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Everything posted by Amelyssan

  1. Id rather see big patches less often, than these pointless downtime patches that litteraly do nothing, each week. All it does it frustrate people especially with the horrible timing. Seems these weekly patches are to show the players that "Bioware is acting" - but all it does is shoot them in the foot.
  2. and- - auto add friend if hes selected/targeted when clicking "+". - enable enter press.
  3. what hype..? The hype YOU YOURSELF fell for?
  4. I agree with op. We did 16 man normal Karaggas Palace last night too and we too had more trouble with trash mobs. Its pathetic. The dual bosses after the Rancor is a joke too. Its literally just /handoutfreeloot If this is the intended design in the future im not sure this is the game for me... (even if it was normal mode)
  5. I always MVP to healer, if its proper healing. But yeah I respecced back to dps, healing is way too little rewarded/encouraged...
  6. whats most hilarious; 99% of the servers being outnumbered by Empire or You actually managing to roll Empire on a server where Republic outnumbers you. lyls.
  7. learn to not lose a node? youre the reason it was lost in the first place.
  8. yeah in the early days pretty much anything scriptable was allowed and they stopped that. All I want as a healer, is a userfriendly way to let myself click the cursed target and let me do that job myself.
  9. WHich is....also what......decursive does I win.
  10. did you just compare a normal/hardmode Flash point to raiding? lol
  11. off with you, non raiders. You clearly have no clue how it is to be healer. Try doing Archimonde in Battle of Mount Hyjal without a decursive mod? Some of us dont live in the stone age anymore.
  12. like this Commando One: http://www.torhead.com/ability/7xsmRBZ/field-aid But you didnt implement mods (like Decursive in WoW?) You can even buff it to remove mental effects too! ("Psych Aid" in the skill tree) I remember the old days of Molten Core where you manually had to click targets during the Lucifron fight to decurse people and look at the animation. come on bioware havent you gotten further than that?
  13. im not native english speaking and still this sentence is so wrong.
  14. stop lying to yourself stop lying to yourself stop lying to yourself
  15. bad idea. shamans and paladins werent shared in wow either. wait.
  16. more threads about LFG system, come at me bro.
  17. so what about fun and engaging real time combat? EvE lacks that.
  18. You know what? That is such a ******** tbh. Dont come here and tell me that a million dollar game cant create multiple species just because it "doesnt fit the story telling" or "you cant get attracted to an alien" or "technically we simply cant do it". WERE IN FRIGGIN 2012 WAKE UP BIOWARE
  19. As long as its not eastern drunk-themed goblinoid blue space monsters riding flying rockets Im happy.
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