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Everything posted by Stringray

  1. Different servers have different dominant factions. You got super unlucky, can happen to anyone on any server. Shadowlands is dominated by Sith, yet you can go many games in a row with a bunch of names you don't recognize in pve gear getting roflstomped by the pub side premades. Next time you run into a bad group, wait about 8 minutes before you re enter the Q. This can help you fall out of sync with that particular group of bads if they are instantly going again. Same advice if you keep running into the same premade that beats ya up. Hang in there, everyone has a slump.
  2. You and others have some strange idea solo Q is balanced at all. You want balance build a team and Q ranked and stop your little girl arguments.
  3. You already get participation trophies. Losing the wz makes them the loser of the wz not sure how that says anything about me. Given how many words you put in peoples mouths here ... Quite frankly your devotion and wordiness in this thread is down right creepy.
  4. Read the bolster thread and be at max expertise for under 200k like dude already said bolster in fact works TOO good
  5. I can top heals and dps in same arena when dummies let me freecast but if the other team is competent this is hardly a problem. Mocking people playing a spec that they feel is OP when it is only OP against really bad players just points out that you are terrible and have no self awareness of it. Fact is you get owned because you suck.
  6. They just got nerfed. You just need practice.
  7. If you knew he was heals they still beat you. Solo cue is a crap shoot no matter what and suggesting this one trivial thing ruins it tells me worlds about your lack of understanding and galaxies about your need to l2p
  8. Trying to win at team sports by yourself is the definition of loser and ya don't deserve to win if you do.
  9. They are the least desired class in arena regardless of spec. My main is sorc. I have multiple 55 and in normal wz sorc is great but in arena you basically either free cast against idiots and they die or you run til u have to bubble and hope your team picks off at least one to make up for you dying as soon as bubble drops. Skill can make up for some of it but you are way better off with any other class assuming skill similar
  10. PVE elitists are the funniest elitists
  11. Solo ranked is a crap shoot and a terrible idea .
  12. PVP in this game is a team sport and people complain about teams. Sounds like vaginitis. This IS l2p issue. I will wreck people like u all day in my bolster gear OR my full kit depending on toon, then get hate tells about my unstoppable jug hacking thru cc or my sorc speed hacking with force speed. You are just a baddie right now but u can get better. It is ok we all bad to start just stop blaming other people who are good.
  13. Shadowlands is dominated by Sith.
  14. I hate the nerf but I still pwn with concealment and heals and I'm not that good compared to many on my server so it must not be a big deal just my 2 cents
  15. Has not made much diff so far to me in pvp on my op
  16. Stringray

    Quest - Huttball

    This map is about knock back and yank. Punt the yankers off the side.
  17. I'd rather be playing with 26k no gear fresh 55 than 38k sorcerers in pve gear.
  18. It never lasts as an AOE and you KNOW this. It is an escape mechanic at best, mez is near worthless in WZ unless you are a stealther doing a node cap.
  19. What other outstanding ability to Rage jugs have? It takes set up, there are not that many people who do it right, and it is highly situational when it is a valuable spec. Other classes hit just as hard only FASTER and can do it MORE FREQUENTLY but basically clueless wankers who get smashed a couple times for 10k think it is more of a problem than an ops who can spam 5-7k over and over or an assassin who can global you out of stealth. People ************ about smash need to learn knockbacks, stuns, bubbles, and how to LOS. It is hard to land a smash on GOOD players.
  20. What I am reading is that you have told us stuff we already worked out and there is still no explanation for why FULL TWO SETS OF GEAR EARNED AND AUGED JUST TO BE ON PAR WITH MID 40S PVE GEAR is acceptable. im out
  21. I have maxxed expertise AND substantially more health and power over fully min/max Obroan. I don't think this is the thread for you because you only have part of the information or are choosing to believe some nonsense.
  22. So there I was a few days ago, proud of my min maxxed fully augmented Obroan. Then a guildmate directed me to the bolster thread, where I followed instructions on building pve gear that was Superior and took all of fifteen minutes, compared to who KNOWS how long. Why even have PvP gear? Why do I have to do some kinda stupid trick to get the right stuff? How is this acceptable to developers? Right now I feel like l am playing a cheap knock off MMO when it comes to PvP. The level playing field is fine, but remove PvP gear if it isn't as good as level FORTY SIX items. It is no fun to realize you wasted weeks on this stuff.
  23. I have been playing this game since beta and in the hundreds and more wz I have done across many servers, characters, and guilds. I think it is both funny and sad when people act like it is super easy to post numbers like that. I know numbers do not represent the whole story, but the fact is most Wz only have one or two people hitting 500k ANYTHING much less millions. Stop acting so jaded. Malirak is a great marauder and great asset in any PvP. All these supposed great PvP gods from here, when I see your scores most are middle of pack full of excuses. I have played easily fifty or more with Malirak on my team and our win ratio is tremendously favourable regardless of the enemy. Of course we usually run full KFT groups and that helps a lot.
  24. Stringray

    Fight Club

    It is amazing to me that there is STILL no cross server group making / match making capability as a standard feature in all MMOs in what is now 2014. Having to pick servers is SO 2002.
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