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Everything posted by gofortheko

  1. Seriously, just stop allowing people to make new characters on full servers. I left my first server because of an hour or more que time, now my new server is having a que. It wouldnt be as bad cept twice now when I go to log into the game after waiting my time I get an error code and it starts all over again. CAP servers, if they are full, stop allowing new players to make characters.
  2. Love how the positive post gets ignored and the cry me a river posts constantly be bumped.
  3. Id imagine it will change once you hit 50, since it buffs you to 50, then whatever you have for hps you will have in the pvp zones. I do think its kind of stupid to have sage classes with only 300 less hps, when in game I run around with 700+ more hps than an equal level sage. But whatever.
  4. I hate hate hate huttball, I wish they would allow the other two maps to be played by anyone. I dont even try to score, the only thing I care about is smashing faces. If I happen to get the ball I just keep smashing faces, unless im near my own endzone then ill try to push the ball back the other way.
  5. Um no, a Juggs job is to play the way they want. You are not pigeon-holed into immortal, and I would highly recommend not bothering with it until youre 50 and need to raid tank. I switched to Vengeance and I can dps as good and efficiently as my DPS cousins. Dont let anyone tell you how to play, because you can be a very viable dps class as one of the traditional "tank" roles. Besides pve leveling sucks if youre pure tank, go vengeance and supp it with some Rage and youll do all right.
  6. Relax and level up. Yup, I used to be one of those guys. Now that I hit 25 I am starting to hold my own. And this is coming from the Jugg class. I specced heavy defensive at first and expected to go toe to toe and win, but its just not a wise move to do so. Now I went Vengeance and I notice a huge difference both in killing power and dps. I even have real good fights now with my dps cousins (marauders and Sentinels) where before they would destroy me. Anyway just keep trucking, as you level things start to open up for you down the road. My favorite combo right now is Force choke to Ravage, does some serious damage. Anyway good luck and just PLAY the game and get better, I know I did, and I was one of the biggest complainers.
  7. doesnt the aoe snare build aggo? you can get it to cost no rage and just spam it.
  8. The only problem with this is that you could do the same thing guard does with a healer who can dps, and do it better. Why guard someone for 30k when you can heal more players for 250k and STILL out dps the pure tank? If you go full immortal, or mostly immortal your dps is such **** you cant kill any class 1 vs 1. So in essence alls you become is a poor healer with zero dps. Its stupid how people think that its ok to suck way more than the Powertech/Vanguard (who tank every bit as good as you, guard every bit as good as you AND out dps you) and say you should be happy with what you have. Guardians/Juggs are pretty useless, except if you want to run the stupid hutball, which I think only a handful of players really like anyway, and even then any Focus Fire will bring you down regardless. Juggs need to be viable, they need to be as effective and on par as their range counterparts and right now its just not the case.
  9. gofortheko

    PvP gear

    Why is there such a huge gap in gear. We get like eleventy billion level 50 sets, but no level 30 set? Seems very odd to have nothing for 20 levels. Change one of those level 50 sets (preferably one of the ugly ones) to a 30, add a feature to search by armor type (IE Heavy, or Medium) and level, and call it a day. In any case im so bored, I want my TOR back. Kinda mad they brought it down during peak hours.
  10. I have the same problem with my Juggernaut, I press the "instant" key and the damage isnt delt until the animation is done, which is not instant. If I press the button and dont hold it, it doesnt work. Nice mechanics, its so awesome in pvp as a melee to not have your abilities hit the target. Granted now I hold it down to actually get it to trigger damage, but I shouldnt have too.
  11. Um thats not the point, Vanguard/BHequiv do exactly what jugg/guard does only they have more dps, more CC and ofc are ranged. I spend more time stunned, snared, knockbacked than I do actually hitting someone, melee should do more damage than range, but right now its ranged do way more damage, and because they are ranged its more consistent, AND they can tank/guard just as good as us. Pretty stupid people want to keep someone down because they like having the edge.
  12. Ive been playing and granted im only level 17, but I have found that my dps is way sub par and it seems useless to guard people, when I could just heal people with a better class that has more dps. (operative, commando, etc.) Im going to stick it out because I love being a tank, and I know we are not supposed to be dps machines, but it seems most classes are jack of all trades, but all have way more dps than a tank. Heck BH and Troopers can tank as well as my Jugg but have way more dps, AND can do it a range. Not to mention the ton of stuns, and heals they get. PS: Tanks need to guard, even if its useless its still more helpful than not guarding.
  13. I have a self built computer with a dual core 2.2G CPU, 3 gigs of RAM, Nvidia Gforce GTX 460 SE vid card, and windows 7 Enterprise N and I run it just fine. The game has severe mem leak issues and I start to get choppy after hours and hours of gameplay, but other than that it runs around 35 to 50 fps which is fine. I would rate my computer probably about 3 years old. Most new store bought computers now could outperform mine. So really, some of you need to reload windows, defrag, clear you hard drives or a combination of the three. Honestly defrag is really important especially on older computers, it makes a huge difference if you have not done it in a while. And if you got 280Gs filled of 300 Gs then it will run worse.
  14. All this love for healers, what about the tanks who guard you? Speaking of which more of you tanks need to start guarding people already.
  15. Well been playing a lot lately, and found out Jedi Guardians get pretty solid. Once you get an aoe snare and a few talents they are pretty tough. I think its best to not pvp till 14 (as a Jedi Guardian) because thats where I got my defensive form, and sprint helps a lot. Nothing more fun than guarding a friend so they dont die too. In any case see you guys in game.
  16. I cant fathom why classes who have great dps at range not only get multiple forms of crowd control, but also they can just run around in circles and with the terrible range of melee powers never be hit. The worst I think is when my jedi guardian was facing a BH he just tanked him and beat me down easy. So not only does he have tons of Crowd control, dps, but he can tank as well or better than me. I am hoping that Jedi's get better the higher you go, but I wont hold my breath. Ill keep trudging a long and try to figure out a good way to pvp, but with very little Crowd control, and zero snares I am finding it a rough go.
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