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Everything posted by Vudu

  1. Anyway, point being, in comparison, 5 seconds of 99% reduction far outweighs a 4K bubble. But, I'm not complaining. I don't play sentinel nor sage and really don't have much of a problem with either. I'm just sharing my experience.
  2. Grenades are fairly spammable at one every three seconds. Rocks are spammable if doubl;e strike crits finishing the cooldown. Sweep isn't spammable, but you can bet other hard hitting moves are coming right behind it at a quick rate. Also, sweep is pretty much a guaranteed bubble buster.
  3. Not every attack, but that wasn't the question or the reply. The statement was "one attack busts the bubble". I listed one attack from each of those classes that I play. Also, 2 grenades will easily do 4K damage in 3 seconds. Speed shot will break it down in 2 seconds. Sweep will go through it and cause damage in one attack.
  4. Oh yeah, funny that two of the classes I mentioned are actually tank classes that bust that bubble in one hit.
  5. It absorbs 4,000, right? Almost every class that has some dps can hit for over 4,000. Gunslinger, sab charge plus speed shot (if sab doesn't bust it). Guardian, sweep (easy 4K damage). Shadow, rocks (can hit for over 4K with a double crit). That's against full battlemaster gear from full battlemaster gear. With war hero, it only goes higher. Bubble can be busted by one attack from most classes.
  6. So, you just listed every class you can beat, which is every class but Shadow and Assassin, and there's something wrong with Shadow and Assassin? Derp?!
  7. I have a kinetic shadow, focus guardian and a 7/22/(something) gunslinger, all battlemaster. Funny thing is, I have no problems beating assassins/shadows on the guardian and gunslinger. You just have to learn how the class works, to beat them. Knowing how they work doesn't guarantee success, because there are always better players, good and bad attack timings. But, knowing how they work goes a very long way to defeating them.
  8. Well, yeah, you can DO something. But, really, how much is what they do going to matter to the outcome? If the higher level is busted up from fighting already or they're in a 1 on 1 already, sure, then the lower level can make a difference. But, fresh L19 versus a fresh L40? No contest.
  9. Not much any level 20 can do about any level 40+ 8)- And don't sweat the ******es saying L2P ... it's not like they didnt get obliterated by higher level people in warzones when they were L19.
  10. With gunslinger, specifically, pulse roots them for like 2 seconds after bouncing them away. Throw a shock charge, shrap bomb and vital shot. Then, sab charge, speed shot ... if you feel froggy, leave cover and back-peddle with repeated quick shots.
  11. Shock charge is great for fighting ops/scoundrels. It's like an 18 second, 30% snare. You probably dont have the abilities and skills to handle a L40+ scoundrel or operative at level 23.
  12. First, get them away from you. Push them, bounce them, whatever. Depending on the damage they did during their opening, heal or wait to heal. Snare or root them if ranged and dot them. Then, commence to pounding them. The main point in all of it is, take control of the fight. If you take control of it and have a decent amount of health, they will try to find another target. If you take enough control of the fight, you should be able to kill them without much problem. Before 1.2, I had major problems with good ones because they would double stealth attack me. Now, seeing as that's not much of an option, I have a bit more time to turn the tables on them.
  13. Maybe it's been said already, if it has, I'll say it again ... how is gaining less of a reward, punishment?! There are only varying degrees of tangible reward in pvp and the only risk is getting embarrassed. So, somehow gaining less reward is punishment? Wow! Pvper's are a whiney bunch when you consider that pve has more risk. Have you ever read a post about pve'er's complaining about the cost of item repair?
  14. I didn't see that you didn't spend those two BM comms. Damn, that's messed up ... seriously. Not to get down on you, but you should've known better. The only issue I had with spending mine was 'what are the stats going to be on the new gear?'. To that, I just said **** it, and bought what I would've bought anyway. I can always change the mods later.
  15. Have you checked the prices for battlemaster gear in 1.2? Before, you could get 1 battlemaster token with 1000/1000 comms. In 1.2, you'll be able to buy at least 2 pieces of gear with those same comms. Hardly a waste of time banking them, in my opinion.
  16. Vudu

    should i pvp?

    Yeah, I see a lot of that for the newbs in 50's warzones. If I see someone with <13K health, I do inspect them. If they're wearing green, level 40 or less gear, I suggest getting better gear. If they reply like an ******e, I watch them get killed. If they reply with questions on how to get better gear, I'll guard them for the match and take them to Belsavis for dailies, craft implants and earpieces for them. It's not so much the gear as it is the attitude of the people in the warzone.
  17. Vudu


    DPS tank, for guardians and shadows would be defense, tank specced with DPS, stalker or vindicator gear. Guardians would most likely be focus specced, though, not defense specced. Still, they are naturally considered a tank class. The return value for power, critical chance and surge is much higher than the return on defense rating. There's nothing wrong with stacking defense, but you won't be able to kill anything if you do. Bioware has made it clear in TOR that the best defense is a strong offense.
  18. DPS geared tank assassin and shadows don't have big DPS. We have survivability that allows us to be decent in 1 on 1 and 2 on 1 fights. I tend to solo guard turrets and doors because I'm comfortable with the idea that I can at least live long enough for help to arrive if getting 2 on 1'ed if not kill the attacker in a 1 on 1. But, the thing is, I'm comfortable with that idea even when the attackers are assassins. Not because I'm better than them, but because I know our DPS isn't high as gunslinger/sniper, marauder/sentinel or powertech/vanguard. The only class that scares me while I'm solo guarding is an operative. Assassins and shadows aren't OP. We're just survivors with decent damage abilities and good utilities. I typically hit ~500K with my gunslinger. I can typically hit ~250K with my focus guardian. I typically hit ~200K with my shadow. I see marauders/sentinels getting 400K all the time. I see powertechs/vanguards hitting 400K all the time. I have to admit, though, that playing a shadow well is much easier than playing a guardian well. And playing a gunslinger? It's looney tunes 8)- Anyway, shadows and assassins aren't OP. You just need to learn how to handle them. I don't have any problems with assassins on the guardian and gunslinger. Maybe this is just a marauder/sentinel issue?
  19. Dodge is 100% defense for 4 seconds (geared) and 3 seconds if not geared. I don't have anything that cleanses dots, unless you consider ballistic dampeners as a cleanse tool.
  20. Yeah, I've seriously considered just running from them to reset the fight, if I get a chance to run. The only problem is, I'm resetting the fight at half health. And they are more than likely stealthed, again and ready for the second round of openers.
  21. I think the reason for it is many times, people never get a chance to use those moves before they're dead. But, maybe I'm playing against operatives that use hack tools?
  22. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's the ops. I don't know. I do pretty good on shadow against everyone but operatives - whether I win or lose. Operatives, good ones, on the other hand, typically will only let me get a couple of attacks off before they kill me. Then, they heal the 5K damage I did and move on ... Seriously, say I'm bad all you want. It doesn't bother me. Being bad has nothing to do with losing 75% of my health before I can even start to fight back, pop meds, relics, etc.. run ... No other class can kill as effectively, without fear of losing, than a well played operative. The toon that I use to fight against operatives best is gunslinger. Because the burst damage and range really helps. Still, if I recently used any defenses (hunker down, pulse, dodge) that dps doesn't help. The operative will just heal any damage I do while already dishing out at least as much if not more than I can do in the same time.
  23. I'm not saying you do this, but too many times I've dropped xs flyby waiting for that marauder to come back and guess what? He does ... and stands right in those flames trying to kill me while I'm dodging 100% of his attacks.
  24. Seeming like and are, are different. You'd need to time it to be certain. I'm pretty sure, especially in pvp, that our understanding of time is relative. 1.4 seconds can be a very long time. Push someone off of a building that's ~40 feet high and ask them how long it felt that they were falling.
  25. The KD doesn't affect resolve, right? Honestly, I never paid attention if it does or doesn't. So, only one stun is used in the situation I described. Although, I have had others used against me on top of the opening stun. But, they're more of an interrupt, I guess. It doesn't matter, though. I rolled a scoundrel so I'll see for myself if I'm right or wrong in my experience. Maybe those operatives really are that good and I'm just that bad 8)-
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