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Everything posted by erdadi

  1. Tomb of Freedon Nadd. Not working almost all the day, ppl say they got credit during a couple of hours, but it is broken for 10 hours now...
  2. I know there are lots of threads talking about the same thing, but maybe if we repeat it infinite times the developers read us and give us an answer, an ETA, something... (maybe)
  3. Totally agree with the author. PVP design will ruin/has ruined this game and now there is no time to fix it. Unfortunately other games will replace this one in a very near future... Hope you BioWare learn from this.
  4. I won't answer you, cause you are so stupid that you think a Lightsaber has a few calories, but I will say this: I have never practiced killing trade casue it is lame.
  5. Anyone knows something new about this? Can't believe this is happening...
  6. Tried it and didn't work. I tried: Killing a republic in group. Killing a republic soloing. Going to PVE zone and return to PVP again repeating steps 1 and 2. Repeating steps 1, 2 and 3 in all the Ilum instances. And IT IS NOT WORKING. Amazing, when you think they cannot break this game more than it already is, you get surprised again.
  7. Not only the valor, but also the credit for the PvP quests! Don't worry, I'll quit if this does not get fixed, for sure.
  8. BioWare, why my valor farm is not producing valor any longer? Can you command your developer apes to stop breaking an already broken game? Thanks.
  9. We are not getting credit nor valor for the PvP Dayly/Weekly quests in Ilum, Tomb of Freedon Nadd server. Why my valor farm is not producing valor any longer?
  10. In Dark Age of Camelot the Realm Points farming (aka I kill you then ou kill me) was against the Code of Conduct (COC) and people practicing it was baned from the game. In SWTOR they cannot ban people for practicing valor farming because they would run out of subscribers.
  11. I have written the following lines in another thread but... My fix: > delete Ilum > Are you sure you want to delete this planet from SWTOR? (y/n) > y > Ilum deleted successfully > exit
  12. There is another way: > delete Ilum > Are you sure you want to delete this planet from SWTOR? (y/n) > y > Ilum deleted successfully > exit
  13. You need to read my rank 1-60 PvP guide: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=269566 Hope it helps you.
  14. Regarding the latest numbers reported by BioWare, only a 15% of the players have cancelled their subscription (300k of 2M). So there is no point on merging servers ATM. /sarcasm off
  15. Thanks all. Actually, there are some workarounds I should explain in situations like... I try to change to an Ilum instance, but it is red and the game does not allow me to port in. Just ask for group for that instance, when in the group, select one member from the party roster, right click and select "Teleport to instance". You will be teleported to that instance regardless you shouldn't as it has reached the imperial cap. But essentially that is all.
  16. You are failing in any step then.
  17. So, I was "having some fun in Ilum" and I thought that it could be interesting to post a guide in the forums to help all the players to reach lvl 60 of valor rank. And here it is: If you are Imperial: Go to Ilum Just when you arrive, look at the number of players of your instance (at the top-lef corner of the UI) If the number of players is lesser than 30, switch to a different Ilum instance until the number of players there is greater than 30. Once there, ask for an invite in the general chat, something like this: /1 invite Ilum<n>, where <n> is the instance you are ATM. Travel to the Republic base. Start the autoclick program you used the first 15 days of game (to avoid being disconnected) to periodically execute a buff or combat ability. You only need to be in combat to get the credit of all those players your team kills, so just spam a buff, aoe, heal... Meanwhile, go to watch TV, drink with your friends, go to cinema, whatever you want. Repeat from steps 1 to 7 until reach rank 60. If you are Republic: Quit the game. Come to the PvP forums and start complaining. Hope you find it useful.
  18. One month ago we were 40+ players in my guild. Today we are only 5 players. There is not any reason to keep on paying this game because the PvP has no sense at all. There is not any reason to go to Ilum, there is not any reason to kill players or get valor ranks. PvP is not amusing at all, and every body who have played Daoc or WAR can agree with me. This game will fail because of the PvP, believe me.
  19. Oh sorry, I didn't explain very well. What I wanted to say is that yesterday I wrote a post in the PvP forums asking BioWare to hire a new PvP lead designer to replace the current one and re-design the entire PvP of the game. Just after that I received a warning from the Customer Support team saying I wrote inappropiate content (believe me, I have never written an insult in this forums) Now, I could help them to address this exploit because fortunately I know the steps necessary to reproduce it, but I won't do it. They have to change the way they deal with the customers. They must learn to hear them and learn to better assimilate the criticism, just that. @BioWare Customer Support Team: Before you put me a new Warning I wanted to clarify I have not written (and won't write) any exploit in these forums. Well, actually I'm losing my time, you will put me another warning anyway, that's the way you proceed.
  20. erdadi

    serious Problem

    I don't ask for an easy mode to get Champion and Battlemaster gear. I only ask for removing the stupid random system they have ATM. Just give commendations and increase the cost of pieces. I.E: Give 1 battlemaster commendation per dayly pvp quest completed and then incrase the cost of each battlemaster gear piece to 6-8 commendations. Just that, it is not so difficult... But remove the desperating and lame random system please...
  21. I know how to reproduce it, but since the SWTOR guys put me a Warning in the forums for saying the truth (seems they don't like to hear it), I'm not going to report the steps to reproduce it.
  22. Our patience has a limit, and you are almost reaching it.
  23. In short, you have only selected those guilds which are plenty of fanboys who defend this game till the end. I suggest you one thing, take a look to the PvP forums and then consider re-designing the entire Open PvP of this game. You HAVE TO DO IT, but before GW2 gets on market or you will silk like the Titanic did.
  24. Totally disagree. Man, you have not played Daoc or even WAR, it is totally clear. What BioWare must do now is to take the Open PvP they have ATM, throw it to the trash, FIRE the current PvP lead designer, hire a new one (even a 16 years old teen will do it better) and re-design the Open World PvP. But they need to do it soon or this game will silk like the Titanic did.
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