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Everything posted by Ilhares

  1. Indeed, I am among those who use these talents almost religiously. (Yes, that's right, to subdue others who don't adhere to my philosophy). To see them removed sucks, they are quite handy.
  2. I've got a lot of alts, so on the one hand, I can understand people being annoyed we can't pile up our stacks of GHC to cash them in at once. At the same time, I'm also a relatively casual player and I've run into those jerks that try to be gear elitists (never mind solo-tanking Xeno twice on SM, thank you very much), so the inability to garner a reward for doing the work (on many characters) due to the GHC limitation is something of a kick in the rear. But.. meh. That's the way it goes, I guess. I'm a lot more annoyed by the min lev of 50 to use the weapons when they don't even have mods in them, as well as ML45 on the armor shells. They look kinda cool. I'd like to be able to craft up some goodies for my lower level alts to go run amok with. 'course, only after buying 5 sets of the armor do I find out my companions can't wear them, either. Would have made for an interesting crew unity style.
  3. I've attempted the DNS flush, it did nothing whatsoever for me, though the commands reported success.
  4. It's not an auction house. I know what you mean, but clarity is important. DDO uses an auction house, there are options to bid open-ended or go for a buyout if provided. What we have is precisely what it's called - it's a market. There is a price, there is no haggling. You buy it or you don't. What would be nice was if they took a page from Eve Online and made their market work both ways, where people can sell, and also place purchase orders. Those who wish to sell goods to fill those orders would then be allocated to the best priced buy order available. They (The guys at BW/EA) haven't reinvented anything. They've poorly and partially implemented things that have been around for ages.
  5. That's a great idea, because *cyborg* is not a species. It's quite clearly just a human with implants. For a great period of time on the legacy panel if you clicked on a cyborg character it had even listed the species as human. How about having the guys revisit character creation and making the implants available to some of the other races? A Chiss has no great differences (facially) to the humans, they could have some implant options. Due to the nature of the implant appearances, I imagine they could work on most species, except perhaps the Miraluka (what few would be visible?) or Twi'lek/Sith (head structure).
  6. This is one feature that is, pure and simple, just more useless clutter on my screen. Get it the hell away from my Reverse Engineer button. Better yet, give me a toggle in Preferences to disable it, thus hiding it from my view. Honestly, if you can't manage your own inventory, you've got some serious problems. In the cargo bays, I suppose it might be useful to some (I am still not among them), but I just don't really see it. I do a lot of crafting, my bays are already sorted. Bay 1 is for returns from gathering skill 1, bay 2 is gathering skill 2, the rest of the bays are full of character specific gear, rare materials, and (on my main) all of the excess legacy gear tokens I've got, plus the excess BtL armors and weapons. It's already sorted, and I'd waver they don't have anyone on staff thinking about a filter to organize it like I do.
  7. Point 1: Though I haven't noticed any way to determine rare from 'ultra' rare, the color of the cartel symbol on the item is a reference to its rarity. They'd do well to change it from gold/silver/copper to something a little more distinctive, as their copper(or bronze, whatever!) and gold are a little close to each other on the palette. Point 2: Yeah, that's long overdue. Banners are fluff items that really service no purpose. They aren't even useful in the sense that the ball toss is, casual stupid fun. Yay. It's a rotating sign. So? This isn't something that should eat up a slot in a pack that costs real money. Nor should the vast majority of crafting materials that get tossed in there. Lorrdian gemstones? I get those on *every* treasure hunthing gemstone return. That's not rare, nor useful in most cases. If all the crafting mats from packs were *actual* rare mats (purple bordered, or tier 7+ materials), then we might be talking.
  8. Slightly disappointed that there wasn't another wave of weapon models in this one (cartel pack), but that's okay, I realize stuff needs to be spread out a little. The inclusion of the Imperial uniform, though, means at some point I'm going to be spending far too many coins, and so will the roommate. It'll be rather nice to have a loyalist Imp with the entire crew in matching uniforms. Side query: Any chance you guys could remove the blockage on vendoring cartel items? All the excess semi-worthless items aren't selling on the GTN and they're of no use other than eating up space, may as well let us get the handful of scrip a vendor will give in exchange.
  9. I don't normally think too much of fashion, only working on a look for two or three characters out lf all of them I've got, but I'm afraid I have to side with the masses. While the outfits may not have reflected their graphic image as closely, but they very much were previewable, and you got what you saw in the window, and the outfits looked like their icons, so it's not like anybody had missed the boat here. This was not a fix. A fix is making the Voss Mystic robes white again after they bunged it up and turned them blue. These outfits (Spymaster/Phantom) were introduced looking as they had, and people were cool with it. We bought those outfits based exactly on what we saw in the preview windows, and we liked it. My Warrior went from looking fairly slick in his two-toned pants and shirt (phantom chest piece) with his hair flying and the nice cuffs. It was a good overall look. Now he looks like a ******* with padded automotive lights on his chest and shoulders, the hair is removed, and I can only occasionally see his face. Unacceptable alteration. It should be reverted to what had originally been introduced, and they can add a secondary pack to the store for each outfit as "Revision 2" under the outfit name.
  10. I was on the PTS as well, and these items were never popping out of the cartel packs as your post suggests. There were white crystals, I heard someone say they'd gotten a cyan, but by and large it was pink-purple. None of those other rare color combos were coming out. You want to discuss something that's missing? The elegant outfit. We get the cap, the top, and the bottom, but since the game went live I have not seen a single instance of the foot slot item.
  11. It's even more awesome when people pop them in mixed-population planets. I got quite the giggle out of killing the Malgus holo with my smuggler. The person who had it told me he wasn't allowed to practice because "The instructor is dead."
  12. I don't think it's changed, you just tended to not notice because the percentage you paid up front to list the items offset the sale percentage loss. That left a lot of people with the impression of 'profit' when they got their money back, because the listing fee and sale price, minus commission, still exceeded sale cost.
  13. I'm not sure I understand entirely here, but if you mean same-class story phases, you've had the ability to enter those since before launch, you just have to enable it in your preferences.
  14. Man, all I did was suggest giving Bowdaar the Gamorrean Axe as an overdose of awesome, and BAM, server down. Apparently they have to prevent this from happening.
  15. From what I read of the dev chatter on it, existing characters will not become unavailable/locked out if you segue down from subscriber status, but your limit of active characters will (2 characters max). Any legacy unlocks you've got will also remain in effect, if you've gotten any of those.
  16. I put in a bug report ticket on this very item last night. The adaptive speeders (appear to) work, but yeah, you can't equip any normal tier 3 speeders currently.
  17. When I was playing BP it was strictly space mission stuff, though you had to dock here and there to do changes to your ship. Upgrades and the like. I thought their engine was a lot better for the rendered characters (damn, I miss CG in that game), but overall I found it fairly fun, a nice casual space thing. It just wasn't enough by itself to keep me interested.
  18. If it hasn't been covered already, I'm all in favor of the Voss Mystic style. It's white on the Voss, but the Revanites have their own brown ones. How about a nice black w/gray trim version, or black and red? Something bold and contrasting. Addendum: Thana Vesh / Vokk have some pretty slick looking outfits as well. I don't much care for the hood being up, but everyone's different there. I just like the raw appeal of it. Black is a slimming color, you know.
  19. You've got my vote. I only have 2 characters left that own the thing, but I love that smoking beast, it's perfect for my smuggler.
  20. Incorrect. None of these sets include belts or bracers. They are 5 piece sets. Head, Torso, Hands, Legs, Feet..
  21. While it isn't hearts and flowers,
  22. I'm liking the Freebie list now, the features and how they plan to address them. Some good, some bad, but the fact they list F2P as being able to purchase crew skills via coins, it gives me a vague hope that they'll use this to pave the way for subs to add a 4th skill. I'd love to double up on some crafting if possible. Scav/UT? There's two skills that work with that perfectly. Or, heck, adding Scav to my 'weaver so I can pick up those odd metals that I never should have needed to make some of the gear in the first place. I don't like space (as it's presently implemented), wouldn't miss that. Don't care for warzones, wouldn't miss that. Almost never run FPs or Ops, wouldn't miss those (much). On the other hand, I always wind up expanding my inventory and cargo, so that's enough to keep me subbed for a good bit of time.
  23. C2-N2 and 2V-R8 can be equipped with items that do give them these stats. I also have a +5 cybertech crit on one of mine.
  24. I had a crit-fest just last night. 7 out of 10 items with crit success (weaving), I was amazed.
  25. I think that's a great idea, but was wondering if they might take it one step further. I don't know about everyone else, but when I start up a few crafter alt I like to hit the GTN and peruse schematics - how about giving the schematics an actual item level, at least for listing purposes? I'd like to know if certain items are level 50 or level 11 without having to examine each one under microscope scrutiny. Being able to use the X to Y level range listing would then also be handy in this particular category and make it a lot easier than weeding through 130+ pages of schematics looking for something new. It wouldn't hurt if schematics that produced orange gear were also highlighted as such, instead of sharing the same old generic blue of standard prototype goods. It should be doable, augments all start of green, the color of the item they produce as well.
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