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Everything posted by LJ_Gibbs

  1. Unfortunately... they do not care.
  2. Yes... yes it is. Funny part is... it will LESSEN my playtime. I am doing only one toon CQ now.
  3. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH I fully expect this post to get deleted and get warned (yet again). WHAT ..... A..... JOKE. It's such an easy fix.... one 45K... 20K for Eternal. It's NOT rocket science. No... get more points for doing the same old heroics. I will reiterate.... WHAT.... A..... JOKE.....
  4. This... 100000000000000000000000000000000000 PERCENT
  5. How long you been around? This cycle or ninja changes... or changes people complained about on the PTS but ones they went ahead and did anyone has been the devs MO FROM THE START. A vicious, endless cycle.... they come on... say they are sorry... give us a LITTLE bit back and then they move on. It's like what happens in corporate America... they raise prices beyond belief... and when they roll them back even a little we are supposed to be thankful???? No! They had their chances... YEARS AND YEARS ago. This is what they do. They do what they want... with not a care in the world about how it affects the players except a select few. (Hence why SM Lady Dom is the harder than some Hard Mode fights). It doesn't make me feel better... it makes me feel worse because I am yelling into the void because... again... THEY DO NOT CARE.
  6. If you believe that... I have a bridge to sell you....
  7. They do not care. They will not change it. Why? Because people say they will leave... but they don't. They want everything to be more difficult because they need us to stay subbed. Because they have given us nothing to actually keep us subbed. I have said it 100 times.... this game has fed off the Star Wars IP for far too long. Would have been closed down 8 years ago if it didn't have the IP.
  8. They don't care. They are not going to budge. They are like the kid who is taking their ball and going home.
  9. THey have no intentions of doing ANYTHING going forward aside from the Cartel Market.
  10. I think we are resigned to the fact we won't ever get a significant amount of real new content. They've beaten us down to the point we have given up.
  11. No... they can't. And I forgot completely about the 50K to 100K crap they pulled on us.
  12. That's either incompetence.... flat out evil... or a little bit of both?
  13. Here's an idea... PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT WAS. Some of us have LIVES... like right now I am going through the worst time at work... my mother just lost her house to a fire.... so logging in for a couple of minutes to get my points has been a godsend. Yes, I know where my priorities should be... but to be able to do my conquest while my life is a circus right now was one thing I was glad was working correct until things calmed down. So PUT IT BACK.
  14. Bottom line people.... THEY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK.
  15. Bottom line people.... THEY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK.
  16. DID NOT NEED BALANCED. You just made me not able to log into as many toons as I did before. Thanks for giving me time to play other games.
  17. ... and what is the reason for limiting how many legacies we can have on our ignore list... hmm?
  18. I love reading this 571 days... FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE DAYS... after the stupid thing has been released.
  19. You mean the backing of a multi-billion dollar company vs. a very small maintenance mode company? Yes... I see the difference. It's not hate... it's frustration. Frustrated by every promise they have ever broken (10 year anniversary anyone?). This game uses one of the top 2-3 IPs IN THE WORLD... and is STRUGGLING. Things that need fixed.. never get fixed. Promises are broken. I am frustrated because my guild is down to 15 regular people. I am frustrated because we need more story content... and we get Date Night.
  20. Leave this thread that I started. The people here asking for a slight change of R4 don't need your "let me help you" little one attitude. They don't need your help. Slightly making the fight easier will not take away anything from you. It will NOT hurt the game. So I am not sure why you stick around.
  21. Thank you for saying "give facts" when you can't give facts either. Your "yes plenty" is god-given fact but anything I say is "wrong" Also... thank you once again for your interest in my posts.
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