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Everything posted by Novastinger

  1. This is a morale killer. I've easily done 30+ HM flashpoints to completion without a receiving a single columi drop from them. It's sad when comparing the amount of time spent in flashpoints for zero result, to the very short (1 night) time to complete normal operations and the resulting rewards. I've done so many daily/weekly flashpoints that I'll get one from columi commendations, despite the awful commendation gain rate, before getting one in a flashpoint. As a side note, my normal HM flashpoint group of friends doesn't do them together anymore, and now I actually see different items drop because of using a different composition of players. Try varying the people you group with while doing HM flashpoints, because I'm absolutely convinced the boss drops are tied to the specific players in that group.
  2. I'm not very familiar with SW novels released the last 8 years or so, but here's my favorites: Courtship of Princess Leia (probably favorite single novel) X-Wing series (especially love the ones by Aaron Alliston) Corellian trilogy (was my home planet in SWG, and one of my favorite worlds in TOR) Shadows of the Empire (too bad Steve Perry didn't write more than one SW novel) Tales from series (Jabba's Palace and Bounty Hunters ones especially) Jedi Academy trilogy Thrawn trilogy The New Jedi Order ones are alright, but the Yuzong Vong are just less of an enjoyable adversary imo.
  3. I prefer Scourge, he keeps aggro well enough and does a little bit of damage, and he gets my duplicate columi slot tokens (stupid normal mode ops loot). Really it doesn't matter much which companion to use, but rather how geared the companion is.
  4. Combat has a couple nice items for pvp, like a root added to crippling throw (though it's a costly 3 focus and meager 10m range), and Force Camouflage breaking snares/roots, but overall I feel either watchman or focus are better for pvp.
  5. Either add medium/heavy versions... or remove all mod slots to keep it even, if the intention is only for cosmetics. I'd prefer the first option.
  6. Won't affect me, unless they decide to allow ME3 to sell on Steam. No Steam = No sale
  7. Enrages are fine... but you absolutely need combat logging/parsing if that's the main difficulty of a majority of the ops/flashpoints.
  8. This game needs combat logging ASAP. It's ridiculous to run operations without one, as it stands when things aren't going well, people just start throwing blame around with nothing to back it up. It's all based on hunches or who's friends with who and what not. Especially considering how much they love enrage mechanics. They're probably afraid that it'll give objective analysis between the various dps classes, which will causing more whining. Either that or it just hasn't been completed to satisfaction from the development perspective.
  9. Implants with augment slots, I basically sell each blue crit craft, and reverse engineer the rest.
  10. I wouldn't see a problem if the final boss of HM flashpoints dropped a columi commendation, considering it takes I believe a minimum of 58 columi commendations to get the cheapest turn in.
  11. I recommend you stop running HM Flashpoints with your friends... if you do a flashpoint with 3 other people, and go back to that flashpoint a different day with the same 3 people... that loot is very unlikely to change from what it dropped the first time.
  12. I have the Master title, though I'd really like the General title as well, similar to General Kenobi. Also I'd like a few Venator style cruisers with trooper battalions under my command. Oops wrong era
  13. I'd have to disagree with this portion of the OP, Inspiration makes Sentinels an attractive melee dps choice for operations. Without combat logging it's difficult to compare classes solely on dps output, but Inspiration is definitely quite beneficial to an ops group. The public misconception problem probably has root in the fact that Sentinels are one of the more difficult classes to play well, which means Sentinels on the lower end of the skill spectrum of players will probably have very poor performance. It only takes one lousy flashpoint experience for someone to form a negative opinion on a class, which might be far from reality.
  14. Yes allowing us to keybind target marking would be a vastly positive addition, as it would make the life of an operation main assist much easier, and improve group coordination and teamwork overall. As it stands OP, the only way to mark a target that I know of using just the keyboard, would be to use the slash command. I believe it is /mark 1 or something (with the number corresponding to which icon from the target marking list). ps: OP that font color hinders readability
  15. Well the test server patch notes mention they fixed the exotech medpac schematic in specific, hopefully the fix also includes the other currently un-learnable exotech biochem schematics from operations (like stims and adrenals).
  16. It seems the devs do read this stuff, a lot of good upcoming changes regarding crew skills were talked about, addressing many of the gripes that appeared in this thread. Making adrenals more available to non-biochemists was the biggest issue imo, and that'll be fixed when 1.2 hits live servers.
  17. This is very nice to hear, you've touched on a great many issues that players have been vocal about, and I'm glad crafting was addressed this quickly. From here though, you know the saying, you can talk the talk... but let's see how much gets implemented the next month or two before I give too much applause.
  18. Depends if you want to be a healer or dps. If dps, then I'd recommend biochem, as heavily echoed by others. Healers on the other hand don't gain nearly as much from biochem, I'd say pick whatever you think sounds interesting (none of them really stand out much amongst the other crew skills).
  19. The idea is once they make hilts/barrels/armoring slots removable from purple items (something devs said will be coming eventually), you take the hilt/mod/enhance/crystal from a high tier pvp/pve saber, and put them all into a crit crafted orange lightsaber. So it would have all the stats of the high tier pvp/pve lightsaber, but with an added augment slot from the crit success crafted orange lightsaber. You'll need to wait until you can remove the hilts from purple lightsabers before being able to do this though.
  20. As a single player game I play through and beat, and never come back to? Yes, I got about the same level of enjoyment leveling as other Biogames like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, or KOTOR. As an MMO to keep me interested at max level? Undecided, as they have a lot to learn and improve as far as MMO end game progression and itemization go. It boggles my mind there's no /random or /roll function.
  21. Even the master loot option in HM ops is terrible, because of the lack of a /random or /roll function. How do you determine who gets the class rakata token, when several people in the ops raid want it? We had to go to some external website chatroom that had a random function, which was a major slow down in the looting process. Then, if you instead change it to round robin, there's so much loot from some bosses that you don't even have time to look at each item and decide how to roll on it before the timer runs out.
  22. Yes as a dps I easily use 20-40 adrenals in a night of operations, but I am biochem (switched from 400 synthweaver), so that doesn't cost me anything. I'll pop it everytime it's up when hitting the meaty part of my dps rotation (along with relic), and the only time to refrain is if a boss is coming up next, or you want to save it for a specific burn phase of a boss. Another nice part of biochem is you basically have no need to RE anything (the RE process is the antithesis of fun). Just get the rakata stim/medpac/adrenal and do daily quests for implants, or wait for a suitable operations biochem implant schematic.
  23. Good luck finding those adrenals as a non-biochemist, in the amounts you'll want as a dps or tank character.
  24. Hundreds of pages long? That would be over a 1,000 replies, more than double the highest of any thread in the "Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic Missions" section of forums (the highest replied thread in here as of now has 497 replies, in the thread about add-ons).
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