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Everything posted by Amelyssan

  1. Yay, lets implement a broken feature to solve a problem that has nothing to do with said feature.
  2. If you want to be a ***** about grammar atleast spell Aladdin correct.
  3. @shoryushoryu Ok I simply HAVE to reply now because the amount of crap comming from you is utterly amazing. WoW is +6 years old, thats why its so finely tuned, its has been under way for a long time. Uhm. Leveling is patheticly easier than ever before in wow.... What the HELL are you rambling about? The client is free of charge, all you do is create a battle.net acc and you sub, then youre ready to go. Theres even a free trail! A classic example of a person turning the words in your own favor. THE AGE OF WOW IS WHY THE GAME IS SO POLISHED. Look, its obvious you dont have a clue about WoW or how everything works so stop acting wise. Youve barely played it and all you do is throw random mumbo jumbo around that are half lies.
  4. I rolled Republic myself and am loving it So being a minority is difficult? Challenge accepted!
  5. If you're Republic: why do you play Republic and what kept you from rolling Empire? If you're Empire: why do you play Empire and what kept you from rolling Republic?
  6. Fix armstech fix the pvp queues fix raiding bugs
  7. maybe the screenie is a reflection of his e-peen?
  8. congrats OP on you trying to confirm your own thread with a different forum account. fail? on topic: lfg tool, no thanks
  9. I HAVE to bump this thread. the crafting in swtor is fine by design, but endgame and contentwise its PATHETIC. BUFF ARMSTECH
  10. we havent seen a single drop yet on both normal, hardmode and nightmare. its either armormech, synthweaving or biochem ****.
  11. Im a hardcore raider and I simply have to post this thread since this is getting rediculous. Pretty everyone in my guild much has rolled FOTM Biochem and intend to keep it that way but I refuse to leave my Armstech behind. Weve been raiding both EV, KP, world bosses for a few weeks and every single profession have raiding benefits or have had some schematic drop (even Armormech!) BUT NOT A SINGLE ARMSTECH DROP THAT IS EN PAR WITH RAIDING OR SELLABLE. I just wanted to get this off my chest.
  12. oh stop your pathetic trolling, will you? If you dont like that game LEAVE.
  13. look ill leave you here in limbo. And when you get older youll understand what the guy meant on the swtor fora.
  14. the fact that you dont know how this may happen is the core reason why youre being spammed/scammed.
  15. thanks Emmanuel. This is by far the most important issue for me in the game. gameplay > story
  16. last night I tried to queue for pvp and if you got some patience it may actually be possible, but after waiting +1H with the Q bug constantly popping up I just logged off. Why do I bother?
  17. The stat is utterly broken. It baffles me they didnt see this a year ago. WHy make a stat less than 1% would use? Pointless, remove it. Cant raid with companions, cant pvp, cant do FPs atm atleast.
  18. Amelyssan

    Warzone Gate

    yeah I agree. I had to afk for like 30 secs for phone and then just got kicked. Thats retarded!
  19. fix the god damn wz queues...for those of us who pvp ALOT is devastating..........
  20. If a skill tree is so diverse, yet comprehensible and with variations, that a hardcore cookie cutter raider changes skills for each encounter...the tree has fullfilled its purpose
  21. Yeah exactly! Behavioural options to spells and abillities are some of the most funniest! Should the dot end tick with a 2 second stun or do extra damage? Should my heals be fast and flexible (pvp oriented) or slow but bigger, more crits (pve)? The list goes on
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