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Everything posted by BigBadEdward

  1. Because this is a role playing game. You're playing the role of someone else, not yourself. That's a cop-out. Who is playing the role, your evil twin? No, you are playing the role. Why? Why do you feel the need to step out of your own life and into another? Why can't you do it without sex? Is there something you find unfullfilling about your real life so have to creaqte another? Just some food for thought there. Plenty more of those if necessary.
  2. I used to be a total pig. Seriously, a total pig. I was also a pot head and an alcoholic. That isn't my wife talking, that is me looking back at the things I did and the way I acted when I was single. Have I changed? Yes. My wife literally saved my life. I would be dead or in prison right now if not for her. Once again, me looking back at the direction my life was going. It wasn't easy, we're all basically selfish, almost everything anyone does is mostly for their own benefit. So, you say you "won't sacrifice one small percentage of who I am for someone" but then who sacrfices? It's damm near impossible that you will meet your perfect mate, someone that loves and accepts everything about you. We can just assume that you have faults since we all do. So, either you are willing to change or someone else just has to put up with you. Anyone with this kind of attitude is either delusional or destined to be alone for a very long time. That being said, I like your solution to the problem but even that is a compromise of sorts.
  3. I wouldn't call that a favorable review, most like a balanced review. It had as much negative as it did favorable and most of the favorable only talked about the story. I guess you see what you want to see.
  4. 57 year old Senior Unix Systems Admin for a major grocery store chain. Retired military, 3 kids, 6 grand-girls, married to the same beautiful woman for 37 years. I've been gaming all my life, board games when I was a kid then pinball, then pong and space invaders and on and on an on. Started Ultima Online in 1998 and been an MMO fanatic ever since.
  5. A little perspective here. My wife is a wonderful person. She has a great sense of humor, is a great mother and a great wife. She is also an excellent cook, seriously, she is one of those people that can take a pile of garbage and make a dish that would make you slap your mother for reaching for seconds. She is also smoking hot, she has a smile like the sun coming up over the mountains and a body like Salma Hayek. I could go on for days about all her good qualities but you get the picture. She also has some issues. She is somewhat insecure due to things that happening when she was a kid and being raised migrant farm worker poor. Her gaming expertise stops at Farm Town. So, she doesn't get the whole role playing thing, she sees virtual flirting and all that as real flirting, as some need she can't fulfill. I've been married to her for 37 years for a reason. When she has a problem, I have a problem. We deal with them together. We talk them out and sometimes the answer is that she changes her behavior and sometimes I change mine. This issue was one of them, I was doing something I saw as completely harmless, she didn't like it. We talked about it and I came to understand how she felt so I stopped doing it. My choice was to continue to upset her or continue something which I really didn't care that much about anyway. It was a no-brainer, it simply wasn't worth fighting about and it damm sure wasn't more important than the woman I love. Talk about it but realize that feelings aren't always rational. Sometimes you just have to respect how another person feels and adjust for that. Oh yeah, on the subject of women doing it, the way I see it, if she gets hot for George Clooney, until he starts making house calls, who benefits from that? She can watch all the movies she wants as long as I get the kickback.
  6. As an explorer type, I play everything and most of my guild does as well although we generally gravitate to the "good guys", whatever that means.
  7. I said I was done but oh well. This is exactly the point I was trying to make. Is someone who gets upset over video game romances insecure, yes. Are you going to change that by some kind of weird aversion therapy, by continuing the behavior that upsets her, well, good luck with that is all I can say. I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when the OP simply tells his wife to "get over it", there is some prime sitcom, Married with All in the Modern Family stuff right there. Once again, is some virtual fade to black sex in a freaking video game really worth it?
  8. Why, because the graphics are better? I have a keyboard with what, 100 keys on it. In space combat, I can use my two mouse button and my space bar. I'm not flying my space ship, I'm jigging it back and forth as it goes on it's unstoppable path. Except for the pretty pictures, this is EXACTLY like an old Atari game.
  9. You mean because it looks and feels like an old Atari game? Yeah, I would call that dissapointing
  10. I just got mine last week and SWToR is a completely different experience with a new rig. Lag is gone, no more ability delay, planets load in seconds instead of what seemed like days. The graphics are much different as well. My main just happened to be on Voss and it looks like fall in New England.
  11. To the OP and the subject, yes I can and there isn't anything you can do about it.
  12. I played the beta too and bought it anyway. I'm still having fun, for the most part. There are things I haven't explored yet but they are getting fewer and fewer. I was severly dissapointed when I left Dromund Kaas and went to Balmora, a planet I had already played as Republic.
  13. Interesting. Because I am sensitive to my wife's feeling and don't feel like virtual sex in a video game is more important, I'm a doormat and need to learn how to be a man. I see you guys got it all figured out. Since I probably have socks older than most of you, I'll defer to your infinite wisdom. Women are crazy, that's a fact. Men are ******es, that too, is a fact. Somehow we need to learn how to live together and that means coming to an agreement on a variety of things. How every man and woman accomplishes that is different since every man and woman is different. I guess my message is simply that you have to pick your battles. Granted, sometimes you have to fight even when you will lose but sex in a video game, puhleeze, is that really worth fighting over? That's enough from me. Either you get it or you never will.
  14. It's a role playing game, not a movie or a book. You are playing a role of having sex with another woman. Granted, it doesn't bother some women, it does bother others. Marriage is a constant series of compromises. Women make some strange demands at times and there are times when you have to stand your ground and refuse to budge but virtual sex in a freaking game, is that really worth fighting over? and you call me a nerd. Sheesh!!
  15. For all you guys who think this is the wife's problem, I say again, you have a LOT to learn about women. I've been married for 37 years, I made ALL the same mistakes but I learned from them. Seriously, why are you flirting and having virtual sex with your game characters? Honestly examine that and you might start to understand.
  16. No you really cannot compare this game to WoW Yes you can. SWToR has story, made a lot more real by the voice acting but WoW had story too. The more important thing was that it had a LOT more to do, a lot more diversity in it's environments. This was all at launch, you could play up to about level 30 in 6 completely different environments (3 per side). With SWToR, you play up to level 10 in a few hours and BOOM, you now have two paths, one for Empire and one for Republic. The size of the environment was also much, much larger in WoW. You had two huge continents to explore, not some small area of sewers to much around in. I could go on but the bottom line is that they exhausted all their resources on the story and forgot to make a decent game to go along with it.
  17. You have a LOT to learn about women. You're pretending to have sex with other women. Get a clue dumbhead, women expect you to be emotionally committed as well as physically committed and having even play/virtual sex breaks that commitment. Apologize, tell her you understand her feelings and don't freaking do it again.
  18. I think we would have been happy if this game had simply lived up to the hype they created. They lied to us, plain and simple but that's what marketing people do, they lie and us suckers fall for it every time.
  19. While there are certain ways to exploit the system, how would you actually attack someone who is flagged if you couldn't damage them? If AOEs didn't do damage to opposing players, what good would they be? There are certain game mechanics which just can't be changed without completely breaking the game, this is one of them.
  20. For all of you closet <insert slur here>, it's a role playing game (MMO is short for MMORPG). What role you play in the game has nothing to do with who you are in the real world. In real life, I'm a crusty old guy with hair growing out of his ears but when I create a character, I assign it the gender that fits. Truthfully, when I want my character to be particularly vicious, I always make them female.
  21. Achievements give people something else to do. A single player, run thru once and quit type game doesn't need this, an long term, play forever type MMO game does.
  22. When a griefer starts harrassing you, find a safe place and sit down. Don't talk to them, don't interact with them in any way, just sit. Griefers have a very short attention span, they will go away in a short time. While this is an obvious exploit and a serious flaw, until it gets fixed this is the ONLY way to deal with it.
  23. I used to build my own computers until it really started to not be that much cheaper. There are drawbacks as well. 1. No free stuff. When you buy components, you have to buy ALL the software seperately. To be fair, component manufacturers are now offering free stuff too. 2. No support. If your hard drive dies, you have a warranty, if you put your computer together and it just doesn't work right, you're on your own. If you accidently break a pin on the motherboard, you are just screwed. I just got a seriously hot brand new computer from ibuypower (http://www.ibuypower.com) for about $1,400. On my old, 6 year old computer, loading into a planet took minutes, with my new one, it takes seconds. Lag was killing me and now it's just gone. The same thing from Alienware was at least a $1,000 more.
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