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Everything posted by Trenter

  1. 50 on fleet. Righto, I'll check it out during peak hours tonight for myself, thanks. Republic is doing just fine though - Rarely drops below 100 - 110 during prime time, if the fleets are anything to go by, which they aren't necessarily.
  2. Ah gotcha. I'm playing mostly Republic. But I have Imperial characters so I'll check it out for myself. And "dead server" means? 10-15 on fleet?
  3. Yes, it is a fact people are quitting TOR. It's also a fact that TOR gains new players. And no, you, like the rest of us, have no clue which of those sides are stronger. All I know is looking at the server status at peak hours shows "light" servers to be a minority. I also haven't seen one bit of a drop in population where I play - The Progenitor, EU.
  4. How was crap like this called for in any shape or form? Get over yourself.
  5. I agree with this. I'm having loads of fun leveling alts. Usually I leave out entire quest hubs on planets, since I otherwise would overlevel with space combat and FPs, and grab those with the next character I make. There're some quests and questlines I probably will never skip on a character though. The ones aching to KotOR on Taris, for example - Endar Spire, Promised Land etc. The planet questlines are usually top notch aswell, so I try to do those with all characters. Edit: And I've only created Republic characters so far. Saving Empire for later. Good times leveling alts.
  6. Just highlighting the server status again. EU, peak hours: 3 light, 7 heavy, 3 very heavy, 1 full, rest are standard. I say it again - hyperbole.
  7. Not a big fan of the fleets and I really haven't undestood the reason for them when each faction have their capitol worlds. I mean, it's friggin' Coruscant for crying out loud. I do like the fact that the Republic and Empire fleets are up there and you are able to pay them a visit, but I don't get the the fleet stations. Give the capitol ships more story elements and other reasons to visit them instead, and move the social hubs to the capitol worlds. My vision of a nice social hub in TOR would take place in a new zone down on Coruscant. Right now we have the Senate Plaza with the spaceport and the Senate tower plus a bunch of gang territories. Why not also add a commerce street. Here, an example: Coruscant street Have cantinas and shops frame the streets and have speeders fly around the scene.
  8. And again, a while after release they doubled the server's capacity. Otherwise you'd have queues to this day. A full server back then is not the same as a full server now. This is facts, presented by Bioware/EA themselves.
  9. Died? What is a "dead" server to you then? Because, right now, a vast majority are standard.
  10. This is not you talking, Gamstun. The cyber-Eeyores have gotten to you. Take a step back and form your own opinion. Jump off the bandwagon and be a man enough to admit it - You love SWTOR.
  11. Uh, just to see if I get this correct - Are you expecting to never see nerfs and re-balance in any of your future mmorpgs? This is seriously not burying heads in the sand... my guess is that an overwhelming majority will roll with the punches, just like they do in any other game where nerfs occur. I don't know how many times I had to reallocate skill points in WoW over the years...
  12. Trenter


    It probably does. Don't worry, people like the space game.
  13. MMO forums are always filled to the brim with complaints about everything, so no, I don't take that as proof. I look at the server status and think that there's quite a bit of hyperbole going on regarding this subject. I was asking for factual sources showing that there has been big drops.
  14. Another big drop? There has been previous big drops? Source? And I'd prefer factual sources, not made up. I haven't seen a drop personally.
  15. If you look at the server status now, you are really missing the peak hours for the US servers, aren't you? Wouldn't most people be at work, school, outside whatever right now? If you look at EU we're now in peak hours, and the majority are standard. Some light and a few heavy. I've checked it a few times in the past few days, and tonight is the only time I've seen more light servers than heavy. Friday is one explanation I'm guessing.
  16. Yeah, they dropped from heavy to light on every server Looking at the EU servers, during primetime, most are standard and there are more heavy servers than light. Haven't payed that much attention to the US list, but the little I've seen there seems to indicate way more standard servers than light ones. You sure you're not exaggerating just a little bit?...
  17. They are very hard for their level, definately. And as you say, they seem balanced around 5's (and even then it wouldn't be a breeze). I remember being so frustrated with Drexel Sweep, but with good use of the PCM and a lot of luck, I finally made it out of that asteroid field alive. But I have much less hair now...
  18. I agree with this. I'm surprised aswell. It's no biggie, but I had hoped they would've made this differently than they did. The skills is one thing, it really doesn't bother me. Some of them will be nice to have on all characters. What really bothers me with the legacy rewards however is the release of all the species to all classes. This just waters down the two sides in my opinion. Theoretically, we could see Warzone matches with 8 Sith Jedi against 8 Miraluka Sith. I just don't get the reasoning behind this. How will the Republic NPCs react to Pureblood Troopers, Jedi and Smugglers for example? This is a non-issue for many, but quite important to me personally. I'm all for further customization and options - but why no Togruta, Cathar and Weequay instead of just mashing everything together like this? To me, this really is a pity.
  19. Boys, boys! Where did I say "threads"?... What I said was there has been lots of posts by people saying they enjoy the space combat.
  20. Upset? If you're talking about me, then no. The first sentance of my post was actually not sarcastic. I cave, that's all. I know I'm right, Galius will never agree. Galius thinks he's right, I will never agree. Really no point going at it any further than that. And for what I want? Same as always from me, 3d flight combat would be great if they do it well. I've been both PvEing and PvPing in 3d flight environments for quite some time, so I'd obviously be very happy to see it implemented in TOR. In addition to that I'd like to see more "tunnel" missions added aswell, since I very much enjoy them, and in particular something aching to the death star run in RotJ.
  21. Ok ok, I'm bailing. There has been no positive response to the space combat in TOR whatsoever, and what we are witnessing here on these boards is nothing short of a fully fledged outrage. People are leaving in droves because of it and, post-release, the crap really hit the fan regarding space combat. This compiled and "official" thread on the matter, with its whopping 256 posts, is a witness of what a failure of this magnitude can do. Are we okay? What has this gotta do with anything? The feature is what it is, right? It's a mini-game. People play it occasionally and many like it like that. I'd say I play it rather often, and I'm having fun with it even now. Would love for them to expand on it later on, as I've always said, but for what it is, I think it's pretty darn good.
  22. I've seen tons of posts saying it's great, fun, entertaining and so on. It's not ignorant. I've seen it. So, shall we agree that there has been a love fest for the Space Combat, but at the same time an outrage? Or shall we just agree there hasn't been neither a love fest or an outrage, but a rather chilled out response from the community in general, as I previously said?
  23. EU server status right now: 6 light, 14 heavy, 1 very heavy the rest standard. I seriously think this issue is tainted with quite a bit of hyperbole.
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