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Everything posted by Sandriell

  1. Really? This is the worst bug you have ever seen? Hyperbole much? Oh, sorry.. Hyperbole- it means to overly exaggerate to the point of ridiculous.
  2. Switching to Oceanic servers is targeted for late April. Switching for all servers sometime after that.
  3. I didn't say I was raging. I agree with you. If people quit over this, good riddance. It's a minor bug that's existed for a whole three hours or so.
  4. There is a bug causing Fleet to be overly instanced. Like 5 people per instance. People are, of course, raging like crazy about it.
  5. 1.7 million in January.... 1.7 million in March. I admit I'm not good with math.. but....
  6. That would be pretty neat. And they could have like cool little news clips that tell you what's happening on the planet, even if it's just little IC fluff stuff.
  7. Clearly the only rational response is to rage and quit. You should totally do it. That'll show 'em!
  8. The rule is also there for a very good reason. It is to prevent the Chinese gold farmers/sellers.
  9. What does the moderator team have to do with the dev team? Really doubt the mods know much- you do not want them commenting.
  10. From what I've been reading it seems the republic fleet is not affected by the bug.
  11. Usually the devs try to figure out whats going on themselves before they respond. It'll take some time. Patience Padawan.
  12. Rage much? It's obviously a bug that's been in the game for a whole two hours. Calm down.
  13. And it's amazing how fast the haters assume everything is a conspiracy and all bugs are intentional.
  14. At the guild summit they said originally your companion used to ride with you. This is why the larger taxis have two seats. However once they started introducing non-human companions it became unrealistic to do so the feature was pulled.
  15. Spreading email? You keep using that word, I do not think that means what you think it means. I think the word you are looking for is "persistent". And there is a really good reason there is no persistent email, it would be used for storage.
  16. Making them clickable is what would really ruin immersion. These NPCs scale based on your PC performance. My PC is awesome, yours sucks. I start interacting with a clickable fluff NPC, you see me interacting with thin air. Your immersion, ruined it is.
  17. Well make up your mind then. First you say they should be "click-able" (which adds nothing to immersion), then you said they should be interactive. So again, how does simply being able to click on them add to immersion? Do you like, walk around in RL poking people? That's the best RL equivalent I can think of.
  18. What are you talking about? I read them like a week ago. Pfft, learn to use the site, newb!
  19. I guess you didn't really read that last one, did you?
  20. First of all, how does being able to click on them increase immersion? Secondly, there are lots of non-interactive npcs that move around. Not sure why you think they do not move.
  21. Better solution: Simply auto-dismount you when you talk to a vendor, use the bank or GTN, etc. This way you still have the speeders to get around quickly, but they are no longer piled up on top of the vendors, bank, etc.
  22. Redneck? You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. I would hardly call Benjamin Franklin a redneck.
  23. They said the Q&A was going to be skipped last week due to the summit.
  24. For my Twi'lek Sith Inquisitor, I chose "Hir'kan" It is Twi'lek and loosely translates to "beautifully corrupt".
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