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Everything posted by Lurkz

  1. Maybe we want things like to be able to glance at a forum and tell which thread has new posts easily? Or maybe people have bad vision and have trouble distinguishing between two very similar colors. Most people with complaints aren't saying "OMG this is terrible!" they're just pointing out that there are some things that the new design made more difficult compared to the old one.
  2. There aren't quests to go defeat the world bosses, no. They're an optional boss to kill and many of them drop nice loot as well as being the only (or one of the only) ways to get some rarer patterns and items. But yes, you will need a group to do so.
  3. I like the overall look but the default font's a bit large and it's very hard to tell the difference between a thread with new posts and one without. Otherwise it's pretty sleek looking. ETA Also, the quote boxes kinda blend into the main post, especially if that post happens to be on a grey section versus a black one.
  4. This. It's very hard to tell which threads have new posts compared to which ones don't.
  5. Inject yourself with the vaccine or just blow up. It's a world event, nothing about it is "beta", deal with it.
  6. That poll is pretty much irrelevant, fyi. BW has confirmed SGRAs are coming this year and that they have already determined which companions will be available. They've also stated that discussion of a toggle is considered discriminatory which likely nixes any sort of "way to turn off SGRAs". You don't have to "go threw SGRA" if you don't want to, just don't flirt with someone of the same gender. It's just like any other BW game. Edit because I apparently forgot the difference between of and off
  7. I think, at least for me, it's a setting type thing. In ME you are the only Commander Shepard in your game. Sure, other people also play Commander Shepard but still, it will always be Commander Shepard, s/he will always be human, and there's only one in that given universe. In TOR, all the characters are actually considered (at least somewhat) to be inhabiting the same world. So reading about someone else's smuggler, or sith, or what have you feels more like reading about a side character than just an AU of the main character, if that makes sense. Also, there's a lot less to unify two characters of the same class than in ME. You may be reading about a JK sure, but that JK may not only be a different gender than yours but has a totally different name and very possibly species, it can make it harder to relate to. Not saying fic about people's characters is bad (and I hope I didn't inadvertently imply this 'cause I don't think so at all) just that it can be harder for people to relate to than, say, reading about a different Shep since that feels more AU versus "same universe but other character that I don't even know." Also, this. It's more fun to have it in the game than have to make it up (though, that doesn't stop me from working on a femShep/Ash fic since BW decided to only make one of the VSes bisexual in 3... sigh).
  8. It's just a bug. Fly somewhere else or do a space mission then try again. And report the bug.
  9. No. Right click is hardbound to the first slot on the main bar.
  10. Is it a wireless mouse? If so it's very possible a connection thing. If not a wireless mouse, have you actually had your mouse since '06? Because the buttons may very well just not be very sensitive anymore thus making it not register you're holding down the buttons.
  11. WTH does Kiera Knightley's voice have to do with it? She's not even in these movies.
  12. Except that even a dark Jedi may not actually want to serve or further the Empire. Just because they are willing to follow paths light Jedi may consider wrong in order to achieve their goals does not mean their goals are automatically at odds with the Republic's goals.
  13. Yeah, but unless you're writing about NPCs only, not many people are going to read it since no one but you really has a vested interest in your own characters and companions. It's possible there's quite a bit more written then actually posted.
  14. When you turn on the interface editor frames appear for every part of the interface. They are highlighted in green, blue, and red. CLICK the one that says "Target of target", it will be red. THEN in the main box you will be able to select "enable" in the component box.
  15. There's a holonet terminal on the fleet on the ring around the cantina. This will give you the quest to go to the black hole area. Alternatively, you can just fly to Corellia and not far outside the spaceport is a shuttle that will take you there.
  16. In the UI editor, when you have that frame selected there's an option called "Display text" or something along those lines; enable it.
  17. Except that, you know, it's SET in the Star Wars Universe not the ME Universe... and bears little resemblance to ME beyond the voice acted and conversation wheel things. Oh wait, and you have companions. Yep, totally makes it the World of Mass Effect... not. And just because YOU think it's horrid doesn't mean everyone agrees nor that they should stop calling it Star Wars.
  18. The devs have already confirmed that SGRAs are coming out this year. It's not that they don't care or don't want to implement them. They flat out said they were trying to get them in for launch and couldn't due to time and budget constraints. Also, as has been pointed out several time, SGRAs should not take priority over basic improvements like said UI editor. The devs are working on SGRAs, they are coming, and things like that UI editor make the game a lot easier for a lot of people. You can't expect them to stop working on all the other things that need improving in the game just to get SGRAs out tomorrow. I, for one, am glad they added the UI features, it makes my overall gameplay experience much better and will make me that much more likely to continue playing the game long enough to see SGRAs being added later this year.
  19. Yeah, no. Sorry, they've already been confirmed for this year. Also, the people working on bugs and such to "fix" the game (whatever THAT means, totally subjective) are not the people working on the new story content. Besides, technically this -does- benefit everyone as everyone has companions. Now whether they choose to take advantage of that is a different animal and not one that's really relevant to this conversation.
  20. It's... a moment where you and your companion do something particularly heroic. And because you're such a hero, you get bonuses during that moment.
  21. Haha. I am definitely holding out for my female JK/Kira relationship!
  22. I, for one, am very excited about the upcoming Ship Droids game. If the droids can hook up with other droids, that's pretty much SGRA right? Maybe this is their way of easing the fan base into the concept slowly. Yes, I am aware that the Ship Droids is a joke
  23. Actually, there is at least one class that gets two females: the smuggler. And both of them are available as male romance options. Not that that will necessarily affect whether they are available for SGRAs but there it is.
  24. You have likely either accidentally un-equipped your blaster or moved your basic ability away from the 1 slot on your bar. Open your character sheet, "C", and ensure your blaster pistol is still equipped. Then, open your abilities panel, "P", and drag your basic shot, "Rapid Shots", into the #1 slot on your action bar. Then, click the little lock button on the left hand side of your action bar to keep from accidentally dragging the ability off in the future. When you learn new abilities, temporarily unlock the bar, rearrange as necessary, then lock it.
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