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Everything posted by Sandriell

  1. Between my characters I have a combined level of 165. I also do many more things in game then just leveling. I bet my /played time is just as high or higher as anyone with a level 50.
  2. You analogy doesn't work because we all pay the exact same amount.
  3. Well at least I know now that Bioware doesn't value my business. My sub renews in 7 days. I was going to bump up to the 6 month plan, but after this slap in the face, I think i'll drop down to the 0 month plan. 6 characters, combine level of 165. Played in the beta, started playing live during early access, and have never once considered quitting despite all the bugs and issues. But I am now, unless this is made right- not that Bioware will care, seeing as I'm not valued anyway.
  4. You incorrectly assume people only play one character. I have a 43, 36, 28, 23, 22 and a 13. I am level 165. You also incorrectly assume all playtime is devoted to leveling. I also enjoy crafting, which requires gathering supplies, sometimes on long ago finished planets. I enjoy socializing with my guild. I enjoy roleplaying. etc. etc.
  5. I wouldn't complain if it was just an ingame item.. or some other pixelated bauble, but they are essentially giving away cash. A $14.99 credit. That's something tangible. That's money in my pocket. And then to also tell me I am not a valued customer, even though I pay the same subscription as everyone else, and have been here since the beginning, while others have probably been here less than me but just because they powergamed to the end they are some how more valuable. Sorry, but that's just wrong. I've dealt with the bugs, the issues, the failures and not once did I ever consider quitting. Being told I don't matter, that I am not valued, yeah, I am seriously considering it now.
  6. Except for the first time I'm considering quitting now. Seeing as my business isn't valued anyway.
  7. Bioware encourages people to play alts (This game is all about alts).. encourages people to take their time and enjoy the story. Then says only people who rushed to the end are "loyal". Sorry, but epic fail Bioware.
  8. Wow. What a huge slap in the face to all the people who don't rush through and actually take the time to fully enjoy the game My highest (out of 6 characters) is only level 43. I have played very nearly everyday since early access. How does level even being to translate to dedication?
  9. Wow. what a huge slap in the face to all the people who don't rush through and actually take the time to fully enjoy the game My highest is only level 43. I play very nearly everyday. How does level even being to translate to dedication?
  10. I only recall them being mentioned at the Guild Summit, and that was just to say that they were coming back. Never said when.
  11. Read the dev tracker. already posted about.
  12. I don't remember chat bubbles ever being a part of 1.2 to begin with.
  13. You should totally quit! That'll show 'em!
  14. So you are mad at Bioware for not implementing the feature you made up in your head?
  15. Its not meant to be human readable. Its designed to be run through a parser and translated into statistics. You get a lot more information this way.
  16. I vaguely remember the devs saying they were looking into allowing Companions to be added, but I really don't remember for sure. :/
  17. Uh, what? Skill tree is free. Nothing on it costs credits, just points. And you got those all back.
  18. You should add the resolution the UI was designed for. Would help immensely.
  19. Really? When did they ever even say or even hint that transfers would come before 1.2? 1.2 for a long time was rumored to be released in March while transfers have always been "Late April". That right there should have told you 1.2 was coming first. Even when 1.2 got pushed back it was only till "Early April", while transfers remained "Late April"- again, pretty clear. And to top it off, not to long ago someone from Bioware even said, flat out, that transfers would be shortly after 1.2. No I don't have a link, you can find it yourself. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at yourself for your poor reading comprehension skills.
  20. Discrimination? Really? A bug does not equal discrimination. They don't hate you, it's not on purpose. Report it, move on.
  21. The Guild Summit. Beyond that, sorry, but i'm not going to track down all the dev posts about it for you. The information you want is already out there. Put in a little effort and you can find it.
  22. The answer to that is self explanatory... but I'll go ahead and spell it out for you. 1.2 - Currently aimed for EARLY April. Oceanic Transfers - Currently aimed for LATE April. General Transfers - Sometime after LATE April.
  23. They already answered it, a long time ago. They said they are shooting for late April transfers on to the Oceanic servers and the general servers sometime after that. If they spent their time answering every ignorant poster they would never have time for anything else. The information you want is already out there. Put in a little effort and you can find it.
  24. You really want a Forum Moderator commenting on IT practices?
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