost as insta cast as a VG, and if you think those abilites dont hit hard as ****, you dont play the class. Not sure how we got "great" defensive cooldowns. People thinking 25% damage reduction vs a group of untaunted high dps classes is a good defensive cooldown? Youre being silly. Adreniline Rush is also bad against focus, its a good 1v1 cooldown for sure, but it wilts under focus fire. The only thing we got left is our defense buff on our taunt. Defense is the weakest stat in the game, and the taunt only gives you 20% extra defense, hardly a good defensive cooldown. No one cares about regs, you can be a half retarded monkey and do well in regs. and obviously a guarded and healed PT is nasty, but so is a shadow/sin, and they have better cooldowns and defenses. PTs are for regstars and group ranked, but solo ranked they really suffer and bad.
  12. Alacrity seems to hold its own in bolster, losing only 12% of its effectiveness. While Endurance loses 60% of its effectiveness (206 endurance granted me 2106 hps outside of the WZ, and only 785 inside). Power is obviously half as effective. And crit is bad as well.
  13. level 36 overkill augment is bolstered from 12 damage to 6.2 (boggle).
  14. I main a PT/VG and do ranked quit often. While not in full Dark Reaver, I am in mostly Dark Reaver (only 4 pieces of armor and my offhand are Exhumed) fully auged. And I am always target number 1, even over Merc/Mando. I have several times been killed in a few globals even with all my defensive buffs up. You dont get the burst off, because you have eleventy billion Sage/Sorc/Sin/Shadows Dot spreading and bursting you, with two of the melee classes being unable to be stunned. But yeah dominating Regs against PVE geared newbs = the class is Overpowered.
  15. Without a guard, they simply get torched by focus fire. No different than Commandos/Mercs etc. As the gear gap closes I notice I take much more damage.
  16. Id like them to change it to a toggle, tired of spamming it.
  17. Now i have mostly dark reaver with the rest exhumed, fully auged, and have 3 to 4 k less hps. great math bioware.
  18. This new update proves bioware has zero idea what the ideal stat set up should be. Why do I need 450 crit? Why is there like 5 pieces with absolutely no power? Ug, dumbest **** ever.
  19. Seriously, only the chest is power surge, in fact those pieces are the only ones with power. The rest are a combination of critical (450ish total, ick) accuracy and alacrity. I basically have to replace roughly 9 or 10 mods. They really need to get rid of this stupid system, just let us buy individual mods (including armorings)
  20. I was getting 1500 dps wtih my old 55 ober gear (few pieces of Brut) but all the new exhumed gear blows for power and now I am getting only 1000 dps usually. So much crit ... so useless. have to min max and then I can prob hit 1700 to 2k
  21. AP/Tactics is pretty strong, but no more stronger than Inquisitors/Consulars/Guards/Juggs. I think those being most vocal about AP/Tactics main a sage/sorc and they cant simple CC and faceroll one like they do the rest of the ACs.
  22. doesnt really clear anything up, some say power is better, some say mainstat.
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