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10 Good
  1. I think I've figured out what they've done. Someone decided that having level 48-50 missions for too low a character level was providing materials to people who weren't the "appropriate" level range, and quietly just fixed the situation. At level 21 I've run 22 more slicing lockbox missions since my last post, and not a single crew mission reward. Yet my friend who is level 50 is still getting them. Thats not cool at all BioWare. ;(
  2. Without a log to parse, how do you get statistics on drop rate info other than manually writing stuff down each mission completion?
  3. Before the 1.1.4 patch, I was getting a slicing companion mission drop about 1 in ever 4-5 missions I sent my companions on. But now I've done about 30-35 and have only gotten 1. Has anyone else noticed this?
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