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Everything posted by orryko

  1. yeah your mara was still on my friends but your sin went byebye. but cool!
  2. I mentioned that in another thread midi It's not just the lack of skilled ranged players, it's the low population for 4s because of bioware's failures. I'm not too far off in saying there are probably at most 15-20 people total who play ranged correctly between tofn, bastion, and pot5 It's not just having a good tank and healer. There is a lot of positioning, targeting, focus interrupting, and know how of when to kite and when to bang that goes into playing range. The overwhelming majority of ranged players have no concept of any of that
  3. Not only is the kd removal beyond dumb for a day 1 ability...but to make it where you can backstab without being behind lol Fkn bioware
  4. there will be more poorly played ranged, yeah. i'd say the number of good ranged players that currently play arena across the 3 major servers is less than 15. so 15/30000 or however many total play arena. if 4s is even still a thing when 2.7 hits maybe some of the old school people will return or maybe there are some hidden gems
  5. It's definitely the responsibility of the smashees to be aware of the smashers and the spacing Smash isn't just about mindless cleave. It's on demand, consistent, guaranteed, single target burst as well. Smash will still be effective in the hands of those who know what to do with it
  6. The only people who'd be hurt by them removing the frame are new people or inexperienced. Most players and teams know their marking system and priority targets by now. While it does add a little on the fly thinking if it's taken out, it's really just a minor speedbump for experienced players
  7. It's to test how fast you can mark before they infiltrate
  8. Not at all. Unless people stream so everyone can watch them, then everyone good knows who the best people on their server are, even for such things as sorc healer and concealment op. Their opinions still carry weight. I can't think of anytime someone who is actually good at this game made some kind of whine post. If they ever post it's either to mock, correct noobs, or post ideas to make the game they love better
  9. There really is no such thing as a pvp guild anymore. I mean what would they take seriously? At this point, as small as the pvp community is on each server, we all talk and mix and match for arena or regs if people are bored enough. I think quite a few spend a lot of time in dk spaceport or outlaws just dueling too
  10. Ok mr technical. Way to dodge. It's pretty clear what I meant. No one cares what some whiny unaccomplished noob in a game thinks
  11. you obviously don't get the joke since you're a nobody in the pvp scene. thanks for stopping by though
  12. yeah if the world had an impending meteor strike, would we ask for ideas from the astrophysicist from a community college or the nobel prize winning one? overstated, but same concept. those who actually understand and maximize their classes are the only ones worth asking
  13. yeah, i mean i've tried every spec and gear setup you can think of. whether crit/ala or power/surge, it really all evens out in the end. it mostly comes down to what feels right. and anyone who plays a sorc/sage knows when it feels like they have the right mix of damage, defense, burst, etc. the only things i actually notice from crit/ala is that it feels like i can reapply dots faster and i notice i have a bit more force than before. i can throw out a couple extra shocks or lightning strike wrath procs also, i don't fault you for bolstering at this point on a fresh toon. min/max gearing is such a *****, especially when i'm working on alts 8 and 9. i also don't do the weapon thing but i'm seriously considering stockpiling the 800 ranked/400 reg mods lol
  14. i also realize there are a lot of people who would do 4s and actually want to, but can't find the right mix of people or friends to make a team. again, if everyone could only earn rated comms one way, then you could bet a lot more would figure out how to make comps and how to get better
  15. yeah that's what i said, whichever form is designated as top. i did 8s for a long time too. so if they brought that back, then i'd say only ranked comms from rated 8s or 4s i really don't believe it has anything to do with the gametype. people don't do it because they can ezmode their rated gear and own noobs in regs. they can do solo queue to farm, or the dailies/weeklies. people care about their fragile egos since there is a board that shows how competent they are. look at our culture nowadays...it definitely trickles into video games too. people don't want to get better or learn, they just want handouts. i think more than enough good players exist to do 4s, i know for a fact they do on pot5. there needs to be a reason to. if you played wow, what would you do? you'd do arena if you actually cared about pvp. inb4 this isn't wow...yes it is, with lightsabers.
  16. -if you get the ball, throw it to an unsuspecting teammate. -if you have a sorc/sage, friendly pull people into the fire, especially if they have the ball -stay mid and pvp. the ball is for pvers -play a ranged class and rain down on the peasants fighting over the ball -if you play a leaper, time your leaps so you root the enemy ball carrier in the fire, or intercept passes there you go, 5 reasons why it's the best wz
  17. the same issues happened with 8s though. we have more than enough population, at least on pot5, to have dozens of arena teams. just look at solo queue and premades of good players in regs. the problem is, most people have no desire to learn or get better. even though it's a game, bioware has to literally force people to do whatever they designate as the highest form of pvp. that means, no ranked comms rewarded unless you do 4s. no rewards for rating unless you do 4s. (or 8s if they ever brought that back, or huttball league, etc) that is why wow arena is so successful. you actually have to play rated bg and arena to get rated gear. it's a really easy fix and i hope they implement it for season 2
  18. yeah but 4s population is so low now and dying. the only thing that will save it is cross server. so while balancing around the best 4s players makes sense to those doing it and to some outsiders, the majority of posters here will say fu for the record, i think the 2.7 changes for ranged dps is overkill
  19. every spec is only viable in warzones because most likely, unless you're good and queue with other good people, you're in there with 7 bads. so you can play annihilation or madness sin or whatever and easily top damage and kills and win your 1v1s, etc. certain specs and their weaknesses are very glaring when you have 4 good players trying to cc, swap, and kill you in arena. imo, balance should be done based on 4s since that is the highest form of competitive pvp atm as designated by bioware. they can do whatever changes, and the really good players will still own warzones should they choose to queue for them. people almost might be able to argue for solo queue class balance, but again, even on a high pop server, the likelihood of you getting stuck with 3 bads is very high. i've seen so many pts and smash that can barely break 30k a round. so no nerf or buff affects those kinds of players
  20. i think they're balancing for the masses. the problem is it destroys 4s even more. if that's their high end pvp stuff, then classes need to be balanced around that. the ranged buffs coming in for 2.7 are overkill. will make the people who play sniper/merc/sorc dps really well the new overlords
  21. i don't bolster. my e-honor and e-pride don't allow me. but yes, with the blue mods you can get higher. i also don't use the matrix cube
  22. don't argue with the randos!! all the classes in solo and 4s that are over 1500 are a myth! a lie! bioware tomfoolery! i can't get the rating, therefore, buff plz
  23. tactically thinking? lol are you related to dragonyt by any chance?
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