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Everything posted by Sandriell

  1. I'm confused. First, you complained about SWTOR being a "grindfest", but then you went on to say how grinding in SWG was your favorite thing to do. Does not compute. Oh, and no, not bored at all.
  2. Is it so hard to comprehend that different features are important to different people? Anyway.. Bioware has said that they plan on making more chairs functional, including those found in the world, not just on your ship.
  3. Uh, its 8am (or 5am, depending on what coast you are on)- of course they are light right now.
  4. "I demand you patch the game immediately!" "I demand you stop interrupting my play time with these patches!" Make up your mind. ... or the other stupid argument ... "How dare you patch during my playtime!" "I demand you inconvenience someone else, cause i'm special!" They have said countless times they patch during the least active period, you're not special.
  5. Upload the image somewhere (like imageshack.us) then link to it. [ URL ]http://link.here.com[/ URL ]
  6. They have said that this is something they are looking into.
  7. All those Light servers you see were just added today.
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