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Everything posted by BigBadEdward

  1. Just a few thoughts from a person who has mostly solo'd his way thru just about every MMO for the last 13 years. FWIW, I've probably had this conversation with you group or go away people about 100 times, all with the same outcome, that being the usual Internet board outcome of no one learning anything or changing their minds from their hard coded opinions. First off, there are things about MMOs you simply don't find anywhere else. They are unique in their size and depth, no single player game can ever come close. I like the no-save play style, having to commit and do or die. The sandbox/open ended play is also very appealing. MMOs are my preferred type of game. Why do I solo a multi-user game? There are several reasons. First, my play time is generally very fractured. I have an active life outside the game and am frequently interrupted. Real life come first. I like being able to just find a quiet spot, get up from my computer and take care of whatever it is I need to do. Given that, I try to live by the golden rule. One reason I don't like to group is that way too many people are have little to no consideration for their group mates. I've grouped with way too many people who will leave the rest of us standing while they spend 20 minutes doing who knows what. So, I never do that to my group mates if I can avoid it. There is a reason why MMOs are designed to accomodate the casual player, because most of the subscribers are casual players. Get used to it, it's not going to change any time soon.
  2. I was one of those guys, I gave it some pretty bad reviews and was generally unhappy with the way it turned out. However, like some people said, I'm having fun. Yeah the lag is annoying and all the little problems but it's a game and as long as you're having fun, most of the other stuff doesn't really matter much.
  3. First off, to the OP, you are screwed. Nothing you can do about it. Consider keeping that one to play around with, maybe use him as a slicing mule or something. Station him at the AH and mail him the stuff you want to sell. Second, I don't know which of you guys can relevel a character in 2 hours. Maybe if you've done it a dozen times and completely skip all the dialogue but normal, non-turbo charged, non-Mountain Dew mainliners take at least twice that long. Lastly, even though it's not a HUGE deal to relevel and there is plenty of warning, mistakes happen, there should be a grace period, maybe two levels or 24 hours or something where you can switch. Yes, there are some minor exploits but nothing that will cause any major problems. One last thing, some of you people need to stop replying to these threads. We know you hate anything that allows for normal humans to play the game but it really gets old hearing about it over and over.
  4. For what it's worth, I found myself at level 25 with only 5,000 credits toward a 40,000 credit pilots license. Seems I had spent way too much money leveling Investigation. However, I had a stack of 99 Carbo-Plas for I took a shot and put it on the market for 10,000 credits. Voila, it sold!! I put up about 7 other things (mostly crafting mats) and all but 3 of them sold. The market works. The interface needs some serious help but the economy is alive and kicking.
  5. How do you folks do basic market research? I don't play the market or spend a lot of time on selling, in WoW, I would see what other people were selling an item for and price mine a little lower but I'm having a hard time with that in SWToR, mainly because the market isn't easily searchable. How do the rest of you figure out what price to set?
  6. I posted some similar sentiments in Beta and got roundly slammed for it. That doesn't change the fact that most of the planets don't feel like planets, they have the relative size of an abandoned Walmart.
  7. Someone already said it, just have fun. The absolute best games are when I forget I'm leveling because the content is so engaging. On the flip side, it's kind of impossible to totally outlevel the content except temporarily. Think about that, I can explain if necessary.
  8. Me too. It would be nice if we could play on a different server while still waiting in queue for our main. I'm not asking for that as it's probably damm near impossible, it would just be a nice feature.
  9. If you and I partner on fighting a bad guy and we equally share the risks, whatever falls out of his cold dead hands belongs to both of us equally as well. Nothing else matters, period. My personal preference would be to do away with the whole need/greed thing all together, it's just a way to start an argument and ways for greifers to game the system. Roll or pass is the only choice that is necessary. FWIW, I almost never roll need and quite often just pass on stuff I can't use. Honestly, I am soooooo tired of this debate, this horse has been beat for so long there isn't even a bloody spot left of him to beat any more.
  10. Everyone in a group has an equal right to every drop. If you get in a group with a jackhole who rolls needs on everything, quit.
  11. I understand why people want to move things around but trust me, life in general will be much easier if you learn to be flexible and adatable. The ONLY UI change I needed to play the game was to turn on the extra bars. I just adapted to the rest.
  12. The MMO field is fairly mature at this point. If you look at the train wreck that was EQ and compare it to all the changes and improvements that have been made over time, it simply doesn't make sense that a "new" game starts off without some basic features MMO players have come to expect. It's not about making the game easier or putting things on auto-pilot, it's about spending more time playing the game instead of standing around waiting to play the game. The good thing about almost all of these features is that they are completely voluntary and allow the elitist 1% who prefer spending 50% of their time in non-game playing activities to continue their chosen pursuits.
  13. This was a complaint of mine all thru beta, stupid fool companions are like my kids, always in the way...
  14. It supposedly inflates prices. I'm not sure I buy it, I think inflation will happen naturally as people start hitting 50 and, as with every MMO I've seen so far, holding far too many credits with nothing to spend them on.
  15. I registered early morning on Dec 12th and I just got the email. Leaving work in a few, cya in the funny papers kids.
  16. Work is always a good way to pass the time. Mow the yard, rake some leaves, clean out the gutters, etc.
  17. I highly suggest you get over yourself. Role Playing is what the individual makes of it, it doesn't fit some mold other people try to make. You do your thing and let everyone else do theirs. If you don't like someone's RP. just go somewhere else and leave them alone.
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