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Everything posted by erdadi

  1. Tell me which things of the Open PvP you like the most please, maybe we are playing different games.
  2. I come from Dark Age of Camelot, from Warhammer Online (2 games designed and made by Mythic, the company that was supposed to design the PvP of SWTOR...) Saying that PvP on Ilum is not bad at all makes me think you come from Hello Kitty Online...
  3. A clear example of the open PvP... Actual PvP (RvR) and Objectives siege: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvzqmWCSy-s A bad joke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGI9ys-yxKM It is difficult to imagine that both PvP implementations were designed by the Mythic guys eh? Mythic has trolled you BioWare! They failed with WAR and they wanted to make SWTOR to fail too (at least in the PvP). The sad news is they have achieved their objective...
  4. I don't want a future, in that future there will be games with a PvP MUCH better than the PvP SWTOR will have. I wanted a good PvP now, because I have bought the game now and I play the game now. Ppl always say "the future" when maybe the world ends and we don't have future. And, if you have not played any other MMO, or if this is the first time you play PvP, then you may think SWTOR's PvP is fine. But if you have played any other PvP game then, I'm sorry, but you must understand SWTOR's PvP is horrible, SWTOR's PvP is like a baad joke, its like an insult to usual MMO players.
  5. And you get them by playing Warzones, not open PvP (Ilum)
  6. And the reason is... The PVE lead designer and PVP lead designer of this game are THE SAME PERSON! Just it. Gabe Amatangelo, who is the Principal Lead PvP, Operations & Flashpoints Designer. Serously, if you have had a person leading the PvP and a different one leading the PvE this would have been totally different. I mean, you could have had a nice PvP. With the PvP implementation this person designed you have a PvP where it has no sense to play. I don't go to Ilum to kill an enemy because I won't get anything from killing that person. It has no sense doing open PvP because: There is no reward. I expected to have some kind of Realm Points (nice Daoc times...) to change them for any kind of PvP gear such as medpacks, siege weapons, transport tickets, buffs, mounts, pets, and a large etc. that a good PvP designer could have thought in. The valor range is totally useless. The valor range could have had sense if you would earn points to spent in any kind of PvP abilities. Think on ignore pain, purge, passive stats augments, and a large etc that a good PvP designer could have thought in. There are not objectives to defent, and not, those ridiculous transport vehicles to destroy are not objectives. Think on vigilance towers, camps, forts, and a large etc that a good PvP designer could have thought in. The guilds in the PvP system this guy has thought have not sense. If there would be objectives, a guild could have claimed them with its guild banner and colours (OH WAIT, THERE ARE NOT GUILD EMBLEMS IN THIS GAME!!). Also, ther could be a guild ranking in PvP deaths or points, or something, something more than NOTHING! As there are not objectives to defend, there are not any to attak and siege it. Think of things that could have been implemented if there would be objectives: siege weapons such as lasers, rocket launchers, machine guns, shields, transport vehicles and a large etc that a good PvP designer could have thought in. Classes are totally unbalanced. One of the main objectives of Daoc and WAR was to balance the classes in the game to play a good PVP, they did it until the end. This game has the major unbalance between classes I have seen for years, and you don't do anything to solve it. There is only 1 PvP map (Ilum) but it can only host... 100 persons? per instance. It makes the open PvP player to lose every game persisting feeling, it is just like a warzone but a bit bigger... The map design is not very good, and the Ilum environment is very... ugly. Any Warhammer Online map could have been better than Ilum. GUYS THIS IS STAR WARS! You may have a moderatelly good PVE, but the PvP you have designed for this game is TOTALLY C R A P, the worst I have ever seen in any MMO, and I have played MMOs for 14 years. I could keep enumerating things that the PvP system of this game is missing, but that is not my work, I have paid to play the game and I have not found the things I was expecting to find in the PvP of SWTOR. Hopefully Guild Wars 2 will exceed all my expectations. Now, with your nice un-tested PvP patches you have a base of about 30% players that have reached the maximum Valor rank (60) by just doing what you have suggested to do with your patch. What are those players supposed to do now? (1 month after the game release, remember it) You must know that players in a MMO are like the lemmings, they just do what you allow them to do, not what you expect them to do, and you have failed (or you have not played Lemmings enough when you were young) I had very high expectations on this game because BioWare (one of the best RPG game designers) was designing a MMO RPG game and Mythic (the best PvP designer) was helping in the PvP part of the game. BioWare, I don't know you if you have already realized, but Mythic has TROLLED you TOTALLY. I don't have any other explanation for this epic fail in the PvP system of SWTOR, sorry. Finally, I wanted to suggest you: Allow Gabe Amatangelo keep on leading the Operations & Flashpoints Design, but remove him from the PvP and put a new person leading it. Any one who have played Daoc or WAR will be a nice designer. Thanks for reading.
  7. This is the problem. Leading of PVE and PVP at the same time has been the root of the worst PvP I have ever seen in a MMO.
  8. Nobody here will avoid me to give my opinion of the worst PvP I have ever seen as I paid to play it. You are not an exception, if you don't like my opinion just not read it.
  9. I won't start complaining about things that everybody but BioWare already knows. This is just a list of things that I can't believe they have not noticed before launching a game of more than 100 million dollars... BioWare, if you don't fix these items in less than 1 month, you will start loosing subscriptors quicker than a F1 car. 3 warzones... It is such a ridiculous number that I cannot understand what was your Warzones team working on while the game was being developed. Allowing the Medical probe usage when you are killed in PvP is totally undestandable. You don't obtain any kind of reward for killing ppl in PvP. In Daoc and WAR (2 games developed by Mythic) you were rewarded with points that you could change by new abilities and such things. I CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHY IN THIS GAME (where Mythic helped) YOU DON'T HAVE SOMETHING SIMILAR. Totally understandable. PvP bags with a random possibility to obtain a PvP gear item.. Random, random... RANDOM! ***? Who is the PvP team developer leader? Seriously. Have anyone of you, BiooWare guys, played Daoc or WAR? Do you know what a keep is and how funny taking a keep is? It seems not, obviously. Class balance... what is it? No, no, seriously, your beta test cycles were sooooo closed that you didn't have a chance to test the balance (please, tell me that because if you say you were able to balance the classes I WON'T BELIEVE YOU) You have failed in one of the most important things of the PvP, the class balance. But who cares, eh? The goal of this PvP is to obtain a PvP gear (which is obtained randomly in bags!!) There is not any fun killing people in open PvP at all. Warzones with ppl from lvl 11 to lvl 50... pathetic. I know you tried to balance the stats, but if you are lvl 30, and you see any enemy lvl 50 in the Warzone, better if you press the "Exit Warzone" button. Who had this brilliant idea? Seriously, who is your PvP team composed by? Did anyone of them try a real PvP game such as Daoc or WAR? Obviously the answer is NO. People will not wait a couple of months to see these things fixed (hopefully), because in 1 or 2 months all the players will be thinking on Guild Wars 2 (which its PvP seems to be 1000000000 times better than SWTOR's one) and your list of subscriptors will fall from 1 million to 500k. You will notice then that you failed, well, really you have already failed with PvP. This said, when I read that the first content that BioWare will release is just PVE content, I entered in enrage mode and cancelled my subscription. Congratulations for your PVE content, but if you would have released this game as a single player game instead of MMO, it would have been the same. And please, if there is anyone tempted to say "be patient" or "it will be fixed in -future patches-" keep it to you. I want to play now, to amuse now, not in 3 or 4 months. Thay had time and money (A LOT OF MONEY) to make a really cool PvP, and they made ****. Regards.
  10. Hello all, The other day, when I was waiting in the server queue, I made a little workflow explaining the procedure to play Start Waiting: The Old Republic. It is recommended for all of you to read this before playing the game. Here it is: http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/2737/proceduretoplayswtor.jpg Regards.
  11. EPIC FAIL A NEW WARZONE is MUCH MORE NECESSARY than a new flashpoint. You will notice it when you start losing casual subscriptors. Regards.
  12. What I cannot understand is why Bioware is not saying anythoing at all. What is worse than an unhappy client? I know the answer and it is an IGNORED client. Stop hidding behind your computer screens and come here to answer all your unhappy clients!
  13. Seriously Jeff, Have you tried to login to Tomb of Freedon Nadd? I recommend you to ty it. I think it is very easy to speak from ignorance, but if you really try to login you will notice the problem. One is not aware of the problem until you feel and suffer it in your bones. I am sure you are saving 5k-7k pop cap for tomorrow, but it is COMPLETLY USELESS to have a queue of 2k ppl now when you can increase cap in 2k and remove the queue, leaving 3k-5k pop cap for tomorrow. This is how a brillant mind would proceed, but hey, this is what we get when Bioware lets Failhammer Online staff to participate in this game.
  14. With all my respect, Even a monkey with half a brain knows that 5 hours and 52 minutes is not reasonable at all. Stop playing with us and increase the damn cap of Tomb of Freedoon Nadd right now. Thanks.
  15. It is funny to see how there is still people complaining about early game access. The situation is easy, we all paid the SAME amount of money for a game that is target to be released on December 20th. We ALL KNEW that the game release date was on DECEMBER 20th. Then, why the complains? Bioware decided to reward to those who preordered the game early with a bonus that consists on an early game access period. When I say bonus I mean something completely unexpected and additional. When I preordered the game for example I was not thinking on "hey, I may get a bonus if I pre-order thegame in July". I did it because I like Star Wars and Bioware games, thats all. If I received an early game access for that then it is welcome. You cannot complain on this because you didn't pay more money for the service. Early game access was NOT INCLUDED in the game prize, so stop crying about "hey we paid the same money and don't get the same service". We all will get the same service on December 20th. Meanwhile, this early game access is a bonus, thats all.
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