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Everything posted by Telos

  1. the people in charge of decision making at BW are uninspired, uncreative and do things for arbitrary, indefensible reasons. they also couldn't care less what we, the players, think.
  2. arenas are lame. keep them in for ranked, obviously, because ranked is all about ego. unranked is supposed to be fun. arenas aren't fun.
  3. you've made the mistake of thinking BW holds its player base in any regard, at all. we are just revenue. if you want to send a message, it'll take every player unhappy with 7.0 to cancel their subs and stop buying cartel coins. BW is a business. the only way to make them care is to hurt them financially. good luck.
  4. if the goal is to raise revenue, you need to reduce the sub price and get more people to buy a sub. its called volume selling. look it up.
  5. Removing classes from stories was a good idea, but someone forgot to go through and add light armor to knight story quest rewards and medium and heavy armor to consular story quest rewards. gearing up is a pain in the behind at low levels, anyway. don't know about later on. we'll see.
  6. i told you this, waaaaayyyy back in early beta. 2 classes. force user and tech user. with each having a pool of skills to select from. would have made a much more interesting game. players could have tailored their characters to their playstyle instead of the same tired class system. and fix arsenal merc. its so bad. didn't used to be. and ffs, when are you going to bring the stars into Star Wars? as it stands we have 2 options for space combat. 80s tech rail shooter and pvp exclusive GSF. please make your next big xpac an expansion of space content. GSF and personal ships integrated into the same content. if SOE can do it 20 years ago when they released Jump to Light Speed xpac for Galaxies, you can do it better with better, newer tech, can't you?
  7. marriage is punishment for shoplifting, in some countries...
  8. no ETA on servers? if my boss gave me a task and then asked how long it would take to finish and i told him "no ETA on that," he'd fire me.
  9. if they are going to force me to fight crap mobs i've already fought, because, even though i'm lvl 60, low level mobs react to me as if i were the same level as them, then you should revamp your loot tables so i'm not looting lvl 26 gear from them.
  10. if i was one of the strongest sith in the galaxy (which, according to your story, you are) and i had been frozen away for 5 years, i think i would want to find my wife before i brought down a couple homicidal siblings controlling a droid army, especially since, as the new story states, the republic and empire have entered into a wary truce with the zakuul... so where the hell is jaesa and/or vette??? quinn can stay gone, but i'm still very disappointed there isn't a little side quest where i can shoot his *** out a damn airlock.
  11. use your new companion. you won't notice a difference.
  12. why you gotta go and **** up this guys nerdrage, despon? not cool, bro... not cool.
  13. come to the harbinger. all the cool kids are doing it... and you wanna be cool, don't you?
  14. didn't he say the exact same thing at sdcc cantina tour?
  15. in the one game i played against you, you killed me once. i got you 5-6 times.
  16. devs have stated many many times that the game's current server architecture cannot support cross server queuing... so stop asking.
  17. i'm gonna go extra gimpy and play a stock bloodmark. this'll be a hoot. HOOT, I SAY! Krucius-stock
  18. i guess i just assumed he wanted to have fun.
  19. dont listen to them... the first ship you should buy is the t2 scout (sting/flashfire). it is easily the most effective ship in the meta.
  20. this topic is new and interesting! sarcasm aside, i completely agree with you. if i want to fly a t1 scout that looks like a t2 gunship, that should be my prerogative. we have a costume mechanic for the ground game... why not let the players skin a ship however they like? it would make the game more interesting, anyway. if i see a t2 scout flying around, i automatically know its gonna have blc and cluster, distortion field and power dive (if the guy flying the ship has half a brain). i'd rather have a little mystery and get to know the ship im up against and its pilot, not know right off the bat how the fight's gonna go.
  21. if you main in gunships and/or bombers, you are automatically just bad. gunships and bombers are how people with little skill can still be relevant. unfortunately, gunships and bombers are so OP in the current state of the meta, that nerfing them at this point would cost half the active gsf players... the fact that getting rid of these two wastes of ships would mean more players jumping in to gsf games to actually dogfight (what star wars is all about) hasn't occurred to anyone.
  22. i'm starting to think it's a thermite torpedo bug... when i was using them in my bloodmark, targets would drop lock all the time, just flying. no abilities used. but its gsf. its the most fun thing to do in tor, and its the most bugged and least attended by BW.
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