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10 Good
  1. Use corso, bowdaar is an aoe tank, he has awesome abilites to grab everything. Alot of people dont realize it but bowdaar isnt squishy he is just tanking everything. Corso on the other hand is a single target tank. When you use him he is tanking 1-2 things usually and you are spreading the damage around. your first companions dont have heals, but you have a small passive heal with pugnacity. I put corso on dps not guard, i remove his harpoon ability and i stealth in for the 1st shot, he usually picks up a mob or 2 while i waste the normal mobs. Most of the time we are both above 80%. Pugnacity ticking im usually full health and only have to heal corso once every 3-4 pulls. If your insistant on using the wookie, you really need to keep his gear up to date. and if u didnt change his entire beginning gear, he is pretty bad its super end heavy. once you get risha... wow you 2 blow up everything together. the only thing i dont like about her is fighting golds, you end up tanking it completely and spend most of your time keeping yourself up than dpsing, but for regular pulls... its like night and day from having corso.
  2. digirc

    Marking Healers

    I LOVE BEING MARKED! No seriously it is very comical dragging 4 players down into the pit in huttball wasting about 30+ seconds of all their time while my team scores. The 2nd best part is after they score a couple of my team mates come and peel them off me while i escape and heal the next ball carrier through.
  3. If you have a link for that ive already looked and searched. I read the dev blogs every day. there was a post about it not long after launch in where they stated they wanted to add it but i haven't heard anything since.
  4. Really when is this going to happen? All major mmos have guild banks. lets get the ball rollen on this.
  5. i know im lower than you guys but on hard fights since i have a taunt i let vette absorb alot of dmg then taunt it off and pop my cd's, it usually goes down pretty good that way. I do notice there are some gold/silver elites, the higher elite ones, i just cant take with this method, i prob can take them down with quinn in my back pocket tho. i am intrigued to see what jaesa can do, but i believe thats a long way off being she comes from hutta planet. I think i need to see how much downtime im losing, in comparison to me having to heal between fights to just plain slower dps.
  6. so stay with vette, then move to quinn on hard fights? or should i just rock quinn? its not very easy keeping up 3 gear sets.
  7. im 26 right now and only pets i have is vette and quinn, ive been rocken vette and we blow stuff up fairly quick, but i do have to stop and heal almost every fight, especially if there is a silver or gold in the mix. should i be lvling with quinn? it seems like it would b slower but i dont know.
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