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Everything posted by Vlaid

  1. Yes, because Bioware didn't just walk over to their testing area, load up a premade 50 ops/scoundrel, apply all the buffs you might expect to have in a warzone, then hit some consumables that they would readily have with Biochecm/PVPing and then test the damage on the 3 different armor types with/without bubbles. Which all of would have taken 1 hour from 1 person to test. I swear you scoundrel/ops need to get over yourselves. It wasn't the forum crying that got you nerfed. Have yourselves a poor pity parade if you want if that makes you feel better, no developer ever balances around forum cries alone. They certainly draw attention to an issue(if there even is one), but that's it. Sorc/sages would be nerfed to oblivion, guardians would be uber buffed, bubbles would be nerfed, sentinels/marauders would be nerfed for 1v1's, Tracer spam would have a 4 week cooldown, and everybody would still complain.
  2. Yes, funny thing is even with that video no real nerfs ever came down for frost mages. Ever wonder why? Nobody decent ever wondered why. Hint: Because there are tons of bads in Warzones. I saw a video of a nearly naked Vanguard in Warzones dominating too. I guess that means they are clearly ridonkulous too? lolz.
  3. Guardian is a lot less self sufficient. If you aren't queueing with buddies/healers a lot, it's kind of a wasted class. You can do alright, but the class just doesn't work like it's supposed to without healers in the mix. That's the thing that turns me off for sentinel/guardians. They have zero self sufficiency. If you queue solo or plan to do that a lot I highly suggest you pick either commando or sage (more so sage) you get a lot more self sufficiency to get things done.
  4. Nobody thinks 1v1's should matter until it's their class that's getting creamed in constant 1v1's with a class. Rock paper scissors pvp isn't fun.
  5. What more likely happened: TM -> TM -> TM -> High Impact Bolt -> Demolition round
  6. Nevermind. Double posted from back browswer fail
  7. I am. Against competent players you just don't have enough options to be effective. I'm switching to classes that have a little bit wider toolbox. This is something people who complain about Trooper wouldn't understand though (talking Commando, not Vanguard/PT). Commando's are just boring to play once you've played some of the other AC's. So little utility, so few options in any given fight. It's hard to be unpredictable in PVP in meaningful ways as a Commando. Working on a shadow and a guardian atm. Pretty sure shadow is going to win out.
  8. The pvp systems in SWTOR would make arena absolutely horrid. Please for the love of god don't even try and jam this square pvp into a triangle shaped arena.
  9. I think they fixed the little plaques in the middle of "Middle" on Alderann. I tried to hop on them earlier and they don't appear to be a climbable lip anymore. Could be wrong, test for yourself.
  10. This is really the crux of it. Everything in Jugg/Guardians is designed to throttle them when tank specced. PT/Vanguards get a lot more freedom. I mean, just the fact that Soresu form makes all your focus/rage builders build less sucks for PVP. You have less access to your resource because you're more likely to get ignores in PVP due to lower damage output+defensively oriented.
  11. You realize huttball is already basically the empire and republic playing in essence, football in neutral territory, right? Making it possible to play with the other faction on your team won't really change much.
  12. I think you're deluded if you think class balance of any MMO is good at launch. We'll be four years down the road from here and still struggling to get the classes balanced.
  13. If both sides aren't even, the shields shouldn't even open.
  14. AC was probably the best pvp ever, you could counter anything with skill. Really seperated the bads. Darktide ftw. Miss the old days and my pvp bro Xevy and 10+ people hopping from one MMO to the next dominating everybody before PVP was really mainstream. I want to play AC now =(
  15. Vlaid

    Any good PvP videos?

    http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=843832#post843832 Thread I made a while back. I haven't updated it much, but it has a decent number of pvp video links in it.
  16. Vlaid

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    You realize I have to take 10k damage to mitigate (with my 2 minute cd shield) what sorc/sages get on a 30 second cd they can keep up on other people as well as themselves because the CD isn't in the ability itself but the targets? And that's if I'm lowballing the amount of damage it absorbs at 2.5k. Not to mention that you can pre-bubble when you're not taking damage so that when people do get on you, you can renew it as soon as it breaks (as long as the debuff has already faded). I think you're the first person I've ever heard call 25% mitigation shield "god mode". Thanks for making me chuckle.
  17. Vlaid

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    I only listed what I felt was considered a "pvp tool" and the sorc/sage healer doesn't also get.
  18. Vlaid

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    So you're rolling a healer for PVP. You can only pick one of the following. Heavy armor or Bubbles Sprint Slows (when assisting dps) Friendly pull Hrmmm tough call which one is stronger in pvp. Really....tough....call. Protip: Heavy armor just means you get next to no pvp utility and get clobbered by people with a brain. The small passive mitigation boost (which doesn't apply to a lot of damage/gets ignores by armor pen) does next to nothing in PVP. There's a reason PVP isn't decided by who has the most passives.
  19. So nearly every game you play with a premade is boring? Seems like a good way to spend your time PVPing. This is why I choose to solo queue a lot even though I have plenty of people I could premade with. It's just not fun, I don't have to work for anything. I'm never challenged in a premade group. I pvp because I like close games, I'll even sometimes leave a horrendously lopsided game in our favor (when I'm solo). It's never close playing with a premade.
  20. Did you take that screenshot from outer space?
  21. Vlaid

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    Probably because there's so many junk debuffs in the game and for the non-super hero healing AC's (aka the ones that aren't sorc/sage) the resource cost is often higher than just healing through most of the debuffs you might dispel. I'd be thrilled if I could dispel sticky grenades (since commando's removes tech/physical). I get so sad everytime I get hit by one as I'm turning around los, and my natural reflex is to dispel myself before it goes off. But nothing. It's like the game doesn't want you countering anything with skill.
  22. I just leave games with premades. Sure it's poor sport, but so is fighting an oroganized team with a pug. I don't feel bad at all at contributing to their non-games. If I want to fight a premade, I'll form up a premade (which I do regularly). But when I premade I don't want to fight pugs. Funny that huh? Someone who premades who actually WANTS a challenge as opposed to steamrolls. I respect people who premade a lot more if they can admit it's not fair for pugs to even have to face premades and WANT to face premades.
  23. This is my list, after the nerfs next patch. Hard to really tell from random warzones though. We'll get a better idea when rated warzones come out honestly. Until then all the lists in this thread basically boil down to "what classes annoy you the most on your mains?" Sorcerer / Sage Mercenary / Commando Marauder / Sentinel (high skill cap, but with proper support probably best class in the game. Not pug friendly class) Powertech / Vanguard Assassin / Shadow Sniper / Gunslinger Operative / Soundrel Juggernaut / Guardian
  24. AoE kill trading. Working as intended. What a joke to let these sad piles of scrubs get so much valor/ranks from doing nothing. You might as well bot warzones if this is how you want to spend your time.
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