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Everything posted by MalignX

  1. It's a fact that LFG will improve my enjoyment of this game.
  2. If you need recognition for your Star Wars playing ability, create a leaderboard.
  3. Again, this is a you problem, not a game mechanic problem.
  4. I am sure that was in direct correlation with RDF. Or maybe it was because they made Goblins a race. Seems just as valid an argument.
  5. Oh I am sorry. Here: No it doesn't mean her music is inherently good. But it certainly would go against the argument that everyone hates her music and it's ruined the music industry. That better?
  6. The fact that you know anything about Lady Gaga seems like you've already put to much time into it.
  7. Yup, 10 million people and dwindling by the second. I'm sure they'd miss that 500k of people ragequitting over LFG.
  8. You know what is NOT epic? Tofurkey... Or a sign that the Devil is real? Baconaise...
  9. Oh, that must be why WoW died and they had to shut the doors.
  10. 10 Million people playing wow is a horrible side effect of LFG.
  11. Sign me up under narcissistic social invalid, cause LFG is on it's way.
  12. Grandiose much? I never once ran into a over the top #$%hole or a ninja the entire time I ran RDF in WoW, I have serious doubts it'll be the 80-90% you claim.
  13. /Ignore, problem solved. Never has a #$%hole or a ninja ruined my day for any significant amount of time.
  14. Here's what it boils down to for me: My and two of my buddies want to run Flash Points for the evening, but we need a 4th. We queue into LFG and then go do whatever strikes our fancy until the LFG tool provides us with a 4th person. Boom, off we go to run Flash Points. Fourth person only wants to do one or two? Cool, re-queue, go do something else, LFG tool provides another person. Boom, we go off to run some more Flash Points. If the 4th dude is a rude douche-bag, we don't care. We don't need him to have a cheery personality in order to complete a Flash Point with us. He's a "Ninja"? Ah well, we just re-queue, our night completely not ruined by one dude's need for loot. He drops after 1st boss? Ah well, re-queue again. No matter what the 4th person is/does, we're still getting to run Flash Points at a better rate than if one of us sits in Fleet spamming LFG for four hours. We find a 4th dude that's cool? We add him to our friends list or invite him to our little guild, and boom we've been social. All I need to know about a LFG tool. Cross-Server would just be icing on the cake. FYI: They've gone from "Cross-Server is not something we're considering at this time," to "Cross-Server is definitely something we looking into as an additional option." In less than a month.
  15. Here's what it boils down to for me: My and two of my buddies want to run Flash Points for the evening, but we need a 4th. We queue into LFG and then go do whatever strikes our fancy until the LFG tool provides us with a 4th person. Boom, off we go to run Flash Points. Fourth person only wants to do one or two? Cool, re-queue, go do something else, LFG tool provides another person. Boom, we go off to run some more Flash Points. If the 4th dude is a rude douche-bag, we don't care. We don't need him to have a cheery personality in order to complete a Flash Point with us. He's a "Ninja"? Ah well, we just re-queue, our night completely not ruined by one dude's need for loot. He drops after 1st boss? Ah well, re-queue again. No matter what the 4th person is/does, we're still getting to run Flash Points at a better rate than if one of us sits in Fleet spamming LFG for four hours. We find a 4th dude that's cool? We add him to our friends list or invite him to our little guild, and boom we've been social. All I need to know about a LFG tool. Cross-Server would just be icing on the cake.
  16. Because we bought the game too and that makes it just as much "ours" as it is "yours"? It's an optional tool, don't use it. I hear WoW has isolated servers, seems like that is screaming your name.
  17. I apologize, I wasn't specifically saying YOU said these things, I was just chiming in on your "It Does Effect People Who Don't to Use It" discussion.
  18. That's just a answer I pulled from the Anti-LFGers when I stated how horrific spamming LFG in general chat was, and how I'd like a LFG tool. So I think it applies just fine. If you've got a Guild, you've got yourself a nice pool of people from which you can continue forming groups. If not, get more friends (Another suggestion I've been given from Anti-LFG). If neither of these works. Then I guess LFG was more needed than Anti-LFGers are wanting to admit. I'm sick to tears of the "Community Squashing Game Destroying The Sky is Gonna Fall" argument. If your precious community is destroyed by this LFG tool and other communities spring up in its place, then I guess it was time for your community to die.
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