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Everything posted by Spymaster

  1. The "pont" is I want to be ranked, and if there's rewards to be earned I want a chance to earn them. Same exact thing YOU want. Now answer my question. If we can just form a pug in the fleet and queue that way... why would you care if the game forms the teams for us? It's the exact same outcome for you either way. You're fighting a random pug regardless of where the team is formed.
  2. I'm sorry but that would be horrible. People will in fact carry their friends in situations like that, it happens in raids all the time. Also, you're assuming the new player is bad... what if he's good, or at least good enough for the guild to keep him? That doesn't mean he earned the #1 ranking.... all he did was join a guild. Mutch better to just rank each player individually.
  3. I don't want to join a team in the fleet. I like being put into a random team each match. I enjoy playing that way. I accept that it's a challenge and I'll likely have a lower score, but that's on me. It doesn't hurt you AT ALL to let us join solo and then have the game assemple the teams. In fact it's the EXACT same thing you're asking me to do in the fleet.... so what's the point exactly? It doens't keep pugs out if we can just pug in the fleet, so why do you even care? Oh yeah, I know why you care.... you don't understand who ranked matches work.
  4. So noobs who never played before can join a guild and get thrown right into the top ranked team?
  5. Nope, you don't understand rankings at all, do you?
  6. I don't think you understand how ranking works.
  7. Then why are you so scared we might be in your ranked Warzone?
  8. Because they'll be fighting against the exact same people you are. If I am willing to face the challenge in a pug I don't see why you deserve anything more than what I can get just because you happen to be fighting with the same friends every match. No, "time and effort in creating a team" shouldn't earn you anything at all. You wanted to make sure you were in the best team possible, that's your choice. You don't need bonus gear too. We won't be joining YOUR team, we'd be placed in teams of other solo players. So you really have no point here.
  9. This isn't WoW. It's not "hard" at all. It's just not enjoyable.
  10. This isn't football. They are going to rank each playert individually, no matter what you think. They HAVE to do it that way. They can't rank teams, or else you would only be able to do WZs in the same exact team every single match. That would be a total failure. So, if they're ranking each person individually anyway, what's the harm in letting people queue solo and then placing them in a team, with a team total? Nevermind.... I already know, there is no harm.
  11. No it wouldn't. The purpose of ranked warzones is to RANK us, and then match players against each other based on that rank. Letting people solo que doesn't effect that at all. People who pug will likely have much lower rankings, but that's their choice. Restricting solo players from joining period is just stupid.
  12. I'll say again what I say all the time, the rewards for large scale open world PvP should be faction based and server wide, not personal gear and dailies. We should be fighting to capture and hold the objectives, not blindly killing for valor. Holding objectives should be equally as important as capturing them. Open world objectives should matter in the world. They should spawn NPC guards, open up bonus areas, give XP bonus to our faction, give access to better crafting mats, etc. etc. There are planety of ways to get people to go to the open world areas and actually fight for the objectives. Dailies for gear is the worst of them.
  13. MMO titles don't mean anything anyway. I PvP for the competition, not to get ahead of everyone else. Besides, In the future ranked matches will show who the best PvPers are.... not titles you just spent a lot of time grinding for. That's how it should be.
  14. Spymaster


    /agree It's easy to just play one class and say it's not OP.... but the fact is there are some classes in this game that are much weaker and harder to play than others.
  15. I agree with the OP. Level 10 sprint is a good idea for PvP and PvE (Since level 10 is when you get to the big cities and really need it the most anyway).
  16. The title of the thread doesn't change what I wrote. All I said was that SWG had some good ideas, and if TOR would use those it would make TOR better. I never said ANYTHING about SWG being a better game than TOR. You just started screaming at me in giant red letters about how SWG sucked, totally ignoring everything I said. I really don't see how that's adding anything constructive to this thread at all. All you're doing is hurting your own side, making fanatical blind arguments with no ability to stay within the context of the discussion.
  17. Nope, that's not what you and I were talking about at all. In fact, the things you've written in response to me have almost nothing to do with anything I even said.
  18. You really can't follow a discussion at all, can you?
  19. Ok? I never said SWG was a "good game" that's not even what we're talking about. SWG was not a "good game" at all in fact, I explained this already. It had a lot of flaws and was poorly run. It DID however have a lot of great ideas, some of them worked well and some would have worked well if they'd been put into the game sooner or had been more polished at launch. What you STILL don't seem to understand is that even bad games can and do sometimes have great ideas.
  20. How the **** is THAT my logic? You're not even close. My logic is saying that SWG had a small community because it was so poorly handled... but to take that fact and turn it into "SWG had nothing good in it because it failed".... is complete nonsense. Plenty of small time or even failed games have great ideas.... But if a game is bad in a few major areas it's still not going to do well no matter how great those ideas are. To simply look at the over all success of SWG and blindly declare it couldn't have had ANYTHING good in it because it's subs were low is just a complete lack of common sense.
  21. And that's the problem. People look at this like we have to pick one or the other instead of taking the best elements from both and making the best game possible.
  22. All your big red letters and over reactions don't make your logic any better. SWG failed because it was poorly run, not because every single idea and system in it was bad, and if you can't understand that I have to wonder why you even bother trying to post on the forums. Your mind is just far too closed to even try and have a real discussion.
  23. This is pretty much the worst logic I've read in a while ^ You didn't like the game so that means NOTHING in it was good? That's just silly. Why would this game suddenly need to become "slow and painful" to implement something good from SWG, like a good space game, or a good crafting system? They don't need to make EVERYTHING in the game like SWG to borrow some of it's better ideas. You people act there's two choices, WoW clone or SWG clone The best MMO would take the best ideas from all other games.
  24. Huh? You're wrong on both points. No I didn't quit before the NGE. I played through it, witnessed the large number of people get upset by it and quit. Also, I never said that NO ONE enjoyed the NGE. Where did you even get that? Sure some people did, but far more did not. Not because the NGE didn't have any merrit. I didn't personally mind it. I like both pre and post NGE (Hated CU). The fact is both had good and bad. The mistake sony made was ripping the game people were playing out from under them and expecting them to be happy about it. They were wrong and the game payed the price. That's why people were and still are very negative about the NGE. The NGE lasted that long becuase there are enough people who want to play a Star Wars MMO to keep it going, and allthough it angered a lot of players the way they changed the game, it still had much of what made SWG great from the start. Great crafting and social systems. Proof you don't know what you're talking about ^ SWG had the best housing, crafting, skill progression and social game play, probably ever, at launch. As I said, it was very bugged and lacked leveling content, and the end game was a broken Jedi system, and that's the reason it did poorly initially. If they'd simply polished what they had they'd have done much better. The space content also came out after launch but well before the NGE. The NGE didn't add anything really except quests for leveling and a revamped combat system. The quests were great, but they should have been added without all the other huge sweeping changes. With all of that said... I really don't know what your point is. It doesn't matter if you're talking pre CU, CU, or NGE. There are a lot of good ideas they should borrow from that game regardless of which version you're talking about. The social systems, the crafting, the housing, the exploration. It was all great and would only add to TOR. What exactly does the NGE have to do with anything?
  25. /agree Sadly, the developers of TOR don't seem to have learned much from SWG at all.
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