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Everything posted by Jorojus

  1. I wonder how they were able to fit in the crafting stuff in their bolster formula
  2. Hmm on second tought this would be nice indeed, cause it happens alot that once a team scored they got their passing chain going on. This half time would be like a new chance to get the ball first at mid and start your own passing chain. Might make some games more interesting.
  3. Clearly the PUG's need some explanation of how to play hypergates. What do you do in that 1 min x seconds before you can get out of the spawn area hint* There is an ingame chat even during the warzone. Seriously, stop whining and do something about it if you want it to change.
  4. Yup still love this game since day 1, took all the changes that came along and dealt with it instead of coming to whine about them on the forums. Every class has its own kind of fun and I really like the diversity of skills on all classes. Unlike other games where alot of class abilities have the exact same effect as another class, sometimes even with the same animation. I don't get it why people complain so much, or get irritated by a game. Its a game after all, your supposed to have fun
  5. Great idea, I would love to play together with some Rep players I've come across in warzones. With this I won't have to use cookies anymore to make em roll a toon on Empire side. But thing is it would be to random and destroy the feeling of Imp vs Rep side, I am sure alot of people had these Imp vs Imp days all day long and then finally you see this Rep capital ship in Civil war and you are like . "Finally some rep scum to kill !". I mean I at least got this feeling and I really got something like its "them" against "us" and I find it a pretty awesome feeling everytime we kick their asses !!! A separate que would be a solution for that problem, but then again player pool decreases. Cross server pvp would be a solution. (Wishful thinking)
  6. In every warzone you got more then a minute to give pointers to the PUG's. They will either get what you are saying, or they will not. Having two oppurtunities to do that won't change much imo. Hutball is such a game where you can't really organize pugs, you either got a feel for what would be your best role in the game according to your class/spec or you haven't. Even in ranked games I've seen guildies where you really have to tell em to the letter what they should be doing, with the utility/abilities they have according to their spec/class. For Hutball f.e. a few fast pointers you can give are to hold mid and be there at every new ballspawn, ask to go ahead when the ball is in the teams possession and don't forget to pass. During the wz you can use the chat too, unless ofcourse you are one of those guys that wants to squeeze out the highest hps/dps. I find it strangely lacking for an mmo that in alot of warzones, nobody even says "hi" at the start of a warzone. Mostly if you say hi at the start and you don't get a reply you know you gonna loose =). It's like people are afraid to communicate with eachother nowadays. Inc 1, 2, 3, 4 it takes soooooo much time to type.
  7. He says he wore fully augmented tank gear, I am not so sure he was playing tank, comprehensive reading I know, its hard. And if he was, I do wonder if he had a healer on him Oh wait maybe this guy tried killing this healer 1 v 1
  8. Just pick a target, preferably one with no full health or one that some other dps is attacking, finish him, make sure you didn't aoe attack another player and hope nobody saw you while you finished off your target in 3 seconds. Wait a bit, don't engage, go in stealth. Smart asses in the other team will put a dot on you, so you can't do this. Good thing swtor isn't full of smart asses
  9. And where do you see this person writing that he plays tank .
  10. Or the "I am gonna roll a toon at the other faction just so I can whisper this guy and say that he has a hard time killing me and that he is ****, but I am rly not annoyed by it that he is hitting me on his own the entire time but I'll just re-roll an entire new toon so I can whisper him just to say that"
  11. *whine* Sins have always been in the top layer with the devs. *whine* At least we got a roll now What's your opinion on the best min/maxed gear atm for scrapper ? How much alacrity did you min/max for and how far did this effect your global cd's / energy regen compared to the magnitude of your hits ?
  12. Operative is fine either way, in the end you'll find a spec that you'll like to play. And once you reach level 55 you can easily respec to anything you want wearing the same gear. Concealment is most fun ofcourse in normal warzones. Here is a nice guide, its for the equivalent spec on repside. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=594135
  13. Nice patch notes, but how much cc coins would we have to pay to participate in those cartel arenas Maybe if we all transfer our 4(+) toons to another server Bioware will hire new developers with the money and actually make this happen
  14. Words have alot of meaning in them. "in the best sense charity is really a duty"
  15. Jorojus

    Pot5 PvP guilds!

    Best to take a look at the server forums, here is a link
  16. Jorojus

    Valor pvp

    Hmm I was wondering why I am not an ops leader when I am the only one with valor 100 in a wz. Thx for explaining, the system doesn't work properly then?
  17. Jorojus

    Alacrity and pvp

    I am running 252 alacrity atm on my operative wich gives me 5.51 procent, 6.3 energy regen, I do not know if this is already affected by the 2 procent alacrity increase in wich I specced in. I never run out of energy if I am playing lethality, in concealment I have it sometimes but only in really tense burstphases, but that's mostly my own fault of not keeping an eye on the energy management. Here is a quote from a guide about scrappers for alacrity; All credits go to ktkenshinx, you can find his guide in the classes forum under the English-Classes-Smuggler board. It's a sticky.
  18. Jorojus

    Valor pvp

    (Valor still has it worth, it assigns the ops leader), who should lead the pugs into the warzone
  19. I don't see any bad advice here. People are just making others aware of the resolve bar, lots of players don't even know this bar exists or how to turn it on. At a point, right before you "know" you gonna kill the ballcarrier you should stun him. Otherwise a good ball carrier will always be able to pass the ball to someone around him or reset the ball. It is shortminded to think (I am not saying you are shortminded) that you can only kill the ballcarrier by pulling him into the fire, it depends on alot of variables. The simplest one beeing, "Do you have a puller in your team?"
  20. If you go ESC - preferences - game You'll go to "nameplates". In the nameplates you'll see something called "Always show resolve bar" if you tag that you'll see a second bar below the health bar. If there is white in this bar, controlling effects do not work. Except for roots. Uhm atm not sure if you can still slow, guess you'll have to find out and see for yourself on that one
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