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Everything posted by Daeborn

  1. Good, then your comments are not even worth reading anymore. Bye.
  2. If you believe him you're not doing yourself any favors.
  3. Only if you live in Panda'moan'ium.
  4. Yeah, I noticed that. Guess live is only for those in attendance.
  5. It finally dawned on your that you've been beating this drum for a while? Well congrats, I guess.
  6. There was a guy last week complaining about low population on his server. Of course he finally mentioned he played on a EU server at 3AM but failed to understand why there was no one to group with. *rollseyes*
  7. BCBull is more than a little troll but I agree with you. All a person like him wants to do is kill lowbies because he thinks it makes him a man. He's pointless as usual.
  8. When you can read the Dev logs and read upcoming updates.
  9. Daeborn

    Is SWTOR dying?

    There are also paid negative reviewers and I am quite sure a few are contributing to this thread. TOR isn't dying and I actually have been seeing more players creating alts on each faction. There's been some cancellations but I am sure after 1.2 comes out there will be a continual increase. By next fall it will be more then healthy.
  10. *facepalm* The night-shift is complaining they see no one. Go figure...
  11. You sure like to exaggerate to prove a point don't you? Lag yes, sometimes crashes but if you have a system of any note it isn't a slide-show.
  12. Not sure of the total count but you can get a large Ops going on Ilum. When it happens we get two and use Vent to coordinate attacks. Those are the times the Imps are on the run, not us.
  13. What server might this be? Even on my low pop server there's at least 50 in Fleet, 20 in guild and around 15 on Ilum during peak hours. Plenty to get Ops started. I finished my Ilum weekly last week, working on it this week and normally can do my daily there too each day if I put my mind to it.
  14. Hyperbole. PvP is functional even on Ilum. Sure you can crash and lag can be tough but it's slowly getting better. WZs are the same. PUGs can suck but if you get a good core of 4 to group with you can dominate WZs. And have a lot of fun too. 1.2 brings some much needed fixes in PvP too. It's coming up very soon.
  15. I'm on a lower population server. Granted I am on a PvP server still but one can find an Ops to do PvP if one looks enough.
  16. Anytime someone says "lack of end game" I always see the lack of knowledge. There's plenty of end game both PvE and PvP in TOR. Bugs too but there's "end game". Try harder next time.
  17. It sounds like you're either not looking much or not heading there during peak hours. Even on my lower population server we can get a full Ops and even more-so to do battle. Imps still outnumber us but we fight none the less.
  18. The community of whiny and ranting folks. Honestly, that is what disappointed me the most. I wish they'd have all stayed in Panda-moanium.
  19. It's got to the point there's no one playing on the Reps side. Sad but true. Whether the imbalance is real or not in the beginning it sure is now. I am done PvPing. Might be done with the game in general...
  20. No. Because F2P isn't and it seems to attract more of the low-life of MMOs.
  21. Fans on stuff like Motherboard Chipsets and Video Cards can and do make noise. And when a card has to speed up the fan because a game, like SWTOR does tax a system more a problem with the hardware can come out. That's not the game, that's a bad bearing in your fan. My last machine had the similar problem with a northbridge chipset fan running noisy. It appeared while I was playing a game. It was not the game but the bearing going out. It just happened when I was playing the game. It could have happened when I was working on MS Word. Should I have blamed Word for it? Sorry but there's a think called coincident at play sometimes.
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