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Everything posted by MalignX

  1. It is optional. It can't possibly make the current manual grouping any worse than it already is. If you absolutely don't want to use it; join/make a Guild, make friends and bring them into your guild, and then form groups solely from your Guild. Yay Guilds are relevant again. For those people who have zero problems getting groups and running Flash Points, this won't effect you, no matter how much you rage at me that it will.
  2. Just when I'd given up hope on healthy discussions. Seeing as it just undulates up and down every time someone new joins in, and I've yet to see it really get anywhere productive. Appreciate TouchBass's continued campaign though. Edit: And Knightblaster's thought out post, obviously.
  3. I guess bottom line for me is: I want a LFG tool, I want a Cross-Server LFG tool. Do I need an exact copy of WoW's anything? Not at all. Does me wanting it mean I want your way of playing completely obliterated? No. Do our ideas of how one can/should play a MMO differ wildly? Probably. But do I feel that any argument about "community", "reputation", or "socializing in a MMO" are valid enough that I should be denied this tool? Sorry, I don't. I am totally open to compromise, I am not open to "My way or No Way". I really don't mean for that to sound combative.
  4. Again, I'm not AGAINST socializing. I just don't see it as any kind of necessity to running what is essentially a mini story in the game with better loot. Let alone do I see Cross-Server anything destroying anyone's ability to socialize further.. I'm getting tired, maybe we're both just spinning our wheels here.
  5. I've moved well passed awe and irritation, and now I am just baffled by some of these Anti-LFG/Cross-Server arguments. :/
  6. Sure, it's a Multiplayer game. So when I run a Flash Point with other people, I'm playing with multiple players. What about that means there has to be "friendships" and rapport involved? If my friends list comes from people I know outside of the video game, that makes me some how less social? Or not wanting to be someone's buddy to run a 1-2 hour mini game inside the MMO means I shouldn't be playing MMOs? Am I following your logic here? Edit: Seems to me that the creators of this MMO see a need to add a LFG tool to their game, does that mean they have no idea what it means to play a MMO? I mean I am really trying to see your all's point of view here.
  7. Again, I'm not arguing with you for the sake of arguing.
  8. What is causing you to only meet people in a Flash Point? And I guess I am having a hard time with Player A's need for socializing trumping Player B's want to run content as painlessly as possible. I'm not trying to be willfully dense on this subject, I'm just not seeing it is all.
  9. Gotcha. But as far as I can see a Cross-Server LFG tool is only going to apply to Flash Points. I don't understand how Flash Points are the lynchpin in making friends in a MMO.
  10. That's great. So you'll continue to make friends,build rapport with people, and play for years with them in this game. How does a Cross-Server LFG tool take that away from you?
  11. Exactly what I was trying to illustrate. I don't automatically think Anti-LFGers are automatically "horrible/crappy/whatever" people. I think it's hilarious when people make statements like "All Pro-LFGers are lazy/idiot/casual/kids/community destroyers/yadda yadda". And they said they were releasing the LFG tool almost a month ago, I'm not gonna go back and find the original Dev post, but I am sure someone will. I believe it'll be in the upcoming patch in March, what isn't for sure is whether or not they'll do X-Server.
  12. If wanting a LFG tool makes me narcissistic and entitled, then the people that don't want me to have it are arrogant elitist exclusionary players that think video games are some how prestigious and meaningful in some real world sense, and therefor delusional. Well LFG is coming, so I'll take my "free ride" while you go make a "name" for yourself in a video game that ultimately means nothing to the rest of the world... See how that works both ways?
  13. How many pages total do you think this has made it to now?
  14. Well so much for civility. I've yet to witness these "droves of horrible acting people" outside of these forums, seems a bit grandiose. I certainly don't see how you can state they are everywhere that EVERYONE knows it. Let alone does a Cross-Server mechanic option some mythical flood gets to unleash them. And if it's not emotionally scarring, then what is the big deal with the occasional jerk/ninja/bad player? Who's being dramatic there? Again if your entertainment is degraded by other players getting a mechanic you don't have to use, it's a you problem.
  15. Agree with you partially, except, I've never had a negative experience using a LFG tool outside of the occasional person quitting after they got the boss/loot they were after, and even then it didn't ruin my day. I just don't know where these mythical troll/ninja/jerk/griefers are all hiding. I am as big a @$#hole as anyone and I never had these horrific game ruining experiences that some people claim to have had. And really, if you let any ONE person's behavior ruin a game for you, I feel you should really reassess your desire to interact with other people in general. Not trying to be rude, I am just in awe that anything that could possibly happen inside this or any other game could have such a lasting effect on you emotional/mentally.
  16. Haha! Love it. I've officially spent more time on these forums than I have playing my character since I hit 50 They want to shut me up, give me Cross-Server Flash Point Finder and I'll go back to playing instead of posting.
  17. I had a great time with RDF in WoW, no need for reputation to run content, no need for time-sink travel. If these things are important to you, you can continue to utilize them. As for the world dieing, WoW player out number the entire population of Ireland, so I'm not sure where you're getting this "fact".
  18. At least if it dies, it can't be said we didn't try to further a healthy dialogue, and we'll still get our LFG tool to boot. Honestly, I feel Cross-Server is going to happen regardless of what gets discussed here.
  19. These are just your opinions and personal perspective. LFG is absolutely a win for casuals, in my opinion, regardless what slandering names you'd like to apply to those of us in favor of it. Sure "Community" exists, but only between you and those you choose to interact with, if LFG/Cross-Server/Whatever kills your community, there was something already wrong with it. For the rest of us wanting this feature, it's a boon to our community as it allows us more freedom and options to enjoy the game the way we want. Sorry you feel this way.
  20. Gotcha. What I meant by my first line is that from Hammer Station to HM BT I've seen very little need for "advanced" tactics beyond the occasional Boss mechanic, and every single Flash Point I've run thus far to 50 has been a PuG. I feel like the only content in danger of being "nerfed" in order to allow random people to play with ease, would be higher tier HMs and Operations. Which I don't think I am a fan of. I am all for Cross-Server LFG, but there should still be something for the "leets" (not using it as a derogatory at the moment) to be able to accomplish, where they're not just steamrolling through halfheartedly. Pardon if I came across as combative, I've read so many "I'm not using it! I'm quitting! This is the death of X/Y/Z" that it's hard not to assume.
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