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Everything posted by Jerid

  1. While I don't have any "I would have survived the battle if not for the delay... " stories, there's been plenty of times when I wanted to use it to interupt a Normal mobs activation time and it didn't because of the delay when my interupt was on cooldown and they weren't in range for the PBAOE knockback.
  2. Yeah if you're ever stuck... just go into your quest codex, and anything listed under "Class" that's open, you probably need to finish up. Like I said, Tatooine and Aleraan are linked the same way as Taris/Nar Shaddaa... you can do either one of them first once they're available, but you'll need to do both of them before the Chapter 1 finale missions will be avilable. (PS why would you want to miss out on all that rhakghoulish goodness from Taris! )
  3. Taris and Nar Shaddaa are linked. After you finish both of them you should get another mission asking you to go to a spaceship and check out the daughter of the End Boss from Nar Shaddaa (evidently she's caught the plague too). You won't get the quest to go to Tatooine and Allderaan till you finish that space ship quest (they're linked both given at the same time like the Taris and Nar Shaddaa quests were given at the end of Corracent)
  4. To be honet, he didnt say Qyzen had an alignment, he said every choice that matches HIS alignment Qyzen hates. Although I do admit I find thta kind of odd. Qyzen hates some of my choices on my fully Lightside Jedi and Loves some of the really Darkside ones my Darkside Jedi makes. On the other hand there's some choices made Darkside that he really disaproves of. Quite frankly, I'm finding that Theran is a lot more frustrating. It's not that he's giving me a lot of negative affection (Other then doing "Jedi" things which is Ironic), but I can't seem to find anything he LIKES either. I mean seriously, what does "Likes getting something for nothing" in his character description mean? There arn't verry many converstaion choices I'm finding that say "Well, I don't really FEEL like running out and getting your water back from the pirates... but can you go ahead and give me my commendations anyway?"
  5. I think the problem is the Tatooine World quest end zone. On other planets I have no issues finding lots of the materials (As before mentioned Alderaan the zone with House Organa and Ulgo's palace, also the Arms Factory on Balmora and the Pipe Area on Taris). But for some reason the Dune Sea just does not seem to have many nodes or maybe they're just too spread out. For the other end zones, it's not uncommon for me to have 2 or sometimes 3 nodes visable on my minimap at max zoom at the same time. For the dune sea though, it's harvest single node, hop speeder zig zag for a few minutes trying to find another. That's not just an issue with Archeology though, I've also noticed same issue with all the other nodes (except for Slicing, but they tend to bunch up in areas with people. Few found out in the open), but again, even if i can't find World Nodes, I can always kill Lizards or robots out in the Dune Sea as an alternative.
  6. I'm having a hard time with this as well. The fact that you can't find any mobs to grind out materials from is a big drawback. Espicaly seeing how many materials Synthweavers require.
  7. I spent about 3 minutes drafting up a /bug report trying to get the exact loc of a bugged resource node (not the "1/2 harvested" type of bugged... the "it spawned inside this tree" type of bugged) and just before I hit subit C2 got back from a companion gift mission I sent him off on. -150 Affection to CN-N2
  8. Jerid

    Too Easy

    I agree with you, and Armortechs and Synthweavers already do. The paterns drop from Underworld Trading. But I'd definately like to see some for Armstech. I wouldn't mind seeing some for Artifice too, but not sure if Bioware is working on the assumption that Artifice and Cybertech make the fillers for OJ equipment, so don't need to have their own OJ equipment (Not sure what cybertech even could make OJ versions of)
  9. Actualy, there is a leash limit. If you send your companion to the node from max range and start running the other way, the companion will auto port to you when get to a certian range (I think it's about the range that your mini map looses site of it when it's at max zoom out). You can also do this when the pet is in combat. There's been numerous times when I've left the pet with a cluster of green trash mobs I don't want to bother with, and while he was still being beaten on, right after I loose site of him on the radar, he ports to me, then a few seconds later I get my speed buff back.
  10. Unless it's changed, Just "dismissing" dosn't seem to work. You won't see the faction hit (just like you don't when they're off on crew skills) but you'll still take the hit. But for people that have incompatible companions at low levels (Hurting girls for Dark side points with Corso around, Helping little old ladies cross the street with Kaylio around, Even looking at a kitten without kicking it when Khem's around) you can swap in your ship droid. (See we're back on topic ). Ship droid will never be judemental of any decision you make.
  11. Jerid

    Too Easy

    First of all... I totaly agree with everything you said except your first sentance. Everything else in your post is the reason why the OP is wrong. Crew skills are definatly not too easy, because the OP is wrong in his basic assumption that the only way to make crew skills worthwhile are to make them harder simply because crew skills provide exactly what as they should. They're meant to be an enjoyable hobby that's accessible to everyone. Not only to some minor subset of the game that only 10% (or less) of the population is meant to partake in. Just look at the entire way the companion interface is entertwined with Crew Skills. It's obviously something they want everyone to take part in. If nothing else convinces you, then the last Q&A where they made that statement about "Oh look how the interface is currently set up, dosen't it look like it's just made for a Mobile Phone app?" should be a strong indication that they do intend this to be casual freindly, not some "Hardcore players only" system.
  12. Something else to keep in mind about the debuff... When I checked it out, it was bugged. It said it would reduce your damage by 50% but it reduces it by 75% Hmm maybe that's the problem... they doubled the Debuff instead of doubleing the Buff part of it adrenal? (I already /bug ed the debuff being too high in game about a month ago. Got the standard "keep an eye on the patch notes, issue has been forwarded to QA" type of closure on it)
  13. When was a timeout added? Last time I checked once they're tagged but not looted, they stay bugged till the next server reboot.
  14. The bad part isn't that it's not on the map... it's that it's not on the map and the quest description just says "House Thul has set up a personal shuttle for you. Take the shuttle to the Elysium in Garus Valley" By those instructions the shuttle could be anywhere (the way that sentance is set up,"In Garus Valley" sounds like it refers to the location of the Elysium, NOT the shuttle). I would have went back to House Thul by the Spaceport to look for the shuttle if not for this thread. Edit On top of which... why is a Thul shuttle on the Organa side of the river?
  15. Rather then getting into the same arguments again... I figured I'd just link to 2 of the previous threads about this to save some time.... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=320971 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=315016
  16. I thought it strange at firs too.. but then I figured he just had all of them out doing missions from a fully maxed out skill from another line.
  17. Woah... so wait a second... after running the client repair... then your skill started to gain points? That would mean that skill gains are calculated client side not server side... When you were running missions back when you were still broken and not gaining points, were you getting items/materials back? Just you stayed stuck at 1 for your skill?
  18. Level 41 is when the 4th companion is unlocked. Just make sure you reload your UI when you hit 41 to see the change.
  19. No it is not. I just verrified it again last night. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3073179#post3073179
  20. If it's a Czerka crate... wouldn't it make sense that it would drop from one of the Czerka zombies at the Abandonded facility? From the World arc on Tatooine. Both Imp and Reb end up at the same place to fight The Imprisoned One
  21. This You get out your excel spread sheet and find that your results are: So you say... no looks good.
  22. What you define as "simple" isn't all that simple. It would exponentialy increase load on the game. What to you looks like "1 simple outfit" is actualty the following: The game now needs to keep track of 2 Helms, 2 Pants, 2 Belts, etc. (one visable and 1 that passes through stats to you) On top of that it's not just one new set on screen at a time. It's 2 new sets... there's no way that people are going to be happy without an appearnce tab for their companions (look at all the "Need hide helmet for companions" demand threads). Now that we've thrown companions into the mix... you have to have a seperate appearance for each companion (Slave Outfit on Mako "good" same slave outfit on Lord Gault... not so good)
  23. Just to verrify it's level based... one of my troopers was level 24 when he finished Naar Shaddaa last night. At that point he was level 24 had 4 companions (including ship droid) and could only send out 2 companions. I did the Spaceship mission, then got to Tatooine starting the quest line there still at level 24 and still only able to send out 2 Companions. He did a couple of quests in Anchorhead and hit 25... The Crew Skill screen still said Max: 2 but I reloaded the UI (Control U twice) and then the crew skills screen said I could send out 3. So it's definately level based not story based, but the crew skill screen wont update till you reload the UI.
  24. Hah! I like that "Glass is half full" attitude
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