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Everything posted by Stringray

  1. Uninstall and that prevents unwanted pvp.
  2. Your ideas pretend an ignorance that would seem impossible. I think you should Uninstall SWTOR and get your real life on track, because if your posts here are genuine, you have more issues than Cosmopolitan.
  3. It is definitely true pug scrubs line up to 'guard' nodes while the dreadful premade team of four carries the win.
  4. Imagine that, a care bear whining about pvp being hard. Unless you PUG every pve thing you do with strangers, you are a hypocrite. I'll be looking for you on shadow lands if you got the guts to enter a wz, I can't wait for your delicious tears.
  5. It is pretty spectacular that to conquer a planet you go beat up AI, yet there is no open world pvp outside of the gree event where after a couple days most of the whiney baby carebears don't even do the southern portion of the quests. I know! Make it to where it requires PVP to access end game raids. Fair is fair.
  6. How in the world could anyone possibly take ranked seriously at all in this game? Bioware sure as **** doesn't. You will have more win traders and bs going on in the top 100 of this game guaranteed, you can see people asking for it in general chat. Since everyone has a million alts on both factions it is prolific. Ranked should be ALL PVP. You should have an ELO based on your lifetime performance on all characters, as well as individual ones, but EVERY match should count. Separating the Q is STUPID
  7. More like a difference of finger painting by numbers and the Cistine Chapel, plus boxing is for kids, MMA is the only real combat sport.
  8. Stringray

    PvP Titles

    There is no pvp title that took skill to get.
  9. I play a sorc. Shadowlands. Forzare. You feel froggy come get jumped, noob.
  10. There are ten charges. It goes fast. Jug desperately needed something to survive, they went down easier than sorcs. They seem fine, now. Long cool down. People on this game think pvp should be easy, but for who? Someone is crying every day here about whatever class owned them last. New flash : the good players will beat your class with their class every time, no matter what class. There is NOTHING in swtor pvp right now that can actually be called OP unless you are entirely full of ****. Go back to complaining that you can't beat a team of friends by yourselves. This is a team sport, be on a team or be fodder for mine.
  11. Everything you need to know: 30 16 for regs full madness for arena/ranked 30 16 has massive burst capability on demand get the stalker gear for on demand 3 crits and reduction of reckless time aoe murder full madness in ranked or 4v4 = make sure you get fade out, run away from everything, dot as u can, run away some more willpower augs stack power, ignore every stat but willpower / power / surge in that order haste is crap for every sorc spec, 2 percent help in cast time is worthless especially in pvp where if you have half a brain you use instants only time you stay still as a sorc is to cast force lightning anything else you doing it wrong
  12. I rarely wait more than 5 minutes on Shadowlands. During low population hours I might wait 10. I usually play between the hours of 3pm and midnight eastern time and during those times I am surprised to wait even 5.
  13. I will explain: Solo ranked: **** matchmaking, **** arenas, **** Q, **** everything so why would you expect anything else to not be brown and stinky? Group ranked: What is that??
  14. 1: Wrong 2: Stupid The rest of your **** post was also **** and I am gonna have to go out on a limb and suggest not only are you bad at **** like posting but probably bad at **** like pvp. ****** player is ****.
  15. I am going to record mine this weekend also. I have had same problem since beta and I don't know if it is a display error or what but people who say it is working are nuts.
  16. There is no reason for us to not have 2v2 and 3v3. The solution for ranked is every match counts to your personal rating.
  17. Being a good enough player to marginalize a broken aspect of the game does not fix it. I have been hard ccd for ten and more seconds with a full bar multiple times. I have played since beta, this has always been a problem whether it is server client or display it is a *********** real issue and I'm sick of people who fail to notice it thinking regurgitating the official info on it somehow makes it Working as intended. It. Is Broken.
  18. My main is shadowlands. Get with Xiang-zhai this afternoon or whenever you see me on and I will help you and your friend.
  19. It is broken when players choose to cooperate in a multi player game. The words of the Participation Award generation.
  20. I get plenty of MVPs from people I don't know, so it seems to work in my favor. Could be because I have high objective scores, call incs, high heals and/prot or dps, communicate with the wz frequently if I am guarding especially...yank points in on huttball and pass the ball a lot, and people notice OR I could totally suck and just get super lucky pity votes. Either way, my experience in this does not replicate yours.
  21. I would like to report this post for being AWESOME and BALLS ON accuracy as certified by my recently calibrated BALLS ON ACCURATE meter.
  22. Cry moar about the actions of random players and why you think strict measure should be taken to make certain everyone in your PUG must all suffer with no escape against the premade you are going against. The entire argument is dumb. Pugs have eight players, if you can get three people on your team to listen you have as many coordinated players as a premade. The real difference is premades tend to play objectives, be geared, and don't have a me me me attitude. No game should punish players who play the way the game is built: with other people.
  23. The only people who complain about premades are typically people you don't want to group with explaining why no one invites them to a premade. Did you know you can make your own by inviting people to a group? Try this: ' good job in that wz, want to team up' when you see some one who plays well. Just having a person you try to stick with and you two watch out for each other greatly increases your chances. People going solo and not playing team objectives is what loses wz.
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