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Everything posted by LJ_Gibbs

  1. Thanks for mansplaining everyone. Heaven forbid casuals get to play all of the game too. Thanks for gatekeeping because ... "git gud" When has a STORY mode in this game ever needed that much progression? None. That's my whole point. Story modes are made for teams to get through the STORY of the operation, isn't it? It shouldn't REQUIRE voice chat and that much coordination. Not asking for a faceroll... but two tweaks would make it less Hard Mode... because it is right now... Lady Dom is anyway. Take out two of the knockbacks... and the stunners in burn phase and it would be just fine. Asking 4 STORY MODE raid people to be able to coordinate those is just stupid. STORY. Let's also not talk about the bug that causes people to end up under the whole room and unable to do anything but /stuck. They've taken out the 3rd phase of Calphayus (?) in the Dread Op... yes, I know it's an old op. my point is... this Op is over a year old. Nothing is lost if they fix those two things.
  2. Clear R4SM lol. How old is the Op? I would like to know what the percentage clear is. (My team can't clear it).
  3. We asked for a statement after it was announced... how long ago? And they a JUST NOW????? saying something?
  4. read the thing... it says "an intro note from" we are gonna hear mostly from the same old BW people.
  5. Then why not OVERLAY missions on the old QT map... why change the way something has worked like for 11 years!!!!????
  6. That's what their preview video showed. It is working the way they wanted.
  7. This was 100% done on purpose. Also.... I'd like to be able to do the fight and NOT GET STUCK UNDER THE FLOOR!!!!!
  8. I LOVE how I click the QT icon only to be forced to look a small area map in which there are ZERO QT points!!!!!!!!
  9. ... or.... The people that were in charge before as the same as there is now? So nothing is gonna change or get better?
  10. No... pin something else... this being pinned is embarrassing now... "celebration of ten years" A celebration that never came.
  11. https://twitter.com/SWTOR/status/1493617347357298700 Isn't is about time they change this tweet?
  12. No it doesn't. You're not meant to do that legacy bank thing. So ... Why do I need slots in my 15 empty slots in my inventory to just switch gear? And the way you "save"said loadout is AWFUL. You can copy one but you can't lock it so you don't accidentally change it? Ya know.. when I change one piece of gear you change that whole saved loadout.
  13. EXCEPT 'Story Mode" R4. Don't get me started on that mess.
  14. I haven't done a toon from scratch in years (because ... why?) so I guess I didn't know.
  15. Sorry for the duplicate post... I was on page 3 when I replied lol
  16. Only if the game hire unioned writers. A LOT don't. https://askagamedev.tumblr.com/post/716766412235030528/with-the-wga-on-strike-has-this-affected-the
  17. In the name of God... WHY would they do that?
  18. Yay! More stuff to keep us busy with old content.
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