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Everything posted by Silko

  1. I was more then fine with a pri/sec system. In fact I prefer a system like that. I was even willing to deal with being limited to the colors that they are going to give us instead of just giving out a color wheel. Am I happy that we have to spend real money for it? No, but once again I am willing to deal with it. How ever now on top of all this you are going to limit us to just 1 slot? When I first learned of the Pri/Sec slot it was my understanding that a armor piece will have both not just 1 and you are limited to choose which one you wish to change. That is the straw that broke the camel's back. You make a poor system to begin with and then you limit the system.
  2. "4. Will armor have one or two dye module slots to accommodate primary and secondary dye modules? How exactly do primary and secondary dye modules work? Armor will have one Dye Module slot. Dye Modules come in three types: · Dye Modules containing both a primary and a secondary color · Dye Modules containing only a primary color · Dye Modules containing only a secondary color Dye Modules that contain only a primary or secondary color will affect only the primary or secondary color of the armor, while leaving its counterpart unaffected. It is not possible to combine a primary-only Dye Module with a secondary-only Dye Module. For example, take a piece of armor such as the Havoc Squad armor worn by Aric Jorgan. It is white in its primary areas and orange in the secondary areas. If a Dye Module containing only the primary color dark blue is applied, the armor will now be dark blue in its primary areas and orange in its secondary areas. Similarly, if a Dye Module containing only the secondary color light purple is applied, the armor will now be white in its primary areas and light purple in its secondary areas. Applying a Dye Module to an armor that already contains one will replace and destroy the existing Dye Module." - Dulfy.net So Bioware has once again half assed the already half assed system. So first you limit the colors we can use to the selection of dye modules instead of just giving us a color wheel like every other game. Ex: SWG, EQ 1 and 2. Then you make it where more then half of the colors we can get we have to buy using real cash, something that has never been done in a MMO, F2P or other wise. Now I can't even put multiple color modules in the armor I want? Why are we doing such a half *** system? Why in the world would you not let us put say a black in the primary module slot and not let us put another color in the secondary slot? Allow me to tell you why that is a really dumb idea. 1) You are once again limiting customization. If one thing that is ALWAYS true in any video game, the more customization the better. 2) Half assing a system that people have been begging for since beta only makes more people upset and leave. 3) If none of the common sense reasons why this is a bad idea will convince BW or those who seem to always forgive BW of their short comings, allow me to try to appeal to their wallets. So in the current system you are going to make people buy colors they want. But now that you have limited them to 1 color only for what ever armor piece they wanted to customize they will not be able to put that 2nd color they wanted to put in their armor. Thus you have cut your possible profit from these armor dyes in half. Bioware, please change this. I promise you there will not be a SINGLE person who can come up with a logical reason why we should limited to just 1 color dye per armor peice.
  3. lol at this guy for having no idea how achievements are legacy wide. So you do understand that with nothing but the starter planet at 14% complete he would have to go find some corner and grind to 50 and do nothing but dailies right? Only problem is he can't do that without getting a ship. You have to get to your capital planet to get a ship. Seeing as he has a big old goose egg next to Kaas, he has better odds surviving a asteroid field then not being a credit farmer. Not only that he 0% complete on classes, seeing as getting to max level is an achievement in what ever class you play odds are once again pointing to credit farmer. Lets learn to read before we mock shall we?
  4. This. I remember many threads asking to increase the missions logs and I started several my self back in Beta.
  5. I also soloed it as a MM sniper, hell I found it easier on the sniper because I could pick off the droids with 1 to 2 hits and used my combat roll to avoid the giant red beam. Also keep in mind that Agents have one of the best AOEs in the game, Orbital Drop.
  6. I'll agree to this only because I believe people should have more customization. But the root of the problem here is that the capes are clipping on everything so..... can we get a fix on that?
  7. Yeah I'm not buying it. In SWG I could shove as many quest as I like into my quest log even have them all showing on my quest tracker and still not lag the sightless and that game was made in the early 2000s. Keep in mind that we have the ability to track and untrack missions so the whole well you might start lagging from all the quest icons on the map is clearly out. Also many of the quest such as the Operation weeklies and HM FP dailies don't even have quest markers, so once again that is out. As you can see from the reactions of the community BW people don't like it when you limit them for the sake of limiting them. There is no reason to limit how many quest I can keep in a log. There is no reason to limit how many comms I can earn from me playing YOUR GAME. There is no reason to limit me grinding out rep because once again it is me wanting to play YOUR GAME. Just because you guys haven't been able to pump out as much content as people have been demanding in the past doesn't mean you slow people down to make it look like there is more to do. /rant
  8. I found it challenging but to say too hard? No. Granted I soloed it as a Tanking jugg in full augmented 61/63 gear at lvl 53. People need to start looking at the venders on Makeb. There is no reason to be running around anything less then rakata seeing as you can buy rakata lvl mods for planet comms. They are BoE so you can use other toons to gear out other toons with out using legacy gear. That is how I got my fresh 50 agent into full rakata. I for one enjoy tough boss fights and I'm glad BW is making these boss fights have more mechanics other then interrupt this one abil and roll face on keyboard. Makes you have to think for more then 5 secs before rushing in.
  9. If your a SWG vet like myself then you may be missing your jetpack as much as I am. Many of us Vets ground out in the Death Watch Bunker to get those blasted parts then do a run into the depths of the DWB to get it crafted. My suggestion is a jetpack mount that worked just like the SWG jetpack mount. Click and it spawns a jetpack on your back and off you go. Now then what about the Bounty hunters who already have a jetpack on your back, well I got a suggestion for that too. Like the Rocket Boost this jetpack mount uses the jetpack already attached to your armor rather then spawning a jetpack on top of your armor jetpack. I don't see this being too hard to do seeing as we already have the animation for the jetpack with the legacy ability rocket boost. Discuss
  10. /sign We had those back in SWG and I would love to see people able to do this again. Only thing I would like more is for these objects to play music rather then just being a hologram but I guess the music droid and Party Bombs will have to due for now
  11. I find that it works for the Bounty Hunter. As a bounty hunter you are going for what works not what looks the best. Just look at the BH fighting style as both a Merc or a Powertech. Mercs use heavy explosives and a Powertech gives up in your face with blades and fire. In all of this where does the word Finesse fit in there? If you notice the other class ships, minus the smuggler, are ships in which you can use as locations for diplomacy or gathering the members of your power base. The Bounty Hunter power base his is armor and his diplomacy skills start with the barrel of his blaster. They where going for a rough looking ship that gets the job done and if you ask me they were successful. That said it is an ugly ship compared to the Fury or the Phantom.
  12. you mean have them be like the old SWG resource finder droids? I'm cool with that
  13. I have tanked as a Jugg since Sept in Beta. I have been in raids/FPs with other tank classes and as a non tank with every type of tank. Jugg Tanks have the shortest range yes. PTs have the longest and sin tanks have decent range as well. But Jugg tanks have the ability to move around much easier and faster. We have 3 stuns: Choke, Back hand, and intimidating roar. More stuns then just about any class in game. Juggs are among the best for handling trash due to these stuns. We also have one of the best knockbacks in game, 2nd to the Merc/Commando 360 AOE knockback. When it comes to energy management we also have the easiest time. Oh no I'm low on resources..... time to do more attacks! As a Tanking Jugg I almost never run out of Rage. In a 6-10 min fight I may use enrage once maybe twice. As a tank we have the best debuffs as well. All three tanks can put a 5% acc debuff on a target but Juggs can do it more far more easily then any other tank and now we can put our other debuff! An armor break which stacks to 20%. Yes we are the only tank with out a pull, but we have the BEST distance closer, more stuns, best knockback, most debuffs, easiest energy management then any other tank. I have been in many groups where Healers much rather heal me then the other non jugg tank. I have many guildies that are healers and they much rather heal a Jugg then a PT/Sin. Juggs also are a hybrid tank. We get the best of both worlds. We get high shields and high Defensive chance. We do have the lowest health compared to the other two classes but so what? Health doesn't make a tank. I have out tanked people in full Rakata back when I was in Columi. Its all about skill.
  14. I use the Sith Blademaster for my Jugg it has that classic hissing sound you get when many Sith activate their sabers and has a evil look and hum to it. As for my Merc I use the D-200 Military Enforcer. The blaster sound isn't all that great but it is the same blaster the bounty hunter in the "Deceived" trailer used and it looks like a S&W Revolver.
  15. Guild Name: Minions of Darkness Faction: Empire Focus: Casual PvE and PvP Website: http://minionsofdarkness.com/ Have Guilds in many games such as EQ 1 and 2, STO, WoW and more. We are indeed recruiting.
  16. Korriban The birth place of the Sith. what else needs to be said?
  17. I am clearly aware of this. My point is why? Why would they do something that NO other MMO has ever done? Why not keep something as simple as patch notes up?
  18. So I guess my question is going to be ignored. I have never seen a MMO that would remove patch notes the night before. For example SOE would have the patch notes for SWG up for some time before the patch came out and they would still be up the night before the patch. Also they would post the patch notes before they took down the servers even the patch only fixes one thing. I will restate my question again: Why would BW not have the patch notes for ANY patch available the night of the patch?
  19. while I thank you for posting a link to a 3rd party site that has the patch notes, this still doesn't answer my question. Why would they pull the patch notes to a major patch the night before said patch is about to come out?
  20. So I have just spent the past several minutes looking for the 1.4 Patch Notes. I have checked the front page, general discussion and the PTS forums and have been unable to find them. So now my question is: what have you sneaked into the patch that you do not wish people to see. This is the only MMO I have ever played where we where not given patch notes before a patch. Look at our pass patches such as 1.3.8, 1.3.7 and e.t.c. Not a single patch note was posted BEFORE the servers where taken down for the patch. In the past they have left the big patches such as 1.1 and 1.2, so why the sudden change BW?
  21. At this point I'm starting to think not only do you have no understanding on your own game but how Vbulletin forums work. Any 11 year old can figure out how to set up a forum. Get it together BW.
  22. Not going to let this die. We have been asking for Server forums since day 1. We have less then 30 servers across the US Europe and Asia-Pacific. You keep saying your going to add them after the server merg yet its months after the fact and we have yet to get any server forums. It would take less then 1 hour to create server forums. In fact your current way of organizing "servers forums" has more sub forums then we would have if we had individual server forums for the servers that are currently not locked. These locked servers are basically a big waste of space seeing the the population can only get smaller on said servers. I can not think of 1 MMO that has multiple servers that does not have individual server forums. This is a joke.
  23. Trandos won't be that hard to do. They already have the character models from random mobs on planets to the Trandos in Denova. As for voice overs you can have them speak Dosh. They already have the voice overs for Dosh from current convos with Trandos. Plus that was atleast on the top 10 species list unlike cathars.
  24. If you head to Hutta you can see a Wookiee and a gold plated protocol droid playing a game of Dejarik and the droid's arms are on the table and the Wookiee is sitting there grinning. And of course the smuggler and the Rodian talking in the back corner of the room with similar names to Han and Greedo. Also if you head to the bridge of the Ziost Shadow at Imp Fleet you will see a fully armored Sith talking to a group of very similar bounty hunters.
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