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  1. Greetings! I'm playing Althessa on the Hidden Beks server - Imperial side for about one week I made a ticket because of the sorcerers weakness after patch 1.2 as an answer I was told I shoud make a suggestion into the Suggestion Box - and so I do now... Problem: the Talent "Wrath" in the "Madness" Talent-Tree no longer can procc the "Chain Lighthning" abbility - only "Crushing Darkness" and "Lightning Strike" but the "Lightning Strike" has such a low damage that the sorcerer as -Lightning-Madness- hybrid talenting no longer is able to burst enemies as an alternate Talent I tryed -Lightning- tree, but its too slow in any Warzone + the abbility "Thundering Blast" has in full "Champion" gear a maximal 3000 damage with all talents that support this spell additionaly its a 2 sec casted spell on 9 sec cooldown + its interruptable + I got to cast every abbility wich makes the sorcerer not mobile enough for Warzones as another alternate Talent I tryed -Madness- tree... very good at mobility - near only instant spells to cast... but nearly only dots they makes the 2.5 - 3 k full damage in 18 seconds... realy... in all warzones you are bursted by the enemy in 6 second so you can nearly never win a duel or if you win it - you got to run like hell and hope that nobody heals your target - all dots of the world can be healed even by a myserable healer - or even by a healing abbility of a dps... Suggestion for Lighning: a. boost the damage of Lightning Strike a bit b. boost the damage of Thundering Blast a bit + reduce its cooldown by 3 second + reduce its cast time by 0.5 seconds... let it be an ultimate "weapon" - like other character types have their own... Suggestion for Madness: a. boost the damage of Lighning Strike a bit b. give us better survival abbilityes - the only shield holds only one strike against us - while other charakters all got more damage reduction skills c. boost the Damage of Creepling Terror or let it make the same damage over 9 seconds - not 18 thank you
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