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Everything posted by Xsorus

  1. You're aware that people did the whole stand around and do nothing for years before the store came out....Or if they really wanted to get it done, they clicked on their DP wallet and got rid of it....Ya know.. the thing you earn in the game automatically since the beginning and can be used to remove Death Penalties... I don't think i've ever seen anyone actually spend any cash on removing DP in Turbine in all the time i've raided in that game.... It's simply not worth the money. Also.. Two words: Hope Tokens. Either buy some from the AH or level a jeweller and make them. Hope tokens can be taken before fighting which will give you a nice morale buff, or they can be popped after defeat so they remove dread.
  2. http://lotro.mmorsel.com/p/tpfinder.html
  3. You get free points every month as a subscriber in LOTRO, and realistically, you're not going to be changing your weapons often once ya get the Legendary ya want..Chances are you'll be changing maybe 1 or 2 of the stats on your actual Legendary if ya want to "min" max" but that'll be a one time thing for a very long long time.. The only time your Legendary becomes outdated End game is when they release a new Expansion pack with level increase.
  4. I did, and I have almost 6000 points sitting in my Turbine Store right now waiting for the expansion. If anything the 10+ stat things have lost value since stat inflation and the fact that classes usually have one primary stat now that's better then all the rest...
  5. A. The Crafting Recipes available for me at level 75 on my Metal smith in the store are all the ones that have dropped for me while playing..... B. Death Penalty, aka Dread has been in the game since release...You usually just wait it out (though I think there was items you can use to remove dread..I had a couple at some point) ...Now you can if ya want purchase an item to remove Dread if ya really want to..But you could do that with Destiny Points as well.. since the release of the game..Personally I just let my death penalty run out when i do die.. It's only like 3 minutes or something silly like that.. C. There is absolutely nothing needed in the store that you can't earn in the game easily if you have a subscription..Yea if you're a F2P guy.. you will have to grind.. but for subscribers...nothing in there but convenience crap and outfits.
  6. Considering I have almost 6000 Turbine points sitting on my account right now, I'm going to go with no.. Only thing I can remotely buy in the turbine store that would be useful for me is maybe the creep stuff.
  7. I want to clear something up for people here.. SWTOR is adopting the same model as LOTRO and possibly EQ2 (I'm not sure how theirs work, I've seen their Vanguard model and if EQ2 is like that then rofl.. it blows...) LOTRO model is not pay to win..You can basically earn everything in LOTRO by playing the game, granted it's grindy to do it.. you can still do it...Having a subscription just gives you everything for free.. and paying for turbine points if you're a f2p guy just removes some of the grinding.. If you want to see an actual PAY to WIN game.. http://allods.gpotato.com/ This game had an actual death penalty that you had to pay to remove.. They had to remove that because it made so many people mad they didn't play the f2p game.. However, You can buy so much stat upgrades in Allods on the shop, that you're basically God in that game compared to people who don't pay cash....
  8. Depends on how you define pay to win.. You seem to define pay to win as "You pay a subscription fee, therefor you get stuff for free" or "You're playing the f2p version and have to buy bag space and other things, therefor pay to win" I don't define pay to win as that.. You want to see an actual pay to win MMO.. http://allods.gpotato.com/ That's an actual pay to win MMO, You actually had to pay to remove a Death Penalty in that game..(which I believe they eventually removed because it all but killed their market)
  9. You'd have a point if ya didn't have a subscription option as well... Chances are, people who are going to choose the f2p side, aren't current subscribers.... Also new content is basically required for F2P games.....LOTRO/DDO/COH/STO/Champions all make their primary cash from content.
  10. You can earn everything in the creep side just by playing.. or you can just buy it with your points.. I spent like 2000 Points on a spider guy I never played (that I got for free since i'm a lifer) LOTRO is basically my go between on MMO's, once i'm done with whatever MMO i'm playing and i'm waiting for the next MMO, I just play LOTRO.. Right now i'm sitting at almost 6000 Turbine Points.. that i've not spent a dime on...
  11. By the way F2P games work like LOTRO, you're pretty much required to push content out as fast as possible because that is where you make your money. LOTRO went from barely releasing expansion packs to releasing them once per year now... That's not counting the content in between.
  12. LOTRO isn't pay to win. If you're a free player, you can bloody grind out most of the stuff in the game. http://lotro.mmorsel.com/2010/08/how-to-earn-turbine-points.html Course I get all that crap for free, since i'm a lifer. I also get offers for my account as well since they no longer sell those Life timer accounts... Had a friend offer me $400 for mine.. which is double what I paid for it.
  13. Did you just call LOTRO, one of the highest subscriber based MMO's in North America a failure? LOTRO also released 2 Expansion Packs before it went f2p... So yea... And it's now on it's 4 expansion coming out..
  14. This, the bloody Ce was $150.. and people are complaining that the version that cost $10 then the standard version doesn't get free points? PS, I have the DE version.. quit whining...
  15. A. a Subscription gives you free Cartel Cash to spend on "Better" gear (aka cosmetic gear, cause that's all that will appear in this store) LOTRO does this, and it's exactly how it works.. I look at an item in the store, decide if I want it, and then spend my cash I get every money on it... B. You'll have access to the store just like them... Like I said, you get free cash every month to spend in the store. Now some people don't like this sort of thing, I'll use an example though.. I have a life time subscription to LOTRO that i bought long ago before it went f2p...Every month despite the fact i don't spend any money on subscription cost, I get 500 Turbine Points for free...I automatically get all new content in patches for free.....since my account is basically a subscription...But now since Turbine also releases Expansion packs in the store as well..I can spend my free cash on the expansion pack that comes out... Rohan expansion coming in September for example.. I'll get that for free just by wasting my turbine points on it.. So It just saved me an extra $40-50 dollars I would have to spend If I wanted it.
  16. LOTRO would like to have a word with ya.. DDO became such a massive success that LOTRO which had 150k subscribers at the time switched over to f2p and ended up with something along the lines of a 1000%+ profit increase.
  17. .... SWTOR is experiencing the same down trend of every other MMO since WoW was released.. They're trying to make up for it by going F2P...Most other games who don't do that just close down completely. As for Advertising/Great Items you need real money for...Have you actually played any f2p games that have been made standard for the market over here? LOTRO for example, probably the most successful one doesn't have either of those... ... We'll completely ignore your previous posts also thinking that gold farming and botting is going to become more pronounced completely ignoring the fact that the sticker price has never stopped games from having gold farmers....Because you make more money from selling gold then the sticker price of the game..
  18. Huttball is good because it doesn't involve me sitting at a spot guarding something.. Which is every other Warzone in this game.
  19. If you want to see an example of what making Snares/Roots give immunity does to PVP, simply look at Rift, where this happened.....and instantly made the game only playable to beefy tank types who just kept rolling over the squishier toons who could no longer keep these guys off of them. It single handily broke Multiple Mage specs in that game... and to this day, Mages are gimp compared to Warriors/Rogues because they're the squishiest toon in the game with virtually zero escape options while Melee in that game have multiple gap closers.
  20. A. Its not going to be the whole team beating on you near the end zone, and if it is, and you're losing to this team, you're bad... now you might be saying "How does he know it's not the whole team beating on me" and it's really quite simple... Because that team you're fighting, they're going to have at last 2 Healers, and probably a tank, maybe even 2.... They're also going to have DPS, who realistically can't all be at the end zone beating on you, because someone has to cover the middle, cause if you don't control middle... you're screwed... Since it's 3 Snipers who have you dead tor rights in the end zone, We're going to assume the rest of the DPS are in fact in the middle.. Which leads to part B of this. B. Why don't you have help... You have 3 people and from what you're saying, the entire team of people beating on you in their End zone, Why don't you have help.. and by that..I mean people you can pass to or heal you... C. Who runs 3 Snipers in a Ranked Warzone.. and who the hell puts them in their End zone.. I mean..If we're assuming 2 Healers/1 Tank/3 Snipers, that leaves a grand total of 2 other DPS...Who most likely will be an Marauder/PT... you're not controlling Mid with those 2 classes, Those two classes are going to get crapped on by the opposing team who actually put their Snipers in Middle..
  21. To many people in this thread have zero clue how Resolve actually works.. Oh, and the guy who says he can be rooted till he is dead by 3 snipers... You realize that unless they're standing right next to you, the most you can be rooted to death for is 6 seconds right and that's by 3 Snipers... Its a 5 Second root if ya don't take damage, its a 2 second root if ya do..
  22. It's quite possible the guy assumed that Shields blocked guard damage based on the fact that it worked that way in Warhammer Online. Warhammer online tanks were vastly superior in every way possible to the tanks in this game.. You feared dealing with a Rank 80 or Rank 100 Blackguard in WAR....... I don't fear Tanks in this game..... tanks in this game are laughable at basically everything but running the ball
  23. Any high dps class that hits me first... Cause that's really how ya win as a Pyro.. Get on the target, and burn as fast as possible.. because there is no escape plan.
  24. You don't understand the concept behind those numbers, don't post about them.. For the record, there is not 390 PT players in top ranked teams..
  25. As someone who plays a Sniper and a PT, I was actually a PT first, it is my Main.. and I leveled up the Sniper as my second character, who I now play more then my PT because its more fun and there is less of them... Let me talk about some of the changes you want to do. 1. Marksmanship Ambush would be absolutely Overpowered beyond all scales in this game if it had Railshots Armor Pen... You might be thinking "well why does railshot get to have that armor pen" because Railshot bloody delves for almost 2k less then my Ambush does.. My Railshots...do less damage then my Ambush shots do.. by over a 1k damage.. If I had 90% armor pen on Ambush, and it was instant cast.. you'd basically be giving me an instant cast 6k-7k nuke..Series of Shots is perfectly fine for Marksmanship line, and honestly, If anything it causes me to run low on Energy vs Sniper/FT and Ambush/FT..... Nothing needs to be changed with this line, it is fine now... 2. PP is fine at 18 seconds, It does most of its damage in the first couple seconds, and its not really for damage but instead for either applying that Stun or Area Deny... EP and Cluster Bombs, again.. nothing is wrong with this ability, Infact it with Series of Shots is an extreme amount of burst as you're basically applying a TD that does more damage and gives me all the energy back for the ability. Only change with this ability i'd like is it to be the same cooldown as SoS... but hey.. it's not that big of a deal.. IP is a high damage snare dot that has its cooldown reset when the target dies, It's fine... PP moving would be a nerf... Overload Shot change isn't needed, you want something to do..Throw Grenades.. 3. lethality is fine on the Sniper, only change i'd like to see is our old Animation on Cull, as the new one is completely terrible and makes me not want to play the spec. In closing, your suggestions on Sniper are silly, they either make the class overpowered, or they break and destroy other specs.. So my suggestion is to not post about Snipers anymore if you've not actually played one and have zero clue how they work.
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