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Everything posted by Silko

  1. I do agree that there needs to be corrections done to the engine but high res textures are not as important as necessary guild functions and giving a customizable U.I. While we are on the subject of priorities Textures are pretty low in comparison to the following: Ability Delay Game causing high end computers to try and go boom non customizable UI Guild Functions (No this guild function we have right now is not a true guild function its a chat channel with permissions) PvP yes you can't have your precious high end graphics, however if the following things I have listed are not corrected then your high end graphics will be short lived when the game ends in 6 months to a year
  2. Attention all Imperial Forces on the Sith Wyrm server, Stay off of Belsavis! It would seem that Belsavis has crashed. If you have any toons on Belsavis you can't log into them. Do not fly to Belsavis. Now if your Republic scum you are more then welcome to fly into the black hole that was Belsavis!
  3. I do not understand why people are making the argument that both A) we don't need server forums or B) this is enough. Yes this is a positive step in the right direction. However it is not enough. Several games have or have had server forums (examples: WoW and SWG). Bioware wants us to put the server name next to our post. To me that is a very lazy way of correcting an issue. Also say Server A is hosting an event. Why would people in Server B be interested in what Server A is trying to do? What this also tells me that Bioware is willing to do half assed stuff instead of correcting the issue out right. Setting that precedent that we can get away with just about anything we want and people who have no idea what they are talking about will just eat it up. A game that just came out and is competing with other games like WoW can not afford to make these mistakes.
  4. Silko from Minions of Darkness reporting in. Rest in peace Interpid! MoD can be found on Sith Wyrm!
  5. Out here in Cali Last night Spike had a Star Wars Marathon so SWTOR commercials where all over the place
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