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Everything posted by BigBadEdward

  1. As someone who played the first and arguably the best MMO, I don't want to go back to those days. UO was In-Tense. The key was the fact that anything was attackable and the only concequences outside of town was whatever you or your associates could do yourself. The second key was that when you died, everything you carried was left on your corpse, lootable by anyone who came by. Imagine you had just gotten a primo piece of gear when BAMM, someone back shoots you and takes it. EVE is the only MMO these days that comes close. That was real PvP, do or die with real consequences. My friends and I talk about UO a lot because the conflict the environment created gave rise to epic battles and epic stories. There were nights I couldn't sleep because of the things that happened in UO. You know what, when I think back on it, it was epic but it quite often wasn't fun. I have enough to stress over in real life without creating some artificial angst in some stupid game. I like being able to just log out and forget about it. The bottom line on this whole thing is that everything we do in any game, no matter how epic it is, is just a waste of time, barely one level above watching Keeping up with the Kardashians. I prefer low stress in my leisure activities, maybe some of you prefer to take the stuff to bed with you. Just food for thought.
  2. Some of us simply see no point to the end game gear treadmill. What is the point, get new gear to do a new instance to get new gear so you can run another instance so you can get new gear ad infinitum. It seems completely frog brained to run the same instance over and over and over and over and over to get a piece of gear so you can run the next instance over and over and over and over to get an UPGRADE to the piece you just spent two weeks getting. Is that really fun? Remember, this is a game and is supposed to be fun. Running the same instance over and over seems very much like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer, it feels so good when you stop (or when the gear you want finally drops). Ask yourself if there would even be an SWToR if WoW hadn't made MMOs popular with the masses. WoW didn't do anything the others didn't do, they just made it more accessible for the masses. Imagine if we all still had to stand in line for two hours to kill some spawn. It still amazes me that people would do that. Imagine if all MMOs since EQ turned out to be failures, would EQ and Bioware have sunk all this money into another MMO? Bottom line, I work 10 hours a day, I don't want to "work" at a game when I come home.
  3. Please stop these threads. No one is ever going to change their minds and amend their behavior so we get 1000 pages of people banging their heads against the wall. Just go your own way, that's what everyone else is going to do.
  4. Bugs are tickets, those are seldom fixed within hours. It's not a useless ticket, in lots of instances, nothing gets fixed without a ticket. The mere fact that they gave him a valid response further enforces that.
  5. It's a game play issue. You can't do all the content if there isn't anyone to group with. You ever tried to solo an FP?
  6. Want some fun, get a Canadian to say about...
  7. Ditto UO was the first graphical MMO, EQ was it's immediate successor and was much more popular. Lots of people tried to compare the two but the only thing they had in common was that they were both, technically, MMOs. There was not one single other thing that they had in common. SWG and SWToR are both Star Wars themed, other than that, they are fish and bicycles. While you can do a comparison (are wheels better than fins?), it really doesn't mean anything.
  8. What's the hurry? I'm a tourist (sometimes called an explorer). I like to wander around, look at the scenery, take my time. Without fail, when I'm in a PUG, the game turns into a freaking race, run to this, jump on that mob, kill it quick, quick, quick, run to the next thing, don't read the dialogue, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, HURRY, HURRY HURRY!! I simply don't want to play like that. There is about a 99.99999% chance that anyone who sends me an invite without a tell is going to expect that kind of game play.
  9. I've seen that more than once. Saturday morning on Axial Park, there were 4 people on Balmorra. A few days ago, on Thursday night between 6 and 9 PM, the population never got over 20 on Korriban. It was a ghost town, chat was dead quiet for almost the entire 3 hours.
  10. There are two HUGE problems with the story. 1. Except for just flat refusing the quest, you can't really change how it turns out. The captured Jedi on the starter Sith quests is a good example, even if you tell him you are using him, he just kind of ignores you and follows his set path. They are all like that, no matter what you do, you end up at the same place. It's like riding in a train, the only choice I make is whether to open the window. 2. You spend 10% of your time on the story and 90% playing the rest of the game. Even if the story was excellent, the rest of the game is a big repetitive grind. When I'm running across the countryside with 5 quests lined up in the area, I just click wherever the triangle is and gather or kill what's close to the dot, I only remember what story I'm playing when a cut scene pops up. The biggest mistake MMO designers make is thinking some fancy gee-gaw, some shiny doo-dad is going to make up for crappy game design. It's like building a house out of cardboard then painting it some fancy color. You might get someone to buy it based on it's color but when it blows down in the first strong wid, you're going to be in big trouble.
  11. There are 5 different types of gamere, esxplorer, social, etc. Go look it up. The point is that only one or two of those types will stay for the story. The guy who plays MMOs for the PvP, is gonna click thru anything that gets between him and killing other players.
  12. This is, like a few others, nearly a religious issue in that there is generally no way to convince either side to change. As for me, inviting me without talking to me first is just rude. It says, "I don't care what you're doing, I want you to do something else." Random, uninvited, no-tell duel requests fall in the same category. It's pretty simple, if you can right click me and click group, you can right click me, click whisper and type, "Wanna group?" It's simply not that much trouble.
  13. Ditto Playing a Smuggler or Agent, I have many times had to run for cover while an elite and his henchmen shoot me in the back side. Some of those fights are tough enough without starting at half life. Same thing for anyone who usually relies on stealth to start a fight.
  14. You could interact with anyone in UO. Origin got sued when a group of player killers killed a young lady then spent several minutes emoting the various vile things they were doing to her corpse. Other than the obvious drawbacks of the people who hate you being able to talk to you, regular mail service between the Republic and Empire is what an old game designer friend of mine would call "fiction breaking nonsense".
  15. ROFL, I just knew someone was gonna say that. So 3.5 would be what on the 1 - 100 scale? 87.5? B+. Nah, still too high. I would give it a D+ at best.
  16. I'll say something I said before that no one really responded to. It is technically impossible to outlevel the content. If everything turns grey, you stop getting XP ONLY until you progress to areas with higher level mobs. You still get rewards, just no XP for a short time. Like someone said, just keep doing the quests and enjoying the content. I would submit that if you're simply doing it for the XP, you're not really enjoying the content anyway.
  17. I never said I hated the game, I'm still playing and, for the most part, having fun. There is simply no way this game is almost perfect, which a 3.5 out of 4 rating would suggest. Surely no one, even the most rabid fanbois, think this game is almost perfect.
  18. I played late Beta and from launch for about a year. I never had any of those problems. If I remember correctly, WoW had a pretty smooth launch. SWToR launch was pretty smooth as well but WoW just started, over 5 years ago, with more features and more content than SWToR has today.
  19. SWToR copied many other MMOs but it is hardly the same. This is especially true for me as I am the explorer type. I play the same to experience new things. When WoW launched, there were 3 completely unique environments per side to explore all the way to about level 30. I spent weeks before I had to redo any content. When SWToR launched, there were 4 environments to level 10. I was repeating content in a few days. Why am I playing SWToR instead of the others, I'm done with them. I've seen it and done it. I still have some story to explore but one run thru per side and most of the story is done. Don't worry, I won't be here much longer.
  20. I didn't say I wasn't having fun or that I didn't enjoy it but giving it a 3.5 out of 4 is totally bogus. It isn't a great game. The game play is repetitive in the extreme, most of the environments are carbon copies of something else, there are simple, basic, expected MMO stuff that is nearly unusable or non-existent. 2 out of 4 maybe, no way they get a 3.5
  21. I'm really tired of the "it's new so it is OK for it to suck" argument because it's total BS. The Galactic Trade waste of time is a good example. Why does that have to suck when there are several examples of how to do it right? Why was it necessary to go live without auto-stacking in your corgo hold? How many examples do you need? Bugs I can handle, every new application has bugs but just poor design choices and lack of basic features is unacceptable.
  22. You know how a one track mind works, right?... right?...
  23. I would love to know what game these reviewers are playing. It certainly isn't SWToR.
  24. and run off a cliff or into an elite. That might work on Tattoine but not many other places.
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